Belly Dancing Hafla: Ya Habibi!

"Ya Habibi" is Arabic, and means, "Oh, Darling!" And that's exactly what these talented dancers are: darling! A hafla is a party, and these dancers are having a lot of fun!

The music and graphics on this page are offered for viewing with your browser and printing for your personal use. Please do not use them on flyers, business cards, other web sites, or any other use.

Note to Netscape users: if some of the animations on your screen quit moving, just click the "Reload" button at the top of the screen and it will restart the dancing for you.

Belly Dancing Belly Dance Belly Dancers

Did You Know...?

  • In the Middle East, they don't call this dance form by the name "belly dancing". Their name for it translates as "Oriental dance". For them, Oriental dance is a social dance that people just get up and do for fun at joyous social occasions such as weddings and circumcisions. Men, women, and children all do it.
  • The title of this song is Habibi Ya Nour El Ain. In Arabic, that means My Darling, You Are The Glow In My Eyes. The vocalist who made it popular was a young man named Amr Diab. It became very popular in Arabic-speaking countries when it was introduced in 1996, and still remains a favorite. The lyrics and their translation appear elsewhere on this web site.

And now, on with the dance party!!!! Tie a scarf around your hips and join in!


Classic Belly DancerClassic Belly DancerClassic Belly DancerClassic Belly DancerClassic Belly Dancer

Evening GownEvening GownEvening GownEvening GownEvening GownEvening GownEvening Gown

Floor WorkFloor WorkFloor WorkFloor WorkFloor Work





Classic Belly DancerClassic Belly DancerClassic Belly DancerClassic Belly DancerClassic Belly Dancer

Classic Belly DancerClassic Belly DancerClassic Belly DancerClassic Belly DancerClassic Belly Dancer

Classic Belly DancerClassic Belly DancerClassic Belly DancerClassic Belly DancerClassic Belly Dancer

Classic Belly DancerClassic Belly DancerClassic Belly DancerClassic Belly DancerClassic Belly Dancer

Evening GownEvening GownEvening GownEvening GownEvening GownEvening GownEvening Gown

Evening GownEvening GownEvening GownEvening GownEvening GownEvening GownEvening Gown

Evening GownEvening GownEvening GownEvening GownEvening GownEvening GownEvening Gown

Evening GownEvening GownEvening GownEvening GownEvening GownEvening GownEvening Gown

Floor WorkFloor WorkFloor WorkFloor WorkFloor Work

Floor WorkFloor WorkFloor WorkFloor WorkFloor Work

Floor WorkFloor WorkFloor WorkFloor WorkFloor Work

Floor WorkFloor WorkFloor WorkFloor WorkFloor Work

ClasstimeClassic Belly DancerEvening GownFloor WorkClasstimeClassic Belly Dancer

Evening GownFloor WorkClasstimeClassic Belly DancerEvening GownFloor Work

Bellydancing Bellydance Bellydancers

Want These Images On A Shirt, Mouse Pad, Or Mug?

Visit Shira's Showcase, an online store, for T-shirts, sweatshirts, mouse pads, and mugs with these images on them.

Belly Dancing Belly Dance Belly Dancers

About The Artist

  • The graphics were created by Julie Anne Elliot. © 2001 by Julie Anne Elliot, all rights reserved. Used here with permission.
  • This MIDI file originally appeared on the now-defunct Arabic Midi Jukebox web site, and it appears here with Farouk's permission.

Photo Of Shira In Green Costume

After a lifetime of thinking she couldn't draw her way out of a paper bag (thanks to some unfortunate input by a nasty art teacher in middle school), Shira has finally let her wonderful husband convince her that maybe her doodles do deserve to see the light of day--or at least the light of your computer monitor!

Shira first started learning Middle Eastern dance in 1981. Dance has been her inspiration, her avenue to making friends in a new community after relocating, and her escape from her "day job" of being a professional Silicon Valley computer nerd.

Bill Smith, who would probably prefer not to be called Mr. Shira even though he is married to her, is a mathemagician. (Imagine someone who has a Ph.D. in mathematics with a sense of playfulness and humor about it....) He likes to pass time in restaurants waiting for his food by doodling. He used to doodle cartoons of snails to please his favorite wife (yes, there's a story behind that!), but recently she asked him to try a camel, and this is the result.

Unfortunately, Bill doesn't share his wife's passion for belly dancing, and sometimes feels like a belly dancing widower. He'd much rather cut a rug with her doing just plain old social dancing at a local club.

Photo Of Bill Smith, the artist

Bellydancing Bellydance Bellydancers

Explore The Rest Of This Web Site!

These animated dancing pages are just a tiny corner of a much larger web site.

If you like belly dancing and would like to learn more about it, then please visit the home page for this web site, The Art Of Middle Eastern Dance. There you'll find costuming information, advice and how-to's, historical and cultural information, translated song lyrics, product reviews, and lots more.

Drawing Of A Belly Dancer

Belly Dancing Belly Dance Belly Dancers

If You Like This Web Site, Please Read This!

Please show me courtesy and respect by cooperating with the following, and ask your friends to do the same:

  • Please do not send the articles, music files, and artwork on this web site to other people via e-mail. Instead, please give those people the address for this site, and encourage them to come visit for themselves.
  • Please do not post the articles or music files you find here on your own web site. Instead, please just link to the pages you like.
  • Please do not use artwork from this site to decorate your own web site, flyers, business cards, or other projects unless you found it on the Clip Art menu. If you do use artwork from the clip art menu, please cooperate with the conditions set by the clip art providers.
  • Please do not publish anything from this site in a newsletter unless you get my permission first. Yes, I will give permission if you're willing to meet my conditions. So far, everyone who has asked has found my conditions to be reasonable.
  • Please do not make copies of material from this site to distribute to other people unless you get my permission first. Yes, I will give permission if you're willing to meet my conditions. So far, everyone who has asked has found my conditions to be reasonable.

Of course, you may view or print pages from this site for your own personal use. And you're welcome to link to this site without asking me first.

If courtesy and respect for my generosity in sharing all of this are not enough to get you to honor my wishes, please also remember that the law is on my side. All articles and artwork appearing on this web site are protected by copyright law.

I truly regret the need to say all of this, but I've been driven to it by people who stole things from my site. If this theft continues, it could drive me to remove this site from the web. So please be an honorable member of the Internet community, and cooperate with my requests.

Bellydancing Bellydance Bellydancers

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