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To purchase this video from Amazon: (Amazon's claim that the DVD version is Region 1 is wrong. Amazon doesn't offer a way for sellers to indicate that their DVD's support multiple regions, so they're forced to pick just one. I have personally tested this DVD and found it to enable all regions.) Amazon no longer sells the gift set that came with veil and finger cymbals. However, if you're curious to read the reviews that were posted of it when it was released, click here. |
Have you actually watched this video yourself? If so, offer your own opinion in the poll below! Otherwise, click the "View Results" button to see what worldwide users of think of it. The above poll includes responses submitted since August 1, 2003. |
Recommended Level | Beginner with some prior experience |
Formats Available | NTSC |
Overall Rating | ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Production Quality | ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Content Value | ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Packaging | ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Total Video Length | 50:14 minutes on VHS tape 60:44 minutes on DVD edition |
Performance Time | 5:55 minutes (12%) on VHS tape 16:25 minutes (27%) on DVD edition |
Teaching Time | 40:58 minutes (82%) on VHS tape 40:58 minutes (67%) on DVD edition |
Amount Of "Other" | 3:21 minutes (7%) on VHS tape 3:21 minutes (6%) on DVD edition |
Choreography | Yes |
Cultural Information | No |
Music Education | No |
Health Issues | No |
Number Of Models | 2 |
List Price | $14.95 VHS tape $19.95 DVD |
Cost Per Minute Of Teaching & Performing Time | 32 cents for VHS tape 37 cents for DVD edition |
Cost For "Other" | $1.00 for VHS tape $1.18 for DVD edition |
This video was originally released under the title The Sensual Art of Bellydance - Mystic Dance. Later, it was renamed to Discover Bellydance - Mystic Dance. Identical twins Veena and Neena Bidashi teach a series of combinations built from elementary moves, then assemble those combinations together into a fluid two-minute choreographed dance which can be done either with or without a veil. This is the third in a series of three videos. The video opens with Veena and Neena in practice outfits performing the choreography that will be taught. The song is not identified on the video, but I think it may be by the band Solace - it has their moody, somewhat New Age style. It then progresses into the instruction section, which is divided into five parts: Warm Up, Arms, Lower Body, Steps & Turns, Veil, and Choreography. The warm-up is based on breathing and stretching exercises. Since current fitness thinking recommends at least five minutes of walking or other aerobic work before beginning to exercise, it seems a little surprising that this video doesn't mention that. In the instructional section for arms, the twins use names
that are not widely used among belly dancers, but this is fine
because the belly dance community doesn't have a standard naming
convention for moves and the twins' names make the choreography
easier to teach later in the video. Generally speaking, the twins assume that you already know the basic building blocks that were taught on the earlier videos in the Discover Bellydance series. So Mystic Dance quickly reviews these earlier moves without spending much time on them. The instruction section ends with the twins teaching a choreographed dance that uses the moves just taught. This is probably the weakest part of the video, because I find that the way the choreography is explained makes it difficult to memorize. The video simply shows each combination in order at a slow speed with voiceover describing what to do. It would have been helpful to have on-screen text listing the order of the combinations, and it would have been helpful to introduce just a couple of combinations at a time showing the dance being done up to that point. Following the instruction section, the twins perform the choreography that was just taught in full professional costume. The choreography matches very well to the music, and captures the flavor of Egyptian music and dance at a level suitable for beginning dancers. For the most part, the production quality is excellent. The set is attractive but not too distracting, and both the sound quality and lighting are well-executed. Generally speaking, the camera shows the appropriate body parts, but the camera work is mildly annoying because it moves constantly, never pausing to linger. This can be distracting when you're trying to study how a given move is being done, but it could be worse. Voiceover is used to describe what to do while the twins demonstrate. The words are well aligned with the action, so it's easy to follow along, but I find the emphasis on being "sensual" and "exotic" to become a bit tedious at times. While I acknowledge that many people appreciate the sensual view of belly dance, the voiceover focuses on that much more than I'd prefer. The demonstration of the choreography is the only performance on the VHS tape version of the video. The DVD version contains three bonus performances: one by Marina Marina Darowish, and two by Sohaila (not Suhaila Salimpour). All three performances also appear on another video by the same producer, Bellydance Divas.
If you'd like to read my reviews of other videos by Veena & Neena, choose from the list below:
This video provides a pleasant introduction to American-style veil work and the fluid moves of the figure 8 family that are suitable for soft, flowing music. It complements the two earlier Discover Bellydance videos well, since those focused on the sharp moves suitable for fast, energetic music. I enjoy the choreography it teaches, but I hesitate to recommend the video because it doesn't identify where you can get the music to practice and perform the choreography on your own. |
I've never met Veena and Neena. In fact, I hadn't even heard of them until their videos appeared on the market. I've received a couple of friendly e-mails from Veena, and she seems nice. Veena sent me a complimentary copy of this video to review for my web site. |
To purchase this video from Amazon: (Amazon's claim that the DVD version is Region 1 is wrong. Amazon doesn't offer a way for sellers to indicate that their DVD's support multiple regions, so they're forced to pick just one. I have personally tested this DVD and found it to enable all regions.) Amazon no longer sells the gift set that came with veil and finger cymbals. However, if you're curious to read the reviews that were posted of it when it was released, click here. Or, contact Veena and Neena as follows: 'Bellytwins' Phone: (+1) (310) 285 2255 |
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