PHOTO CREDIT: Above photo by John Rickman Photography, San Jose, California.
الحمد لله وشفناكم
Alhamdulillah wa Shefnakom
(Thank God That We Saw You)
This page contains a translation into English of the lyrics to the Kuwaiti song "Alhamdulillah wa Shefnakom", which was popularized by Miami Band.
- Alhamdulillah wa Shefnakom (Thank God That We Saw You), 1998
- Song Title in Arabic: الحمد لله وشفناكم
- Album: Alhamdulillah wa Shefnakom
- Lyricist: Ahmed El Sharkawy
- Composer: Traditional
- Original Artist: Miami Band
Other ways to spell the song title include "Alhamdulillah Weshfnakom", "Alhamdulillah Washufnaakom", and "AlHamdela Shefnakom".
Song lyrics are provided for educational purposes. If you like the song, please purchase either the album or a download from an authorized source.
About Miami Band
Miami Band, written in Arabic as فرقة ميامي, are a boy band from Kuwait who released their first album in 1991. They have gone on to release a total of 15 albums through 2017. Their repertoire has included not only pop songs, but also patriotic songs, sports fight songs, and some television show theme songs. |

Numbers in parentheses refer to footnotes that appear at the bottom of the translation.
Arabic Lyrics |
English Translation |
وين وين وين تلقوا زي ده |
Where, where, where do you find someone like him? |
افا ردوا علي قولوا |
Please answer me, tell me. |
الله كريم تلقوا ز ده |
God is generous, you will find someone like him. |
الحمدلله وشفناكم فرصة سعيدة ملقاكم |
Thank God that we saw you! Nice seeing you! |
وصلاة الزين وحبيب العين |
God protects you |
من الحساد اخشه وين |
from envy, I worry. |
وين وين تلقوا زي ده الله كريم تلقوا زي ده |
Where do you find someone like him? God is generous, you will find someone like him. |
كاهو كاهو والله كاهو |
There he is, [I swear] by God there he is! |
يسلام يسلام يسلام خلونا نغني ما ننام |
Greetings, greetings, greetings, let's sing and never sleep! |
مافي أحلى من حلاته يا حلاته |
There is nobody as beautiful as he is |
مافي أغلى من غلاته يا غلاته |
There is nobody as precious as he is |
غنوا وقولوا ويانا دم تك دم تك دم تحلى دنيانا |
Sing and say with us, "Doum doum tek doum!" (1) |
هي هي يا جروا ولا يا طيري جروا |
Hey, hey, my bird, fly to him! |
وين وين وين وين وين اسكالي |
Where, where, where, where, where is my love? |
تنوما انوما ادلما تدلما هويني تاوني ناموني هوني |
tnuma anuma adlm tdulma tawni namwni (2) |
- A Middle Eastern style of drum known as a tabla is capable of producing both a deep "doum" sound and a higher pitched "tek" sound. When people refer to the sound produced by these drums, they frequently use the words "doum" and "tek" to describe them. In these lyrics, the "doum doum tek doum" refers to a rhythm played on such a drum.
- These are nonsense syllables intended to sound like the music, similar to "tra la la" in English.

About the Translator
This translation was created by "okayaamir" on lyricstranslate.com.

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