PHOTO CREDIT: Above photo by John Rickman Photography, San Jose, California.
Belly Dancers - Gift Ideas for the Dancer in Your Life

Table of Contents
Are you looking for ideas for an appropriate
gift for your belly dancing wife, sister, mother, daughter, classmates,
teacher, or fellow troupe members? Maybe this page will help!
Here are more than 50 suggestions from Shira, ranging in price
from inexpensive trinkets to costly treasures.

Make-It-Yourself Items
If you're handy with crafts and have enough time available
for making gifts, you may enjoy trying some of these ideas.
- Zill Bag. Use a bit of velvet or glittery knit fabric
to make a drawstring bag for carrying finger cymbals. Instructions
on how to do it appear elsewhere on this web site.
- Zill Mufflers. Handy with a hook? Crochet a set of
zill mufflers for the dancer in your life. This is just a crocheted
covering that fits over the finger cymbals to mute their sounds
while practicing. Instructions on
how to do it appear elsewhere on this web site.
- Pillows. If you're lucky enough to find fabric with
an Egyptian theme in your fabric store (the "ethnic prints"
section of cotton fabrics occasionally include them as part of
their African collection), buy some and make a cover for a throw
pillow to grace your dancer friend's living room couch.

PHOTO CREDIT: Photo by Shira. |
- Beaded Earrings. Make a pair of beaded earrings in
colors to match her costume. Instructions
on how to do it appear elsewhere on this web site. It's easier
than you might think!
- Cookies. A former teacher of mine named Layla used
to make sugar cookies, using a gingerbread man or woman cookie cutter,
then decorate them to look as though they were wearing belly
dance costumes. Or, use a camel-shaped cookie cutter — these are
usually easy to find at Christmas time.
- Carrying Case For Sword Or Cane. Swords and canes
don't fit very well into the usual totes that dancers use for
transporting their equipment, so a carrier designed especially
for these items would be very welcome! Use a sturdy fabric such
as corduroy, canvas, pre-quilted fabric, or denim. If you plan
for it to carry a sword, put extra padding on the end where the
point will go so that it doesn't accidentally stick somebody
when in use. Put both a shoulder strap and hand grips on it,
so the dancer can carry it whichever way is more convenient at a given
moment. If you're particularly ambitious, include an extra pocket
that can hold additional small items.
- Hair Accessory. Make some sort of accessory to wear in the hair, such as the silk flower headband shown in this photo.
- Dancer Toy. Purchase an inexpensive doll or stuffed
animal, and dress it in a belly dancing costume. Need inspiration?
See what Athena did with Barbie dolls,
or what
the Rising Phoenix Dancers did with stuffed dogs.
- King Tut Headdress For Pets. Make a King Tut headdress
(or complete costume) sized to fit your dancer friend's cat or
dog. The dancer will love it, but the animal will probably never
forgive you!

PHOTO CREDIT: Photo by Michael Baxter, Santa Clara, California. |

The Gift of Time And/Or Expertise
Many of us don't have much money to spend, but we'd like to
do something for our friends on gift-giving occasions. Consider
making up a coupon or certificate offering some of your time
and/or expertise. Or, if you're feeling especially generous,
make up a book of several coupons that can each be used individually.
If you do this, make sure the coupon or certificate spells
out specifically what you are offering. For example, don't
say, "I will build a web site for you." Instead, say,
"I will give you up to three hours' worth of work in helping
you get a web site started." This will avoid possible misunderstandings
and bad feelings in the future. Also make sure to specify that
the offer is subject to your getting sufficient advance notice
or lead time (no last-minute emergencies, please!), and subject
to your having time to do it at the particular point in time
the dancer is ready to cash it in. You may also want to put an expiration
date on it.
- Distributing Flyers. Offer the use of your time in
folding, addressing, and putting postage on flyers for a mailing,
or on posting them throughout the community.
- Babysitting. Take care of the children while your
dancer friend attends a workshop, teaches a class, or performs
with her troupe.
- Costume-Making. Are you handy with a sewing machine?
Then offer your services in making a new costume.
- General Computer Assistance. Are you a high-tech whiz?
Teach the dancer to use a computer to make flyers, build a mailing
list database, send mass e-mail mailings. Help install a new scanner
or CD writer and provide instructions on how to use it. Provide guidance on how to use music streaming from the cloud to build playlists for classes or performances.
- Set Up Web Conferencing Technology (Zoom, WebEx, etc.) Assume the dancer buys the technology or receives it as a gift from someone else. Set up the equipment (computer, microphone, camera, etc) in the dance space with all the configuration options optimized for teaching, performing, and learning via web conference.
- Artwork. If you're talented at drawing, offer to create
a logo the dancer can use on business cards, flyers, web site, and
other advertisements for dancing activities.
- Build A Web Site. Help the dancer choose a web hosting service,
scan photos, and format marketing documents in html.
- Private Lessons. Give each of your students or troupe
members a certificate good for a one-hour private lesson with
you on the topic of their choosing.
- Marketing/Promotion. If you work in marketing or public
relations in your day job, offer your services to your dancer
friend in writing a promotional blurb, designing a display ad,
or planning how best to advertise in your community.
- Therapeutic Massage. Everybody loves a massage!

PHOTO CREDIT: Photo by Pixie Vision Productions, Glendale, California. |

Low-Cost Items
Looking for low-cost items to give the other members of your
troupe or your classmates? Maybe one of these will spark your
- Papyrus Bookmarks. My favorite is the one of the three
female musicians from the tomb of Nakht.
- Nail Polish. Buy a bottle of finger nail polish with
glittery sparkles in it in a color that will go with one of their
costumes. Not sure what color of costumes they have? Then pick
a clear polish with either gold or silver sparkles. You'll find
this polish in the cosmetics department of many large drugstores,
professional beauty supply stores that sell to manicurists, or
in one of the accessory shops in the mall that caters to selling
hair barrettes, scrunchies, and headbands.
- Jar Of Body Glitter. This is a gel with glitter in
it that can be spread on the body for sparkle.
- Belly Dance Bumper Stickers. There's one on Zazzle that says,
"Belly Dancer on Board. Vehicle may shimmy without warning." With a bit of web searching, you may be able to find others.
This drawing of The Three Musicians appears on the wall of the tomb of Nakht in the Valley of the Nobles, at Luxor, Egypt.
- Purse-Sized Mirror. After one of our student performances,
my teacher Layla gave each of us who danced a small purse-sized
mirror. Now, over 20 years later, I still have the mirror and
it still makes me smile when I use it because it brings back
the memory of taking Layla's classes (she is now retired from
dancing) and performing with that group of wonderful people.
- Hair Accessories. Dancers love to wear accessories,
and often the more they glitter, the better. Shop at beauty supply
stores, mall stores that specialize in accessories, and other
places for fancy barrettes, scrunchies, claws, headbands, and
French twist combs.
- Eye Shadow Compact. Sometimes eye shadows come in
compacts that contain 6-8 colors for an affordable price.

PHOTO CREDIT: Photo by Pixie Vision Productions, Glendale, California. |

Medium Price Range
When you're willing to spend a little more but not too much, here are some items that cost between $10 and $25 in U.S.
- Stuffed Camel. Even many adults like stuffed toys!
Maybe your dancer friend would enjoy a stuffed camel! My fireplace
mantle proudly displays a couple of these made in leather.
- Instructional Video. If your dancer friend is a brand-new
beginner, an instructional video for beginners may be a very welcome gift.
- Small Dumbek/Darbukka. A miniature drum would look
great sitting on a dancer's or musican's mantle.
- Books. If your dancer friend is fascinated by the
culture of the Middle East or the history of the dance, consider
giving one of the books from my reading
list. I've written reviews for many of them — take a look
at the reviews to pick one that will please.
- Belly Dance Supplies Gift Certificate. Consider a
gift certificate to a vendor who sells belly dance supplies.
If you don't know which vendor(s) you dance friend likes best, look for one
who sells a variety of items (music, costume supplies, videos,
jewelry, etc.) so the dancer will have a variety of choices available.

- Manicure. A gift certificate for a manicure at a local
salon will help that special dancer in your life feel a little
pampered, at a price you can afford.
- Calendar. Look for themes such as ancient Egypt or
camels. There may be some Cafepress.com stores with photos of
belly dancers on calendars.
- Make-Up Case. Give one of those make-up cases for
traveling that will fit in a dance bag when going to do
a show. It needs to be relatively small/compact, and should have
a mirror built in. Or, buy a small mirror separately and include
it in the bag when you present it.
- Trinkets. Look for inexpensive earrings, pins, keychains,
bookmarks, stationery, decks of cards, statuettes, or other items
featuring images that evoke the Middle East, such as camels,
snakes, pyramids, mummies, Bastet, Isis, or Pharaohs.
- Items From A Museum Gift Shop. Museum gift shops often
feature a wide range of interesting treasures. If your local
museum features an exhibit on artifacts from ancient Egypt, textiles
from Ottoman Turkey, or other fascinating items from the Middle
East, then its gift shop probably has many items that would make
suitable gifts for your dancer friend.

PHOTO CREDIT: Photo by Pixie Vision Productions, Glendale, California. |

If You Wanted to Spend More
Are a group of you pooling resources to give a special gift
to your teacher? Or maybe your family member is a belly
dancer and you'd like to give something special? Here are
some things that cost between $25 and $300 in U.S. currency.
- Photo Session. Dancers love to pose for cameras! Give
h a photo session with a professional photographer. If you
can find someone who has experience shooting belly dancers, that's
ideal. If not, look for someone who has experience shooting portfolios
for models, gymnasts, skaters, or people who practice other forms
of dance. Movement shots are often more dramatic than stills,
and a photographer who shoots only weddings may not have an eye
for capturing poetry in motion. For a lower-cost gift, pay for
just the sitting fee only. For a more generous gift, include
a package that allows the dancer to choose a certain number of images to receive in high resolution.
- Museum Membership. Is there a museum within an hour's
drive of you that features exhibits of artifacts from ancient
Egypt, textiles from Ottoman Turkey, or other items with a Middle
Eastern flair? Give your dancer friend a one-year membership.
With most museums, members receive free admission as often as
they wish, discounts from the gift shop, invitations to lectures
and other special programs, and other benefits.

PHOTO CREDIT: Photo by Pixie Vision Productions, Glendale, California. |
- Full-Length Mirror. A narrow one is great for seeing
how costumes look from top to toe. A wide one is very helpful
when practicing. Choose whatever will fit in your budget and
the dancer's available wall space.
- Adopt A Zoo Animal. A fundraising technique used by
many zoos is "Adopt An Animal." Check whether a zoo
in your community (or elsewhere in your state or country) offers
such a program. If so, then adopt either a camel or a snake in
your dancer friend's name.
- Professional Manicure or Pedicure. Help your favorite dancer maintain
a touch of elegance by giving a professionally-done manicure
or pedicure as a gift. If possible, avoid one of the mall-based shops —
most people don't like the slap-dash approach by these mass-market
shops. Look for a hole-in-the-wall place or a nice day spa instead.
Not sure how to choose a good place? If you know your dancer
friend prefers a particular manicurist, then of course you'll
want to give a gift certificate to that place. Otherwise, ask
the manicurist you're considering what measures that salon takes to ensure
that clients with artificial nails don't get bacterial infections — if
the detailed response makes your eyes glaze over with failure
to comprehend, then that manicurist is probably knowledgeable and responsible.

PHOTO CREDIT: Photo by William M. Smith, Iowa City, Iowa. |
- Golf Bag or Rifle Case. A rifle case for a belly dancer? Sounds
strange, doesn't it? Yes, there is indeed logic to this suggestion.
If your dancer friend is likely to travel with a sword, the
airlines or airport security probably won't allow it as a carry-on item. So,
give the dancer a golf bag or rifle case that will provide the sword with enough
protection to let it travel as checked luggage.
- Framed Papyrus Picture. Some art stores sell papyrus
designs. Most art supply stores or craft stores can frame it
for you. Designs that particularly appeal to dancers are the
one of female musicians from the tomb of Nakht, the one of Isis
with her wings spread, and the one of female dancers. The funerary
scene is also popular. To learn more about some of the most common
papyrus scenes, so you'll know what to ask for if mail-ordering,
see Ancient Egyptian Art: An Introduction elsewhere on this web site.
- Massage, Facial, Etc. Give the dancer a gift of an adventure
at a local day spa. You can either specify a particular service
(for example, a massage), or leave it open-ended for the dancer to choose
whatever appeals most.
- Belly Dance Supplies Gift Certificate. Gift certificates
come in many sizes, and you can give an extravagant one if you
- Perfume Bottles. Egyptian blown glass perfume bottles
look elegant on anyone's window sill, whether they actually contain
perfume or not.

Thrilling But Extravagant
How big is your budget? If you're prepared to do something very special for your dancer, maybe one of these ideas
will hit the mark. Here are the things that fall in the "over
$300 in U.S. currency" category. Of course, don't forget
that some of the things suggested in the lower price ranges (such
as gift certificates) would also work for this price range — just
increase the amount.
- A Trip To The Middle East. Buy your dance friend a
plane ticket to either Egypt, Lebanon, or Turkey. Better yet,
check to see what sorts of package tours are offered by dance
professionals such as Yasmina Ramzy, Sahra Kent, or Cassandra Shore, and pay your dancer's way for one
of those. Ordinary trips may feature the popular tourist attractions
of the destination, but tours arranged by dance pros generally also incorporate shopping at places that have special
appeal for dancers (such as places offering costumes),
and opportunities to see great dance performances.
- A Dance Retreat or Weeklong Workshop. Pay the dancers' way
to Oasis Dance Camp, Mendocino camp for Middle Eastern music
and dance, or other intensives. Depending on
how generous you feel, you can pay for just the tuition/registration,
or you can also include round-trip travel expenses.
- Dance Studio. Remodel the garage or a spare room to
be a dance studio. Or, if your yard is large enough, build one
as a separate building. Install a hardwood sprung dance floor, and cover
one wall with mirrors. Make sure you put electrical outlets near
the mirrors, for easy access to the boombox while teaching.

PHOTO CREDIT: Photo by Shira. |

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All articles, images, forms, scripts, directories, and product reviews on this web site are the property of Shira unless a different author/artist is identified. Material from this web site may not be posted on any other web site unless permission is first obtained from Shira.
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