PHOTO CREDIT: Above photo by John Rickman Photography, San Jose, California.
How to Do a Gig

Table of Contents

You've spent years studying the dance, you've performed extensively in non-pro community events to perfect your stage presence, you've stocked your closet with professional costumes, and you've assembled an assortment of music appropriate to professional performances. Here's how to bring it all together in doing a professional gig.
In a perfect world, your teacher would be the one coaching you on how to perform a professional gig. Your teacher should be the one helping you assess whether you are ready. If you have a good teacher, I encourage you to work with that person, and if you are given advice on things to polish before going pro, I encourage you to work through it.
However, I realize this is not a perfect world. I realize that some dancers don't have teachers to help them with this. Others have teachers who have never done pro gigs of their own, and therefore don't have the knowledge to help their students enter the world of gigging. This article is meant to help those who lack access to coaching from their teachers.
PHOTO CREDIT: Photo by Pixie Vision, Glendale, California. |

The Day of the Show
Leave your house at least 15 minutes earlier than you think is necessary
to get there on time. That gives you a buffer, just in case you
get lost, get caught in unexpected bad traffic, etc.
What to take with you:
- A companion who can provide you with moral support and assistance
in carrying your gear. Having an assistant will also serve as a deterrent to potentially troublesome audience members.
- The phone number of your contact person and the phone number of the site where the
party will be, so you can call if you get lost, are unavoidably
delayed, etc.
- A map that shows the location you are going to, plus the
directions you received from your client on how to get there. In today's world, many of us rely on GPS, but it can still be helpful to take along a map or directions. Sometimes GPS gives incorrect information.
- A cover-up to wear over your costume while driving to the gig,
and put on when you are done dancing.
- Boom box with AC adapter cord and spare batteries. You can
leave it in the car if the client said there would be a sound
system available at the site, but at least you'll have it "just
in case".
- Two copies of the CD with your music. I also take an MP3 player with a playlist containing my set. Sometimes things go wrong, and a backup can save the gig.
- Your business cards.
- Appropriate bills in case you need to make change. Many people
get cash from their ATM machines in $20 bills. For example, if
you charge $125 for a bellygram, take at least three $5 bills with
you in case all the client has on hand is seven $20 bills totalling
- Any props you plan to use: sword, finger cymbals, veil, cane,
- Any leave-behinds you use: greeting card for the guest of
honor (with your business card enclosed), helium balloons, etc.
- Hand mirror and spare makeup in case you need to freshen
up in the car.
- Extra safety pins.
Collect your fee when you arrive, before you dance. That way,
if something goes sour, such as the audience grabbing at you
and the host not intervening on your behalf, you can take the
money and run. These things rarely happen, but it's best to be
prepared. Many Americans are hesitant to ask for money. Don't
be — this is a business transaction. They are purchasing a service
from you, and you are entitled to ask for payment.
Insist on dancing at the agreed-upon time--or, at least no
later than 30 minutes after the agreed-upon time. Do not agree to sit around and wait until they are somehow "ready"
for you — they might leave you cooling your heels for an hour
or more if you docilely agree to wait around! And in the meantime,
they may be getting drunker and rowdier — that's not what
you want!
PHOTO CREDIT: Photo by Kaylyn Hoskins, Solon, Iowa. |

While You're Dancing
This is the fun part of the gig! After all, you're doing this because you love to dance! Now, have a wonderful
time, but don't forget that you are a paid professional and your reason for being there is to entertain them.
The client isn't paying you to enjoy personal gratification, express yourself, or create some sort of esoteric art — s/he is paying you for entertainment, and
you should put that ahead of whatever other sources of satisfaction
you seek from your dance.
Waking Up A Quiet Audience
Is the audience having trouble warming up to your show? Here
are some ways to create a party mood!
- Vocalize! Zaghareet. Yip. Shout Opa! Make eye contact with
audience members as you do so.
- In a particularly rhythmic section of the music, clap along with the beat and make eye contact with audience members to join you in clapping. However, don't overdo this — it could make you look desperate if you repeatedly do it. Once per performance can be fun, but more than once is usually too much.
- Recruit audience members to dance with you. If children are
present, they make wonderful dance partners because they're not
too inhibited yet, and they'll generate the kind of memorable
photos and video footage that will make your client feel s/he
has gotten a good value for the money.
- Once you get an audience member to dance with you, applaud
that person yourself and encourage everyone else to join you
in thanking him/her. Or, stand still with a bright smile on your
face and clap along with the music while that person dances.
You can start this while s/he is still dancing — that will probably
generate longer applause than what you would get if you wait
until s/he returns to the sidelines.
- Insert a few comedic moves into your show, and treat your
audience to mischievous smiles or even outright laughs as you
do them. Try to make everybody smile.
PHOTO CREDIT: Photo by John Rickman Photography, San Jose, California. |
Dealing With Hecklers
The good news is that this problem is rare. If you properly
screened the gig when you spoke with the client on the phone,
and if you insisted on dancing at the scheduled time (before
the audience gets too drunk), chances are everything will go
perfectly well. Most people are too courteous to interfere with
your show, and most audiences will apply peer pressure to the
occasional heckler to settle him down for you.
Usually, hecklers are attention-seeking, trying to be the "life
of the party" and get laughs from everyone else. Sometimes, but not always,
they have had too much alcohol to drink. Fortunately, they are
usually not too difficult to manage. Here are some possible approaches
you might take. Use whatever fits your personality best and seems
to best match the situation at the time.
If circumstances allow, as you deal with the heckler try to
project this attitude: "Your interruptions are not important,
and they're not going to get under my skin. I'm a professional,
and I'm having a lot of fun at what I'm doing, and your little
distractions aren't going to ruin it." In other words, it's
best to start by trying to use humor and good-natured teasing
to nudge the heckler into behaving properly.
Don't start acting
stern, or annoyed, or upset unless you've completely exhausted
your ability to tease the offender into cooperation. The heckler may be a friend or family member of the client, and the way you handle the situation may be talked about for years. If you can
keep a good-natured air about you as you cope with the heckler,
your audience will remember you as a real pro who kept her cool
and handled the issue gracefully. Isn't that a nice impression
to leave behind?
Remember that it is the host's responsibility to take care
of hecklers for you. If the host doesn't do that, then you are perfectly within
your rights to end the show and leave without refunding any portion
of the fee. Fortunately, it rarely comes to that. But always
be prepared to do it.
PHOTO CREDIT: Photo by John Rickman Photography, San Jose, California. |
If The Heckler Is Shouting Rude Comments From The Sidelines
- The first two times he does it, ignore him. It's possible
other audience members will silence him for you.
- Make the heckler dance with you. Tie your veil around his
hips. Look at the audience and motion at him as if to say, "Please
clap for this person so he will feel gratified and let me get
on with my show."
- Stop dancing, look in his direction, and say with a touch
of humor in your voice, "Let me know when you're finished
so I can continue the show." Stand there a moment until
you have reason to believe he is finished, then resume dancing.
- If he persists, put your hands on your hips, and ask something
that will embarrass him enough to make him stop. For example,
"Who is the performer here, me or you?", "Excuse
me, but if you don't care for my dancing, perhaps you'd like
to leave the room for 10 minutes?", "Didn't your mother
ever teach you to treat other people with respect?". Try
to keep your voice from sounding too angry or bitchy — that could
alienate the other audience members whose support you need to
turn him off. Try to act as though you are amused by his bad
manners, or embarrassed for him. This is usually enough to get
other audience members to apply peer pressure to silence him.
Don't resume dancing until they do. Shut off the music and leave
if you need to.
If The Heckler Has Come Onstage And Won't Leave
Leave the stage yourself and go sit down somewhere. Then start
clapping for him, or zaghareet. The idea is to playfully suggest
that the show doesn't need two stars on stage, so you're going
to make room for the other one. Stay on the sidelines until the
host or one of the other party-goers deals with the heckler for
If The Heckler Is Grabbing At You Or Trying To Touch You
- Wag your finger at him with a "no-no" expression
on your face, as if you were scolding a child while you back
away. If he's trying to tuck a tip in an inappropriate place,
point with your finger to where you would rather have him put
it. That's usually enough.
- If that doesn't suffice, stop dancing and hold your arm out
to keep him at arm's length. Better yet, if you brought a sword,
grab it and place it between you and the heckler. The audience
will probably intervene on your behalf at this point.
- If the problem continues, announce that you're sorry, but
you'll have to end the show because you cannot dance and defend
yourself at the same time, and pack up your boombox and leave.
PHOTO CREDIT: Photo by Michael Baxter, Santa Clara, California. |

After Your Show
- Curtsy nicely at the end of your final song. The traditional
theatrical bow from the waist is not necessarily a good idea — it
might emphasize your cleavage too much.
- Thank the audience for being such a great group to dance
- If there is a guest of honor, invite the audience to join
you in a round of applause for that guest.
- If appropriate, pose for pictures with the guest of honor
and present the greeting card.
- Offer your business cards to anyone who wants one.
- Thank the host for hiring you, and tell that person you enjoyed
dancing for his/her event.
- If you are invited to stay and party with everyone
else, it's best to smile and politely decline, telling the client you regret saying no, but you need to go to your next gig. It's best to avoid mingling with the group after your performance, because it destroys the mystique of the performance. However, if many of the audience members are your friends and family, and you would have been an invited guest anyway, then it may be fine to stay. If you do, change your clothes or put a cover-up such as the one in the photo over your costume before
joining in. Blot the perspiration off your face and refresh your
make-up. No one wants to look at the sweat rolling off your skin
while they talk to you.
PHOTO CREDIT: Photo by Pixie Vision, Glendale, California. |

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