PHOTO CREDIT: Above photo by John Rickman Photography, San Jose, California.
على ورق الفل
Ala Warag El Foul
(On the Jasmine Leaves)
This page contains a translation into English of the lyrics to the Egyptian song "Ala Warag El Foul".
Also included is a transliteration of the Arabic lyrics into the Roman alphabet so you can sing along if you like.
- Ala Warag el Foul (On the Jasmine Leaves), 1969
- Song Title in Arabic: على ورق الفل
- Album: The "B" side of a 45 rpm record
- Lyricist: Ibrahim al Darwani
- Composer: Hamdi Hosni
- Original Artist: Aziza Omar
Fatme Serhan is an Egyptian singer who some people call "The Queen of Baladi".
Song lyrics are provided for educational purposes. If you like the song, please purchase either the album or a download from an authorized source. |

The lyrics of this song tell of a young woman trying to persuade her lover to elope with her.
Numbers in parentheses refer to footnotes that appear below the translation.
Arabic Lyrics |
English Translation |
Ala warag el foul dala'ny |
On tha jasmine leaves, pamper me |
Ana mahmalsh el zol dah ya'ani |
I can't bear all this pleading. |
Ana la helty wala ma'aia |
I have nothing |
Ela El-ghawyesh eli ma'aia |
but these bracelets. |
ma goltelak yalla nebehom |
I told you, let's sell them |
wa as-har ana wayak |
and I'll spend the night with you, |
w da'lani |
and pamper me. |
Ana la helti wala bi yaddi |
I have nothing |
Ela el-khatem eli beyadi |
but this ring in my hand |
ma goltelak yalla nebeoo |
I told you, let's sell it |
wa as-har ana wayak |
and I'll spend the night with you, |
w da'lani |
and pamper me. |
ala warag el foul dala'ny |
On the jasmine leaves, pamper me. |
ana la helty wala fe wedne |
I have nothing |
ella el hala' elle fe wedne |
but this earring [in my ear]. |
ma goltelak yalla nebeoo |
I told you, let's sell it |
wa as-har ana wayak |
and I'll spend the night with you, |
bas dala'ni |
but pamper me. |
ala warag el foul dala'ny |
On the jasmine leaves, pamper me. |
Helw yalli labes el tob |
O, you handsome [man] wearing this costume, |
Ana bedi atob ala edak |
I want to repent because of you. |
Ana albi, albi yertah ala eedak |
You will put my heart at ease. |
Alashan bahebak |
Is it because I love you? |
Aizni abos ala eedak |
You want me to kiss your hands? (1) |
ana la helty wala fe sadry |
I have nothing |
gher el ooged elle fe sadry |
but this necklace around my neck. |
ma goltelak yalla nebeoo |
I told you, let's sell it, |
wa ashar ana wayak |
and we will spend the night together |
bas dala'ne |
but you just pamper me. |
ala warag el foul dala'ny |
On the jasmine leaves, pamper me. |
Ana la helti wala fi regli |
I have nothing |
Ela el Kholkhal eli fi regli |
but this foot lace |
ma goltelak yalla nebeoo |
I told you, let's sell it, |
wa ashar ana wayak |
and I'll spend the night with you |
bas dala'ne |
but you just pamper me. |
ala warag el foul dala'ny |
On the jasmine leaves, pamper me. |
ala warag el foul dala'ny |
On the jasmine leaves, pamper me. |
Ana mahmalsh el zol dah ya'ani |
I can't bear all this begging. |
- Here, "to kiss your hands" means "to beg you" or "to plead with you".

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