PHOTO CREDIT: Above photo by John Rickman Photography, San Jose, California.
Yine Sensiz
(Again Without You)
This page contains a translation into English of the lyrics to the popular Turkish song "Yine Sensiz", which was sung by Tarkan. Also included is a transliteration of the Turkish lyrics into the Roman alphabet so you can sing along if you like. The album with the same name as this song was Tarkan's debut album, released in 1992.
Song lyrics are provided for educational purposes. If you like the song, please purchase either the album or a download from an authorized source.
Lyrics: Tarkan Tevetoğlu |

Listen to MP3 Clips of This Song
Sung by Tarkan |

Arabic Lyrics |
English Translation |
Yine sensiz güneþ batıyor |
Again without you, the sun is setting |
Yine sensiz akþam oluyor |
Again without you it is becoming night |
Beni bekliyor kederler |
My grief is waiting for me |
Yine gecem hüzün kokuyor |
Again my night smells of sadness |
Heryerde, herþeyde izin var |
Everywhere, everywhere are signs of you |
Seni anlatır, |
Everything tells me of you |
Hatırlatır bütün þarkılar |
All the songs remind me of you |
Ah! Bu yalnızlık neden? Söyle |
Ah! Why is this aloneness, tell me |
Sensiz nasıl geçecek yıllar? |
How will the years pass without you? |
Nerdesin, kiminlesin? |
Where are you, who are you with? |
Ah! Sevgilim, dön, seni çok özledim |
Ah my love, return, I miss you a lot |
Dönmeyeceksin sen anladım |
You won't return, I've understood |
Ben sensiz, ben sevgisiz |
Me without you, without love |
Nasıl yaþarım? |
How will I live? |
Gözlerim ıslak bekliyorum |
I am waiting with tears in my eyes |
Bir umut ver, ver yalvarırım |
Give me one hope, give it I beg |
Nerdesin, kiminlesin? |
Where are you, who are you with? |
Ah! Sevgilim, dön, seni çok özledim. |
Ah my love, return. I miss you a lot. |

Where to Get Recordings of this Song

About the Translator
This translation was created by Eva, a half Turkish, half Persian Oriental dancer and teacher living in Ottawa, Ontario Canada. She loves classical Egyptian, Turkish Rroma and Persian Dance. She was known as Aasiyah on Bhuz.com and can be reached at belly_dancer@rogers.com.
Eva is available to do custom song translations from either Turkish or Farsi (Persian) to English. Contact her for current fee schedules.
Click on the photo of Eva to the right to see it in more detail. |

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