PHOTO CREDIT: Above photo by John Rickman Photography, San Jose, California.
Belly Dance Print Magazines

Table of Contents
Magazines come and go. This information was accurate at the time it was originally published, but may be out of date by the time you read it! Contact Shira if you have updated information to offer.

There are several print magazines that are designed to enrich the lives of belly dancers. Generally speaking, these offer a variety of articles, some intended for beginner-level students and others intended for more experienced dancers. Topics of articles range from history, how-to's, advice, product reviews, opinion pieces, and more.
Although the Internet has made a large amount of information available online for free, print magazines still have something valuable to offer. Some benefits:
- Magazines are portable - you can take them on airplanes, or read them in doctors' waiting rooms.
- Magazines introduce you to topics that you might not otherwise have thought to search the web for.
- Web sites come and go, while magazines can stay on your shelf forever.
- Most belly dance web sites are designed to sell something - classes, merchandise, or performances. It can be very tedious digging through all of these to find the small number of informative ones.
- Each issue of a magazine brings you diverse points of view, with articles by many authors. In contrast, a typical dancer's web site gives you one point of view - the owner's.
- Too much time spent sitting in front of a computer can be hard on the eyes and bad for your posture.

PHOTO CREDIT: Photo by Kaylyn Hoskins, Solon, Iowa. Magazine cover with this photo of Shira is the May/June 2009 issue of Zaghareet Magazine. |

In North America
P.O. Box 1809
Elizabeth City, NC 27906-1809
Phone: (+1) (252)-330-2284
Fax: (+1) (252)-330-4328
Web Site: www.zaghareet.freeservers.com
Published 6 times per year. General magazine with diverse collection of articles for all levels of dancer. Advice, history, tips, product reviews. |
P.O. Box 680
Sutherlin, OR 97479
Phone: (+1) (541) 459-3115
Web Site: www.jareeda.com
Published 8 times a year.
Published 6 times per year. General magazine with diverse collection of articles for all levels of dancer. Advice, history, tips, product reviews. |
The Chronicles
P.O. Box 210787
Bedford, TX 76021
Phone (+1) (817) 498-7703
Web Site: www.isisandthestardancers.com
Published 4 times per year. General magazine with diverse collection of articles for all levels of dancer. Advice, history, poetry, product reviews. |
Belly Dance: A Raqs Sharqi Magazine
Web Site: www.bellydancemag.com
Published 4 times per year. I have never seen an issue so I can't tell you more. |
Mayada's Bellydance
390 Queen's Quay West #1805
Toronto, ON M5V 3A6
Phone: (+1) (647) 896-8876
Web Site: www.mayada.ca
Published 4 times per year with a special focus on the Canadian belly dance scene. Articles include advice, culture, history, and more. One of the regular contributors is Arabella, who has also contributed many articles to Shira.net. |
5 Des Mélèzes
Quebec J0B IW0
A French-language magazine. I've never seen a copy, so I can't
provide further detail. |

Other Parts of the World
Northern Arabic Dance Association (NADA)
Phone: (+44) 0113 393 0504
Web Site: www.nada.uk.com
Published 3 times per year. Based in the United Kingdom. The magazine is sent to members of the NADA organization as a membership benefit. |
Ya Noori
E-Mail: hilaryedis@hotmail.com
Based in the United Kingdom. I've never seen a copy, so I
can't provide further detail. |
Afra Al-Kahira
P.O. Box 72
Bideford, Devon, EX39 1FA
United Kingdom
Focuses on Southwest England. I've never seen a copy, so I
can't provide further detail. |
Diana Green
2 Comfrey Close
Littleover, Derby, DE23 7UF
United Kingdom
Based in the United Kingdom. Published 4 times per year for
members of Mosaic Arabic Dance Network. I've never seen a copy,
so I can't provide further detail. |
The Palace
83 Enmore Road
Newtown NSW 2042
Phone: (+61) 2-9519-4793
Fax: (+61) 2-9519-3969
Based in Australia. Published twice per year. I've never seen
a copy, so I can't provide further detail. |
Bellydance Oasis
Bellydance Oasis
14 Anstie Way
Bullcreek, Perth 6149
Phone: (+61) 9314 5055
Based in Australia. I've never seen a copy, so I can't provide
further detail. |
PO Box 1768
Queanbeyan NSW 2620
Phone: 0419 833 839
Web Site: www.rakas.org
I've never seen a copy, so I can't provide further detail. |

No Longer In Print
You might hear people talk about these magazines, but you won't be able to subscribe to them because they're no longer in print. The only way to find them would be through used sources such as eBay or swap meets.
- Habibi. Originally created by Bob & Lynn Zalot in California. Sold to Shareen el Safy in California. Sold to Jennifer James Long in Oregon. Sold to Stella Grey in New York.
- Arabesque. Originally created by Ibrahim "Bobby" Farrah.
- Wiggle Hips. Was published by the Two Old Bags in Reno, Nevada.
- Caravan. Was published by Shalimar Serene.

Other Web Sites With Magazine Lists

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This entire web site is copyrighted. All rights reserved.
All articles, images, forms, scripts, directories, and product reviews on this web site are the property of Shira unless a different author/artist is identified. Material from this web site may not be posted on any other web site unless permission is first obtained from Shira.
Academic papers for school purposes may use information from this site only if the paper properly identifies the original article on Shira.net using appropriate citations (footnotes, end notes, etc.) and bibliography. Consult your instructor for instructions on how to do this.
If you wish to translate articles from Shira.net into a language other than English, Shira will be happy to post your translation here on Shira.net along with a note identifying you as the translator. This could include your photo and biography if you want it to. Contact Shira for more information. You may not post translations of Shira's articles on anybody else's web site, not even your own.
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