PHOTO CREDIT: Above photo by John Rickman Photography, San Jose, California.
Die Zuckerpuppe aus der Bauchtanztruppe
(The Sugar Doll from the Belly Dance Troupe)
This page contains a translation into English of the lyrics to the kitschy 1963 German hit song "Die Zuckerpuppe aus der Bauchtanztruppe", which was sung by Bill Ramsey. Also included are the original German lyrics so you can sing along if you like.
Lyrics: Hans Bradtke
Music: Heinz Gietz
Song lyrics are provided for educational purposes. If you like the song, please purchase either the album or a download from an authorized source.

Listen to MP3 Clips of This Song
Sung by Bill Ramsey |

A man is admiring Zuleika, the "sugar doll" from the belly dance troupe, until she lifts her face veil and he discovers she's actually Elfrieda, a woman he knows from his home town!
German Lyrics |
English Translation |
Kennt ihr die Zuckerpuppe |
Do you know the sugar doll |
aus der Bauchtanztruppe, |
from the belly dance troupe, |
von der ganz Marokko spricht? |
that everyone in Morocco is talking about? |
Die kleine süße Biene |
The cute little bee |
mit der Tüllgardine |
with the curtain |
vor dem Babydollgesicht? |
over her baby doll face? |
Suleika, Suleika, |
Zuleika, Zuleika, |
heißt die kleine Maus |
is the name of this small Mouse |
heißt die Zuckerpuppe |
is the name of the sugar doll |
aus der Bauchtanztruppe, |
from the belly dance troupe, |
und genau so sieht sie aus. |
and that's exactly how she looks. |
Da staunt der Vordere Orient, |
They amazed the Middle East, |
da staunt der Hintere Orient, |
They amazed the Far East, |
da staunt ein jeder, der sie kennt! |
They amazed everyone who knows them! |
Und mancher Wüstensohn hat sie schon |
And many a son of the desert has already |
als Fata Morgana gesehn. |
seen her in a mirage. |
Ja, sogar mir, sogar mir |
Yes, even my, even my, |
blieb bei ihr das Herz fast stehn. |
nearly stood still because of her. |
Denn diese Zuckerpuppe |
So this sugar doll |
aus der Bauchtanztruppe |
from the belly dance troupe |
sah mich ohne Pause an. |
looked at me constantly. |
Die kleine süße Biene |
The cute little bee |
mit der Tüllgardine, |
With the curtain |
die man nicht durchschauen kann. |
That you can't see through. |
Suleika, Suleika tanzte auf mich los. |
Zuleika, Zuleika danced toward me. |
Ja, die Zuckerpuppe |
Yes, the sugar doll |
aus der Bauchtanztruppe |
from the belly dance troupe |
setzte sich auf meinen Schoß. |
sat on my lap. |
Da staunt der Vordere Orient, |
The Middle East is amazed, |
da staunt der Hintere Orient, |
The Far East is amazed, |
da staunt ein jeder, der sie kennt! |
Everyone who knows her is amazed! |
Und mancher Wüstensohn hat sie schon |
And many a son of the desert has already |
als Fata Morgana gesehn. |
seen her in a mirage. |
Mir aber war im Moment nicht klar |
But at the moment I wasn't clear |
was da geschehn. |
what happened there. |
Denn diese Zuckerpuppe |
Then this sugar doll |
aus der Bauchtanztruppe |
from the belly dance troupe |
rückte näher peu a peu. |
Came closer, little by little. |
Dann hob die süße Biene |
Then the sweet bee suddenly lifted |
ihre Tüllgardine |
Her curtain high |
vor mir plötzlich in die Höh'. |
right in front of me. |
Elfriede, Elfriede, rief ich |
Elfrieda, Elfrieda, I shouted |
durch den Saal, |
loudly enough to be heard throughout the room |
denn die Zuckerpuppe |
because the sugar doll |
aus der Bauchtanztruppe |
from the belly dance troupe |
kannte ich aus Wuppertal! |
I knew from Wuppertal! |

Where to Get Recordings of this Song

About the Translator
This translation from German to English was created by Shira.

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