PHOTO CREDIT: Above photo by John Rickman Photography, San Jose, California.
Ask the Costume Goddess |

Ask the Costume Goddess:
Chain & Coin Bra
by Dina Lydia

The Question
Dear Costume Goddess:
I like the look of the chain belts and bras, and they aren't
very expensive, but have no idea how to affix the bra cover.
Could you explain that, and also what the bra itself should be
covered in? Should I put something between my skirt and the belt
to help hide the waist line of the skirt?
Thank you so much for information on belt pattern making,
and alterations! I live in a small, fairly isolated town, and
I met my instructor only four months before she moved from
the area... but I'm hooked on belly dance! Now I unfortunately
have no examples of costumes other than on great sites like this
one, and the videos I've bought. I made a go at a sequin belt,
but it just doesn't fit right. I'm so happy I know how to fix
it without starting completely over! I am so thrilled! Your
costumes are gorgeous, and you look wonderful in them. Thank
you for sharing your experience and knowledge!
--Clueless Belly Flopping Novice

The Costume Goddess Responds
Dear Novice,
If you wish to wear a chain bra over your costume bra, start
with an underwire bra that is already covered attractively. You
may cover it yourself in almost any fabric that is not too fragile,
and it is always easiest to do this with a stretchy fabric that
has "give" and doesn't ravel. If covering the bra yourself
is too much of a challenge (I could write ten pages on this subject)
there are ready made bras you can purchase which look similar.
I believe Victoria's Secret makes one covered in velvet. We don't
want to see plain old spandex under the chains!
Then you can try on the bra and fit the chain or coin bra
over it. When it is adjusted properly, (a friend could be helpful
here) use safety pins to secure it in place, then use heavy button
or beading thread to tack the chain all around the edge, and
if it is heavy, at points in the middle as well. Similarly, I
would fasten the coin or chain belt at several points through
the skirt with tiny safety pins under the fabric, so that it
doesn't slide down or twist around as you dance, showing the
skirt edge, which can look messy. If the skirt edge is especially
bulky or ugly, you could fasten a nice hip scarf over it before
adding the chain belt.
Thank you for the compliments and the encouragement — it makes
me feel all warm and bubbly inside. Someone has noticed my efforts!
--The Costume Goddess

Tip From a Reader
After this article first appeared on this web site, Leslie
Yamada (aka Sahla) sent in the following excellent tip:
"I have a suggestion for you. I read the piece about
using floss-vs-thread to sew on coins because you have to have
1/4 inch of slack so the coins will jingle. To keep the jingle
& lose that ugly 1/4 inch of exposed button thread, use a
single round bead. Go through your fabric, then the bead, then
the coin, and then back through the bead pulling your thread
snug, but not tight. You can use either matching (Example: gold/gold)
or contrasting (gold/silver or color/metallic) beads. You can
get a lot of variety in your color patterns this way and it's
easier to keep the thread length the same. You can get even more
variety using multiple beads or bugle beads."
Leslie Yamada provided this photograph to illustrate
her bead and coin technique on a stomach cover. |
This diagram illustrates the technique. |

Related Articles
Other articles on this web
site related to making belly dance costume bras include:

About the Costume Goddess
Dina has been sewing for more than twenty-five
years (yes, she started as a toddler!)
She's also an artist (Maryland Institute of Art) and perfected
her sewing techniques apprenticed to various designers, freelancing
for small theaters, restyling vintage garments, and altering
wedding gowns.
Dina fell in love with belly dancing costumes upon her very
first lesson. Now the pleasure of wearing her own designs, and
seeing others wear them, offers as much pleasure as dancing. She's
become expert as well in altering those troublesome ready-made
Egyptian costumes, and modifying designs to flatter individual
She holds workshops in Seattle to teach design and construction
of cabaret costumes, and analysis of figure characteristics.
She will also give private lessons, or resize or repair a secondhand
costume. She's thus earned her Costume Goddess title. |
The Costume Goddess Tells All Costuming Books
Dina has published six books of her own on belly dance costuming
as well as writing nearly all the costuming section for The
Belly Dance Book. For information on her series of books, The Costume Goddess Tells All, see her web site at www.costumegoddess.com.
For reviews here on Shira.net of some of her books, see:
Costume Goddess Photos
To view a photo gallery featuring pictures of Dina, costumes
she has designed, and her friends, either click on the choices below or visit her web site:

The contents of this page are copyrighted 2009 by Dina Lydia. All rights reserved. Unauthorized duplication is forbidden.

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