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Have you actually watched this video yourself? If so, offer your own opinion in the poll below! Otherwise, click the "View Results" button to see what worldwide users of think of it. The above poll includes responses submitted since October 28, 2002. |
Recommended Level | Total Novice |
Formats Available | NTSC, PAL |
Overall Rating | ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Production Quality | ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Content Value | ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Packaging | ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Total Video Length | 54 minutes |
Performance Time | 9 minutes (17%) |
Teaching Time | 41 minutes (76%) |
Amount Of "Other" | 4 minutes (7%) |
Choreography | No |
Cultural Information | Yes |
Music Education | No |
Health Issues | Yes |
Number Of Models | 6 |
List Price | $29.95 (Some vendors offer this video for a significantly lower price.) |
Cost Per Minute Of Teaching & Performing Time | 60 cents |
Cost For "Other" | $2.10 |
Atéa told me that when making this video, she sought to create something that would be sold to the same market as Jane Fonda's aerobic video and other exercise videos. The assumption was that the buyer would be someone who never had previous experience with belly dancing but wanted to try it, and the production quality needed to compete on a par with the slick, broadcast-quality videos that were already on the market for other exercise forms. Those objectives did a lot to shape the final product. The movements selected are very elementary, very basic, and will provide a pleasant introduction to belly dancing for a beginning student who either wants to start learning this art form through video or wants a non-impact workout. An intermediate or advanced belly dancer will find this video to be too elementary, as will even more experienced beginners. But for the total novice, it introduces a good basic vocabulary of movements and provides a good foundation for learning the dance. The video begins with a 4-minute overview of belly dancing. It talks about what it is, and provides a bit of history. Next it moves into doing warm-ups, and provides excellent advice about how to warm up properly. In addition to describing how to start warming up, it also provides some specific exercises that are appropriate to warming up for belly dance. This section lasts about 4 minutes. The next two sections are called "Staccato Hips." Staccato is a musical term, which refers to playing musical notes in a short, abrupt fashion with space between the notes. The sections on staccato hips in this video teach sharp, brisk movements that would be suitable for such music. The first of these sections does a nice job of teaching the correct stance to use for belly dancing. Together, these sections are about 12 minutes long. In the next section, Atéa covers "Taxim - Rolling Hips." Taxim is a term used in Arabic music to indicate an improvised solo. As a musical term, it can refer to any instrument, even a vigorous drum improvisation with snappy accents. But belly dancers usually use the term to refer to slow, sinuous music that would be suitable for undulations, and that is the interpretation intended for the title of this section. This section covers flowing hip movements. Continuing with slow, undulating moves, Atéa moves on to "Taxim - Rib Cage." It covers assorted rib cage movements suitable for soft and flowing musical taxims. From there, the video progresses to "Taxim - Arms & Head," adding some arm and head movements. Together, the three taxim sections fill about 17 minutes and capture the essence of what most people think of when they hear the term "belly dance". At this point, the video takes a break from instruction and presents a section where the various dancers take turns performing in costume, showing how the moves that were just taught look in a completed dance. The next section discusses "Veil". It doesn't exactly teach how to dance with a veil, but the narrative does provide a little information about recommended fabric and what size to use, and the demonstration provides a flavor of veil work looks like. Following this is the "Zils - Finger Cymbals" section. It starts with a one-minute performance, then moves on to the instructional section. Although it teaches only two rhythms (alternating and 3's), it's enough to provide a taste. There's no information, though, on how to decide which cymbals to buy and how to put the elastic on. If you're serious about learning finger cymbals, you'll need either a live instructor or a different video. The "Costuming" section doesn't tell how to make a costume. It's a demo showing a variety of costumes with a discussion about the components of them. Although a couple of folkloric costumes are shown, most of them are the beads-and-sequins nightclub style. This video was made in 1985 before the surge in popularity of American Tribal Style, so it doesn't address that costuming style. The video ends with another performance in which the various dancers take turns performing in costume. They demonstrate a nice variety of dance moves and costumes. Atéa achieved her goal of creating a broadcast-quality product. The set is beautifully decorated, and the dancers demonstrating the moves model a wide array of costumes. The lighting is excellent, making it easy to see the movements. The sound quality is very clear and easy to hear.
There is no floor work. Veil dancing is demonstrated, but not taught. The section on finger cymbals is very brief, and doesn't provide much information on how to play them. |
If you'd like to read my reviews of other videos by Atéa, choose from the list below: |
I have spoken on the telephone and exchanged e-mail with Atéa, but we have never met in person. We became acquainted when I posted on my web site some negative feedback I had heard from another person about her videos, and she contacted me to request an opportunity to let her tell me her side. Impressed with the professional manner in which she made her request, I agreed. She sent me a copy of her three videos for me to watch and evaluate for myself, and upon doing so I discovered that I liked this one very much. The other person's opinion lost all credibility with me, and any future opinions I may hear from that person will be suspect. My current relationship with Atéa is that I see her as a professional colleague whom I respect very much because of what she has accomplished in making high-quality belly dance instructional videos readily available to the mass market. |
To purchase this video from Amazon:
(If my DVD region information above differs from Amazon, trust me, not Amazon. Amazon doesn't offer a way for sellers to indicate that their DVD's support multiple regions, so they're forced to pick just one. I ask sellers which region codes they support, and if I have my own copy of the DVD I use software to to verify the region codes.) Or, contact Atéa as follows: Magical Motion Enterprises Phone (+1) (310) 301-0045 |
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