Dance of the Almeh
by Jean-Léon Gerôme

About the Artist & the Painting
This painting was created during the Orientalist movement of art in the 19th century. The artist, Jean-Léon Gerôme, was probably the most famous and most prolific artist of the era. This painting dates to 1866.
Unlike some of the other artists during the Orientalist era, Gerôme actually spent some time living in Egypt and created many paintings of Egyptian everyday life.
However, we need to be careful when using this painting as evidence of what 19th century dancers and their environment actually looked like. Although Gerôme's paintings appear to be very realistic, there was a certain amount of artistic craftsmanship involved in creating them. For more information about the historical facts surrounding the work of Gerôme and other Orientalist paintings, see the article "Imagining Movement: Orientalist Paintings and Photographs of Middle Eastern Dancers" by Kristen Windmuller, which appears elsewhere on this web site.

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