Stop Stop Stop All the Dancing
This page contains the lyrics to the popular 1966 song "Stop Stop Stop All the Dancing", which was originally sung by The Hollies, and has also been recorded by Boiled in Lead.
Lyrics & Music: Graham Nash, Allan Clarke, & Tony Hicks
Song lyrics are provided for educational purposes. If you like the song, please purchase either the album or a download from an authorized source.

Listen to MP3 Clips of This Song
Sung by The Hollies |

See the girl with cymbals on her fingers
Entering through the door
Ruby glist'ning from her navel
Shimmering across the floor
Bells on feet go ting-a-ling-a-linging
Running through my head
Sweat falling just like a teardrop
Running from my head
Now she's dancing going through the movements
Swaying to and fro
Body moving bringing back a memory
Thoughts from long ago
Blood is rushing temperature is rising
Sweating from my brow
Like a snake her body fascinates me
I can't look away now
Stop! Stop! Stop all the dancing
Give me time to breathe
Stop! Stop! Stop all the dancing
Or I'll have to leave
Now she's moving all around the tables
Luring all in sight
But I know that she can't see me
Hidden by the light
Closer closer she's getting nearer
Soon she'll be in reach
As I enter into her spotlight
She stands lost for speech
Repeat Chorus
Repeat Chorus
Now I hold her people are staring
Don't know what to think
As we struggle knocking over tables
Spilling all the drinks
Can't they understand I want her
Happens every week
Heavy hand upon my collar
Throws me into the street

Where to Get Recordings of this Song

Listen to Clip |
Artist: The Hollies
CD Title: Hollies Greatest Hits
Artist: Boiled in Lead
CD Title: From the Ladle to the Grave

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