PHOTO CREDIT: Above photo by John Rickman Photography, San Jose, California.
(From Ikaria)
This page contains a translation into English of the lyrics to the traditional Greek island song "Ikariotikos" (Ικαριότικο), which was popularized on a recording by Giannis Parios.
Also included is a pronunciation guide for the Greek lyrics so you can sing along if you like.
Song lyrics are provided for educational purposes. If you like the song, please purchase either the album or a download from an authorized source.
Important Note
With both the authentic traditional island version and the more modern version, please never perform to this in a full belly dance set or a belly dance costume. This specific song and its associated dance form has nothing to do with belly dance, and it is important for belly dancers to respect the cultures that music and dance come from.
About this Song
The original title of this song was "Ee agapi mou stin Ikaria" (My love in Ikaria), written in Greek as Η αγάπη μου στην Ικαρία. It later took on the name "Ikariotikos", which is a reference to the Greek island of Ikaria.
The beautiful island of Ikaria is located close to the spot where Greek legend says Icarus fell into the sea after flying too close to the sun.
You can think of the dance that people do to this song as being the Syrtaki of the islands, meaning it is a sort of made-up dance in modern times. The translated version on this page was made famous by renowned singer Giannis Parios. My Baba sponsored him in Boston a couple times for a concert or Greek party. However, the real music and dance from Ikaria is different.
I personally recall always hearing this song towards the end of the night in the hottest Greek clubs of the diaspora. The fast footwork and jumping up and down has an interesting effect when mixed with a lot of alcohol!
In the version of this song by Yiannis Parios, he adds the words "dos' tou dos' tou", which is like saying "Yeah, keep going, keep going," as the song accelerates in speed!
Please see my article Ikariotikos: The Story of the Song and Its Dance for more detailed information about this song, its history, and how the traditional version compares with the modern ones.
About Giannis Parios
Giannis Parios is the professional name for Ioannis Varthakouris, a composer, lyricist, and singer who was born on the Greek island of Paros. He recorded his first album in 1971, and more than 40 additional albums in the decades that followed.
In 1982, he released his album titled Nisiotika, which holds the record for Greek sales (over 1,400,000 copies). It consisted of a collection of songs of the Aegean islands. "Ikariotikos" was one of the songs featured on that album. |
Song: Ikariotikos (From Ikaria), 1975
Lyrics: Giorgos Konitopoulos
Music: Giorgos Konitopoulos
Original Artist: Giorgos Konitopoulos
Has Also Been Recorded By:
Dance Style: Ikariotikos (a line dance in the syrtos family) - please do not belly dance to this! |
Τραγούδι: Ικαριότικο, 1975
Μουσική: Γιώργος Κονιτόπουλος
Στίχοι: Γιώργος Κονιτόπουλος
Πρώτη εκτέλεση: Γιώργος Κονιτόπουλος
Άλλοι Ερμηνευτές:
Χορός: Ικαριότικο |

Numbers in parentheses refer to footnotes that appear at the bottom of the translation.
Greek Lyrics |
Pronunciation |
English Translation |
Χρόνια και χρόνια τώρα τριγυρνώ |
hronia k hronia tora triyirno |
Years and years, I've been going around in circles (1) |
σαν πουλί περιπλανώμενο |
san pouli periplanomeno |
like a stray bird (2) |
με΄ στην ξενιτιά |
me' stin xenihtia |
in the foreign lands, |
με' στην μοναξιά |
me' stin monaxia |
in the loneliness. |
που δεν την αντέχω άλλο πια |
pou den tin anteho alo pia |
I can't take any more of it. |
γιατί νοσταλγώ |
yati nostalgo |
Because I'm nostalgic for, |
γιατί λαχταρώ |
yati lahtaro |
because I'm longing for |
την αγάπη μου και το χωριό |
tin agapi mou ke to horio |
my love for the village. |
Και η αγάπη μου στην Ικαριά |
ke ee agapi mou stin Ikaria |
And my love in Ikaria (3) |
έχει μαύρο πόνο στην καρδιά |
ehi mavro pono stin kardia |
has a black pain in her heart: |
δίχως συντροφιά |
dihos sindrofia |
without companionship, |
δίχως αγκαλιά |
dihos angalia |
without an embrace, |
δίχως τα γλυκά μου τα φιλιά |
dihos ta glika mou ta filia |
without my sweet kisses. |
κι αφού με πονά |
ke afou me pona |
And since she feels [pain] for me, |
κι αφού με αγαπά |
ke afou me agapa |
and since she loves me, |
είναι κρίμα να `ναι μοναχιά |
ine krima na 'ne monahia |
it's a shame for her to be alone. |
Θα πάρω θέλω την απόφαση |
tha paro thelo tin apofasi |
I want to make the decision, |
και θα πάω στ' όμορφο νησί |
ke tha pao st' omorfo nisi |
I will go to the beautiful island. |
θέλω να της πω |
thelo na tis po |
I want to tell her |
πως την αγαπώ |
pos tin agapo |
that I love her |
και μια μέρα θα την παντρευτώ |
ke mia mera tha tin pandrefto |
and one day I will marry her |
μες την Ικαριά |
mes tin Ikaria |
in Ikaria. (3) |
μια γλυκιά βραδιά |
mia glikia vradia |
A sweet night — |
θα το κάψουμε με τα βιολιά |
tha ta kapsoume me ta viola |
we will burn everything with the violins. (4) |
Και θα χορέψουμε μαζί κι οι δυο |
ke tha horepsoume mazi ke ee dio |
And the two of us will dance together |
το σκοπό τον Ικαριώτικο |
to skopo ton Ikariotiko |
[to] the tune of Ikariotiko. |
θα γλεντήσουμε |
tha glendisoume |
We'll celebrate, |
θα μεθύσουμε |
tha methisoume |
we'll get drunk, |
τους καημούς θα λησμονήσουμε |
tous kaimous tha lismonisoume |
we'll forget the sorrows |
μες την Ικαριά |
mes tin Ikaria |
in Ikaria. (3) |
και σαν τα πουλιά |
ke san ta poulia |
And like the birds (2) |
θα `χουμε κι οι δυο ζεστή φωλιά |
tha 'houme ke ee dio zesti folia |
the two of us will have a warm nest. |
Instrumental |
Instrumental |
Instrumental |
- This can also mean wandering, or going here and there.
- In Greek slang, the words poulia (many birds) and pouli (singular bird) have another meaning. They also mean "penis"! But, in this song, the word pouli is just referring to birds.
- The Greek island of Ikaria is in the eastern part of the Aegean sea, near Smyrna (Izmir) on the coast of Turkey
- This is an idiom which means we will celebrate, party, rock the night, etc.

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About the Translator
This page was contributed by Panayiota Bakis, who is happy to share her culture and music she grew up with! Here's how Panayiota describes her background:
I always love engaging with intelligent like-minded people, especially artists. I love sharing anything and everything about my Hellenic culture and upbringing, especially music and dance. A conversation with me will bring you back to America's favorite Greek-American movie by Nia Vardalos called My Big Fat Greek Wedding.
I love investigating Greek culture, history, music, and dance. Speaking of investigating, I think I missed my calling, I probably should have been an investigator. Instead, I use those skills to dig and dig and dig tirelessly, often times falling asleep on my laptop... just to find the truth. But, most importantly, accurate truth. For me personally, and other respectable folklorists, my culture and accuracy are very important. Each generation of ethnic born artists has a duty to do the best it can to pass down our traditions as was taught to us. We have been given this artistic gift to be the gatekeepers of our heritage and culture.

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