Q: How can I find a teacher in my area?
A: That question is answered in a full article right here
on my web site. Please see the Student Starters category of the
Advice/How-To Menu.
Q: What if I can't find a teacher in my area? How can I still
learn to dance?
A: That question is answered in a full article right here
on my web site. Please see the Student Starters category of the
Advice/How-To Menu.
Q: I really like a Middle Eastern song named ___. Can you
help me get a translation for it?
A: I'm sorry, but the only song translations I have available
to offer you are the ones that already appear on my Lyrics
menu. You see, I don't speak Arabic, Hebrew, Greek, Armenian,
or Turkish myself, so I have to depend on the willingness of
other people to share translations with me that their friends
have given them. If you don't see it listed as a choice on my
Lyrics menu, then look closely at the
links section of that menu--that leads to some other web sites
with translations. Also, carefully read the information about
the books I've suggested that offer translations--I've listed
the titles of the songs that each includes, and one of those
may offer the song you're looking for.
If you can't find the song you want on any of the web sites
I've linked to or in the books I've mentioned, then I'm afraid
I can't help you. My Lyrics menu lists all the resources that
I know about.
Q: I want to know what the Arabic/Turkish/Hebrew/Armenian/Greek
translation is for "xxx".
A: I'm sorry, but I'm afraid I can't help you. You see, I
don't speak any of those languages. Every song translation I
have on this site was given to me by someone else. Since I don't
know any of those languages, I can't help you get the translation
you'd like.