I receive frequent e-mails with questions like these:
PHOTO CREDIT: Photo of Shira by John Rickman, San Jose, California. So with that in mind, I'll tell you what I can about learning from video, web sites, and books. But I still urge you to try finding a local teacher, because with a teacher you'll learn to dance a lot faster and have someone to help you correct your mistakes. If you absolutely can not find a local teacher, the second-best way to learn belly dancing is through studying with video. When you use a video, you can see how the move looks on someone else, and try copying it in a mirror to see if you can make it look the same way. |
If you want to try learning belly dance from video, I recommend that you work with three or more videos:
Don't feel you need to run out and buy all three videos at once. Start with the basic moves video. Once you've spent time working with it, you'll know whether you like belly dancing enough to try additional ones. If you want to learn belly dancing as rapidly as possible, you need to structure your practice session effectively to ensure the most value from the time you spend doing it. This means you need a warm-up, a review of what you already know, some time working on new material, and a cool-down. For details on how to do all of this, please see my article, How to Structure a Belly Dance Study/Practice Session at Home.
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When I teach classes, I normally teach only 4 or 5 new moves per hour. There's a limit to how much new material your brain can absorb in one session, and it's good to take things slowly enough to really learn each item before you move on to the next. Your muscles, too, need time to learn new ways of moving. Don't rush your way through learning new material. Take time to learn all the details. For each individual move that the video teaches, take about 5 minutes (or more, if you need it) to practice that move. Rewind your tape 4 or 5 times, and each time pay attention to see whether you can pick up new information that you missed when you listened to it before. PHOTO CREDIT: Photo by Randolph Lynch, Belmont, California. |
When you rewind the tape to listen to an explanation again, here's what to look for:
Make a written list of all the new moves you learned during your session with the video. Over the next day or two, even if you don't have time to dance, pick up the list, look at it, and try to remember what each move was like. The next time you work with the video, this list will remind you of which moves to practice during your review.
When you've finished using the video to master the new moves that you studiend in this session, turn off the television, and put your practice music on your stereo system. Start doing some free-form dancing to the music, using all the moves you know, and make an effort to incorporate the new ones you just learned.
Just focus on the music, and let your body interpret what you hear. But make it a point to incorporate the new moves into what you are doing. Try to do each new move at least 3 times. If the song ends before you fit them all in, restart it from the beginning.
Finish your study session with a cool-down, as recommended in How to Structure a Belly Dance Practice Session at Home.
Here's a tour of videos that I like from each of the three categories above. Try to find at least one video from each. All of these videos are reviewed here on my web site. Please see Shira's Video Center for reviews of over 30 videos, including these. Please remember that there are many, many belly dancing videos out there, and I have certainly not watched them all! If I haven't suggested a video, or if I haven't reviewed it in Shira's Video Center, ask your friends and classmates whether they are familiar with it.
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Bellydance! Magical Motion. Taught by Atea. | Delilah's Bellydance Workshop, Volume 1. Taught by Delilah. | This Is Your Hip 101. Taught by Mahisha. | Bellydance Fitness for Beginners: Basic Moves. Taught by Veena and Neena. |
The thing I like about Magical Motion is that it includes sections for practicing the moves you have just learned. Both Delilah and Mahisha teach a wide variety of moves, including some that I haven't seen on other videos. The Veena & Neena video suggested here is structured as a fitness workout.
Of these three videos, the one I like best is The Dancers' Toolkit, because it explains all the moves very well, then assembles them into attractive choreography. If your first instructional video focused entirely on hips and rib cage without offering suggestions for graceful arm movements, you might consider Oriental Arms. Belly Dance Basics with Michelle emphasizes proper technique, and could be a good choice for your second belly dance video purchase.
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The Dancer's Toolkit. Taught by Baraka. | Oriental Arms. Taught by Katia. | Belly Dance Basics with Michelle. Taught by Michelle Morrison. |
The Dancer's Toolkit is an excellent "next step" after you have completed one of the fundamentals videos recommended above. It provides an excellent warm-up, describes each move very clearly, then teaches choreography to show how to assemble those moves into a finished dance. Bàraka presents the choreography in two versions, a simple version which would be the right level to try after working with an introductory video, and a more complex version that you can try after you have been dancing a while.
Oriental Arms teaches on arm movements that are appropriate to belly dancing. Near the end, Katia teaches choreography that uses the arm movements taught earlier.
I haven't posted a review yet of Belly Dance Basics with Michelle. This video starts with a good warm-up, then has sections on strength and flexibility training, then takes you through choreography that provides an excellent structure for practicing the moves you have learned or doing a fitness workout. For information on how to buy this video, see Michelle's web site at www.farfesha.com.
Farrashah, the Video |
All too many of the videos portraying belly dance performances are poorly lit with terrible sound quality. So far, I have found only a couple that have good lighting, good sound, and good dancing.
Farrashah's video contains 100 minutes of diverse solo performances, all by Farrashah. Although all feature the same dancer, she uses a large variety of music, wigs, costumes, scenery, props, and dance styles to portray the many forms that belly dancing can take. I haven't yet written a review of this one for my web site, but I do recommend it. To buy this video, contact Shamani Enterprises, Dept. ID, 862 Pangola Drive, North Fort Myers, FL 33903 U.S.A.
If you can't afford to purchase your video, you may be able to borrow one from the library or rent it from a video store. If you're a teen-ager, you probably won't have much luck finding a suitable video in your school's library, but your city library may have one. If your local library does not have a good belly dancing video, try asking the librarian if it would be possible for them to borrow one using inter-library loan. There are certain videos that are especially common in libraries. Here are some you're likely to see, along with my recommendation on whether they're likely to be helpful:
If your library doesn't have the video you want, you might encourage them to buy it. Explain to them that belly dancing is becoming very popular, and suggest that if you're looking for this sort of thing, other people may be too. Many libraries are happy to consider buying items that people ask for, because they know the reason they exist is to provide people with access to information. |
This article originally appeared on the Suite101 web site, in the Middle Eastern Dance category, on July 1, 2002. |
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