PHOTO CREDIT: Above photo by John Rickman Photography, San Jose, California.
انا مش عارفنى
Ana Mesh Aarefny
(I Couldn't Know Myself)
This page contains a translation into English of the lyrics to the Egyptian shaabi song "Ana Mesh Aarefny", which was popularized by Abdel Basset Hamouda. Also included is a transliteration of the Arabic lyrics into the Roman alphabet so you can sing along if you like.
- Ana Mesh Aarefny (I Couldn't Know Myself), 2007
- Song Title in Arabic: انا مش عارفنى
- Album: Darbat Muealam
- Lyricist: Amal Al-Tair
- Composer: Walid Abdel Azim
- Original Artist: Abdel Basset Hamouda
Another way the song title can be spelled is "Ana Mush Arifni".
Song lyrics are provided for educational purposes. If you like the song, please purchase either the album or a download from an authorized source.
About Abdel Basset Hamouda
Abdel Basset Hamouda is an Egyptian shaabi singer. He grew up in the ancient village of Horin in the Nile Delta region of northern Egypt. He grew up in his neighborhood hearing popular songs played in cafes and shops. He began singing them himself around the neighborhood, and soon was offered opportunities to perform at weddings and other local events. He went on to record his own songs, which achieved popularity in their own right.
Starting in 1996, Hamouda took a break from recording for about 10 years, but continued to do live performances. In 2008, he returned to recording albums, including a music video for "Ana Mesh Aarefny". His most recent recording was released in 2013. |

Numbers in parentheses refer to footnotes that appear at the bottom of the translation.
Arabic Lyrics |
Transliteration |
English Translation |
Part 1 |
Part 1 |
Part 1 |
انا مش عارفنى |
ana mesh aarefny |
I couldn't know myself. |
انا كنت منى |
ana kont meny |
It was from me. |
انا مش انا |
ana mesh ana |
I am not myself. |
لا دى ملامحى |
la de malamhy |
This is not my face, |
ولا شكلى شكلى |
wala shakly shalkly |
and it doesn't look like me, |
ولا ده انا |
wala da ana |
and it is not me. |
Part 2 |
Part 2 |
Part 2 |
أبص لروحى فجأة - لقتنى |
abos lerouhy faj'ah-la'etny |
I suddenly looked at my soul, and found |
لقتنى كبرت فجأة - كبرت |
la'etny kebert faj'ah-kebert |
that I suddenly got older, older. |
تعبت من المفاجأه ونزلت دمعتى |
teaebt men el mofaj'ah w nezlet damaety |
I got sick of the surprise, and I shed tears. |
قوليلى ايه يا مرايتى |
'olily eih ya meraiteh |
Tell me, what is that, my mirror — |
قوليلى ايه حكايتى |
'olily eih hekaite |
tell me my story. |
تكونشى |
tekonshy |
It might be, |
تكونشى دى نهايتى |
tekonshy de nehaity |
it might be my end |
واخر قصتى |
w akher 'osety |
and the end of my story. |
Part 3 |
Part 3 |
Part 3 |
يا دنيا طفيتى شمعى |
ya donia tafity shamaay |
Oh life, you have blown out my candle! |
يا ناس كترتوا دمعى |
ya nas katarto damaay |
Oh people, you made me shed many tears! |
والعمر راح هدر |
wel omr rah hadr |
And life goes away. |
كتبت الاّه بألمى |
katabt el ah be 'alami |
I wrote about the pain (1) with my pen, |
كسرتوا سن قلمى |
kasarto sen 'alami |
and you [people] have broken my pen, |
وبرده باقول قدر |
w bardoh ba'ok 'adar |
and I still say it is my fate. |
حزين من صغر سنى |
hazin men soua'r seni |
I have been sad since my teens. |
ومين على الاّه يعينى |
w men aala el ah yeaainy |
And who could help me to bear my pain? |
ووخدانى الخطاوى |
w-wakhdani el khatawy |
And the steps take me |
لسكة تايهة منى |
le sekah taiha meny |
on a road that I don't know. |
Part 2 (Repeated) |
Part 2 (Repeated) |
Part 2 (Repeated) |
أبص لروحى فجأة - لقتنى |
abos lerouhy faj'ah-la'etny |
I suddenly looked at my soul, and found |
لقتنى كبرت فجأة - كبرت |
la'etny kebert faj'ah-kebert |
that I suddenly got older, older. |
تعبت من المفاجأه ونزلت دمعتى |
teaebt men el mofaj'ah w nezlet damaety |
I got sick of the surprise, and I shed tears. |
قوليلى ايه يا مرايتى |
'olily eih ya meraiteh |
Tell me, what is that, my mirror — |
قوليلى ايه حكايتى |
'olily eih hekaite |
tell me my story. |
تكونشى |
tekonshy |
It might be, |
تكونشى دى نهايتى |
tekonshy de nehaity |
it might be my end |
واخر قصتى |
w akher 'osety |
and the end of my story. |
Part 1 (Repeated) |
Part 1 (Repeated) |
Part 1 (Repeated) |
انا كنت منى |
ana kont meny |
It was from me. |
انا مش انا |
ana mesh ana |
I am not myself. |
لا دى ملامحى |
la de malamhy |
This is not my face, |
ولا شكلى شكلى |
wala shakly shalkly |
and it doesn't look like me, |
ولا ده انا |
wala da ana |
and it is not me. |
Part 4 |
Part 4 |
Part 4 |
ياليل الجرح يالى |
ya leil el jarh yally |
Oh night, pain which is |
معايا زى ضلى |
maaya zay delly |
with me like my shadow, |
مأنس وحدتى |
m'anes wehdety |
it doesn't leave me alone. |
سرقت العمر كله |
sara't el oumr kolo |
You stole my entire life |
خلاص ما بقاش فاضلى |
khalas ma ba'ash |
fadely it finished. I don't have anything left except |
غير جرحى ودمعتى |
a'air jarhy w damaety |
my pain and my tears. |
جريح وده مش بيدى |
jareh w dah mosh be yady |
I am wounded, and not by my own hand. |
ماخدتش بس بأدى |
ma khadtesh bas bady |
I didn't do anything. |
زرعت يا ناس قيودى |
zaraat ya nas 'oyody |
Oh people, I planted my chains |
جنيت الشوك لوحدى |
janeit el shouk le wahdy |
and it grew thorns. |
Part 2 (Repeated) |
Part 2 (Repeated) |
Part 2 (Repeated) |
أبص لروحى فجأة - لقتنى |
abos lerouhy faj'ah-la'etny |
I suddenly looked at my soul, and found |
لقتنى كبرت فجأة - كبرت |
la'etny kebert faj'ah-kebert |
that I suddenly got older, older. |
تعبت من المفاجأه ونزلت دمعتى |
teaebt men el mofaj'ah w nezlet damaety |
I got sick of the surprise, and I shed tears. |
قوليلى ايه يا مرايتى |
'olily eih ya meraiteh |
Tell me, what is that, my mirror — |
قوليلى ايه حكايتى |
'olily eih hekaite |
tell me my story. |
تكونشى |
tekonshy |
It might be, |
تكونشى دى نهايتى |
tekonshy de nehaity |
it might be my end |
واخر قصتى |
w akher 'osety |
and the end of my story. |
Part 1 (Repeated) |
Part 1 (Repeated) |
Part 1 (Repeated) |
انا كنت منى |
ana kont meny |
It was from me. |
انا مش انا |
ana mesh ana |
I am not myself. |
لا دى ملامحى |
la de malamhy |
This is not my face, |
ولا شكلى شكلى |
wala shakly shalkly |
and it doesn't look like me, |
ولا ده انا |
wala da ana |
and it is not me. |
- Literally "I wrote about the 'ah' with my pen." Here, "ah" is a reference to pain.

About the Translator
This translation was created by "Orwa" on the forum at allthelyrics.com.

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