With so many videos of dance performances to choose from, how do you locate ones that match the kind of dancing you like to watch, and how do you make an informed decision on which one to buy? On this page, Shira offers reviews of performance videos. |
Remember, I am not necessarily "recommending" the items reviewed here. I'm giving you my honest opinion of what I thought of them. I don't always like everything I review. |
Read Shira's Video Reviews: Format & Biases before reading any of these video reviews so you can better understand the format she has chosen for her reviews and acquaint yourself with her biases that may affect the content of her reviews.
Full-Length Reviews
Opinion Polls OnlyThere are so many belly dancing videos available, that it's impossible to review them all! Here are opinion polls for performance videos that I haven't yet been able to review. If you're familiar with any of these, please vote to let everyone else know what you think of them! If you're not, visit the poll to see how other people felt about the video.
Many talented dancers from the U.S., Canada, Australia, Europe, Japan, and other parts of the world have embraced the raqs sharqi (belly dance, Oriental dance) performing art that originated in Egypt and Lebanon. Here are reviews of some performance videos featuring dancers who are not originally from the Middle East. Full-Length Reviews of Videos Featuring Individual Artists or Ensembles
Full-Length Reviews of Videos Featuring Compilations of Several Distinct Performers/Ensembles
Opinion Polls OnlyFull-length reviews are not available for these videos, but you can see how the Internet dance community voted on this video and cast your own vote if you've seen it. Amaya & Bert Balladine
Art of Dance LLC
Aswan Dancers
Beledi Productions
Elizabeth "Artemis" Mourat
Kathryn Ferguson
MIC Sound for Art Production
Michael Drumm
Miles Copeland
Natural Journeys
Niosha Nafei
Robyn, the Masked Belly Dancer
Robyn Friend
Sarah Skinner
Sphinx Records
Yasmina Ramzy & Arabesque Dance Company
Oriental dance (belly dance) isn't the only dance form that originated in the Middle East and North Africa. The region also has a rich tradition of other types of folk dances. Here are reviews of videos featuring folkloric performances. |
Middle Eastern dance has inspired many artists to explore new directions, using Middle Eastern themes as a starting point. Here are reviews of some videos featuring a theatrical view of this art form:
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