PHOTO CREDIT: Above photo by John Rickman Photography, San Jose, California.
(Spoiled Girl) (Verwöhnte)
This page contains the song lyrics to "Şımarık", including a transliteration of the Turkish into the Roman alphabet, a translation into English, and a translation into German. This playful song was released in 1999, performed by Tarkan, and is very popular with younger Turkish people.
Song lyrics are provided for educational purposes. If you like the song, please purchase either the album or a download from an authorized source.
Lyrics: Sezen Aksu (Birth name was Fatma Sezen Yıldırım)
Music: Sezen Aksu |

Listen to MP3 Clips of This Song
Sung by Tarkan |
Sung by Holly Valance |

Turkish Lyrics |
English Translation |
German Translation |
Takmis Koluna alin adamini
Beni orta yerimden catlatiyor
Agzinda sakizi sisirip
Arsiz arsiz patlatiyor |
She goes arms linked with a man
and drives me crazy by doing so
she has chewing gum in her mouth
insolently chewing it, making bubbles burst |
Hat sich einen Mann untergehakt
Und macht mich damit rasend
Hat einen Kaugummi im Mund
Was sie unverschämt kaut und platzen läßt |
Belki de bu yüzden vuruldum
Sahibin olamadim ya
Sigar mi erkeklige seni simarik
Degisti mi bu dünya |
Maybe that is why I am so fond of
because I did not become your owner
Can a man stand that, you spoilt girl?
Did the world change like this? |
Vielleicht bin ich deshalb so angetan
von Dir
Weil ich nicht Dein Besitzer wurde
Kann man das als Mann ertragen, Du Verzogene?
Hat sich die Welt so verändert? |
Cekmis kasina gözüne sürme
Dudaklar kipkirmizi kiritiyor
Bi de karsima gecmis utanmasi yok
Inadima inadima sirityor |
Eyes painted black
coquettish with glaring red lips
she stands up to me defying me
and grins at me insolently |
Die Augen schwarz geschminkt
Die knallroten Lippen kokettierend
Stellt sie sich mir gegenüber zum Trotz hin
Und grinst mich unverschämt an |
Biz böyle mi gördük
Ele güne rezil olduk
Yeni adet gelmis eski köye vah
Dostlar mahvolduk |
Did we learn it this way from our
We have been looking like fools to everyone
New customs have entered the old village
Friends, we are in a fix. |
Haben wir das so von unseren Vätern
Wir haben uns vor allen blamiert
Neue Bräuche sind ins alte Dorf gekommen
Freunde, wir sind aufgeschmissen |
Seni gidi findik kiran
Yilani deliginden cikaran
Kaderim püsküllü belam
Yakalarsam ... |
You are a nutcracker
pulling a snake from its hole
my big disgrace
when I get hold of you ... (kiss, kiss) |
Du bist mir ein Nußknacker
Die eine Schlange aus ihrem Loch holt
Mein großes Unglück
Wenn ich dich zu fassen kriege, dann ...(Kuß, Kuß) |
Ocagina düstüm yavru
Kucasina düstüm yavru
Sicagina düstüm yavru
El aman |
I'm seeking protection with you,
I'm lying in your lap, babe
I'm burning in your fire, babe
Have mercy! |
Ich suche Schutz bei Dir, Babe
Ich liege in Deinem Schoß, Babe
Ich verbrenne an Deinem Feuer, Babe
Erbarmen! |

Where to Get Recordings of this Song

About the Translator
Many thanks to Farida (Elisabeth Schabus) from Austria for providing this translation to this web site!

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