PHOTO CREDIT: Above photo by John Rickman Photography, San Jose, California.
Easy Shirt & Skirt
by Marie Sultana Robinson,
dancing as Ayesha
This one is so easy it's a laugh. Often, if a woman has put on a tad of weight or is busty, it's almost impossible finding a midriff shirt to wear to class. Here's an easy solution!
Take a cheap tee shirt and tuck it under your bra in the back,
and then pull the front up and around your bra and hold with
a pin or with a brooch for a cheap bolero type top. If you like,
add some coins or sequins, or use Scribbles fabric paint for
some nice touches.
Then take a pair of tights or excercise pants, and tuck 2-3
yards of chiffon in the top elastic waist to simulate a skirt. The
length of material can double as a veil another time. Chiffon
can be picked up for about $9-$15. Add a hip belt and you
have a nice — not great, but nice — and cheap class outfit.
I have several 3-yard lengths of chiffon and t-shirts to match. I
have a blue shirt and chiffon, a purple set and a beige set. I
mix and match the sets in combinations. Each outfit, chiffon
skirt and tee and an alternate chiffon for a veil cost me about
$30 for an outfit. Ok, it's not a cast iron bra, but hey,
t-shirts are easier to wash. And I've performed in these,
and even "great dancers" asked me how I achieved the

About the Author
Marie Sultana Robinson, known in dance circles
as Ayesha, needed something easy-to-make and affordable to wear
to class, so she came up with this practice outfit. If you like,
you can send her e-mail at CapeCodCat@aol.com.

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