PHOTO CREDIT: Above photo by John Rickman Photography, San Jose, California.
A Review of
The Kadin
by Bertice Small

This historical romance novel's story line centers around what happens when the
daughter of a Scottish nobleman finds herself sold into slavery
in the East and winds up in a Turkish harem. |

Fact Sheet
Title |
The Kadin |
Author |
Bertrice Small |
0-380-01699-0 |
Publisher |
Avon Books, Inc. |
Category |
Historical Romance Novel |
Rating |
Number of Pages |
448 |
Published In |
1978 |

In this historical romance novel, the
daughter of a Scottish nobleman finds herself sold into slavery
in the East and winds up in a Turkish harem. It is the story
of the friends she made and the harem politics that she triumphs
over. The book opens in the year 1490, and it draws to a close
in 1542. The bulk of it occurs in the royal palaces of the Sultan
in Istanbul.
The author has clearly done extensive research on the historical
era in which she has set her book. She seamlessly incorporates
real-life historical figures such as the Ottoman Sultans and
the king of Scotland into her story. The main character confronts
issues such as the expectation that she'll abandon her Christian
belief system and embrace Islam.
Like most romance novels, The Kadin definitely contains
some sex scenes. In this book, these scenes don't occur very
frequently — there are only a couple, really, and they don't go
into much explicit detail.

Is It Right for You?
You Will Probably Enjoy This Book If...
- You're looking for light reading that develops close friendships among women as a key aspect of the plot.
- You enjoy historical fiction.
- You are fascinated by the Ottoman harem of the 16th century and would enjoy a story that unfolds there.
- You appreciate authors who work hard to research the historical eras and locations in which they set their characters.
This Book Probably Isn't Right for You If...
- You don't particularly like romance novels.
- You aren't a fan of books whose plots are fairly predictable.
- You're looking for a book that prominently features dancing. (It's not mentioned at all in this book.)

What I Liked, What I Didn't
What I Liked:
- Janet Leslie, the lead character, is
strong, likeable, and intelligent. I always enjoy a book more
when its primary character appeals to me, and Cyra Hafise (the
Turkish name given to Janet) is one of my very favorite characters
in all the romance novels I've read.
- Bertrice Small (the author) clearly did extensive research when preparing
this book. Although I certainly would not encourage anyone to
think of a romance novel as being a legitimate source of historical
or cultural information, I nonetheless was impressed at the overall
use of historical detail in this book. Most of her portrayal
of life in an Ottoman harem rang true with what I have read in
other sources.
- This was not a formula romance novel. Instead, I would characterize
it more as being historical fiction. For me, it was a refreshing
change of pace from the formula that romance novels usually follow.
- Although it is fairly easy to predict which of the Sultan's
wives would prevail in the politics of the harem and whose son
would end up becoming Sultan, the story is still told very well,
and the character development is compelling.
- For this particular book, the author does not
follow her custom of using frequent explicit sex scenes. Although
I generally don't mind sex scenes in romance novels, they wouldn't
have fit with the tone and the storytelling style of this particular
book. The author used good judgment in refraining from using
them much in this one.
What I Didn't Like:
- Although the character development is generally one of the
strong points of this book, there are a few places where it
seems implausible. For example, I found it hard to accept that
a group of women would band together to support someone else's
son instead of their own as the heir to the throne. It's nice to imagine that such a close friendship
could occur, but it just seemed too unlikely.
- Late in the book, Cyra Hafise makes an error in judgment regarding
one of the young women of the harem. Given that throughout nearly
all the book, she is portrayed as being very astute when it
comes to dealing with people, her lapse in this case
jolted me out of the story. It was just too inconsistent with
the character development that had gone before.

If you're the kind of person who enjoys historical romance
novels set around the time of the Renaissance, especially those with
a significant part of the plot taking place in the Middle East,
then this is one of the best books on the market. However, if
you've never appreciated romance novels, this might not not the
right book for you. There are a small number of sex scenes, which
are not very explicit. Readers who like lots of juicy sex might
be disappointed, but those who prefer books that gloss over the
sex scenes will probably find that this book stays within their
comfort zone.
I've read a lot of other books by Bertrice Small. Compared
to her others, this one puts the heroine through fewer harsh
ordeals, and focuses the story line on love and friendship rather
than on parades of husbands and lovers. It is definitely quite
different from the tone of the Small's popular Skye O'Malley
series, and I actually liked The Kadin better than the Skye books.
I found this to be good "airplane reading" — in
other words, it's a book that's entertaining enough to absorb my attention
fully enough to make a long airplane ride pass more quickly without making my brain work too hard.

Related Books
After finishing this book, if you'd like to read other books
by Bertrice Small presenting other adventures in the Middle East and North Africa, there are many available
to keep you reading for some time to come. Here is the order
I would suggest reading them in, with links (when available)
to reviews of them elsewhere on this web site:
- The Kadin. This was Bertrice Small's first book, and everything else follows
it. It is the first in the Leslie Famly series, sometimes called the Cyra Hafisa series.
- Skye O'Malley. This is the
first book in a series about a strong woman named Skye O'Malley
and her extended family. Her adventures take her to Algeria at
one point.
- All The Sweet Tomorrows. This is the sequel to Skye O'Malley. Although I was a
bit disappointed with this book, I would still recommend that
if you liked Skye O'Malley enough to read more in the
series, then you should read this before the others. Otherwise,
you'll find some of the references to past events and characters
in the later books confusing. Part of it takes place in Algeria
and Morocco.
- A Love For All Time. This
one comes third in the Skye O'Malley family of books. Part of
it takes place in Turkey, and it makes some references to characters
who were originally introduced in The Kadin.
- Love Wild And Fair. This
is the sequel to The Kadin and part of the plot takes
place in Turkey. It is the second in the Leslie Famly series, sometimes called the Cyra Hafisa series.
- This Heart Of Mine. I don't plan to review this one
for my site, because the heroine's adventures take her to India,
which falls outside my geographical scope. But if you've enjoyed
the other books about Skye's family so far, you'll want to read
this one, which is number four in the series.
- Lost Love Found. Bertrice
Small takes you back to Turkey in this one, the fifth book in
her story about Skye O'Malley and her family. Don't tackle this
one unless you've read everything above. I made that mistake,
and felt entirely confused at all the flashbacks explaining what
had gone before.
- Wild Jasmine. This is the natural sequel to This
Heart Of Mine. I don't plan to review this one for my site,
because the heroine's time outside of Europe takes place in India,
which falls outside the geographic scope that I focus on for this web site. But if you're hooked
on the Skye O'Malley series, you'll want to read this one, which
is the sixth book in the series.

There is nothing to disclose. I have never had any contact with anyone associated with this book.

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