PHOTO CREDIT: Above photo by John Rickman Photography, San Jose, California.
على بابي واقف قمرين
Ala Baabi Wa-Aif Amarain
(Two Moons Are
Standing at My Door)
This page contains a translation into English of the lyrics to the popular song "A’ala Baabi Wa-Aif Amarain", which was sung by Melhelm Barakaat. Also included is a transliteration of the Arabic lyrics into the Roman alphabet so you can sing along if you like.
- Ala Baabi Wa-Aif Amarain (Two Moons Are Standing at My Door), 1998
- Song Title in Arabic: على بابي واقف قمرين
- Album: Ala Baabi Wa-Aif Amarain
- Lyricist: Shafik El Maghraby
- Composer: Melhelm Barakaat
- Original Artist: Melhelm Barakaat
Other ways the song title might be spelled include "Ala Babee Waeff Amarain", "A La Babi Waef Amaren", "Ala Baby Wef Amarine", "3ala Babi Wa2ef Qamarin", or "Ala Baby Waef Amareen". People sometimes write the singer's name as "Mel7em Barakat."
Melhem Barakat was born in 1944 in Lebanon. As a child, he showed his talent for singing at school parties.
He attended the prestigious Rahbani School which launched the careers of many artists. He became known not only for his singing voice, but also for his talents as a composer.
Song lyrics are provided for educational purposes. If you like the song, please purchase either the album or a download from an authorized source. |

Arabic Lyrics |
English Translation |
A’ala baabi wa-aif amarain. |
Two moons are standing at my door. |
Wahed bilsama, wil taani aghla imnil-a’ain, ib-yifham bilwama. |
One is in the sky and the other one is more precious than the eye understand things right away. |
A’ala baabi wa-aif amarain. |
Two moons are standing at my door. |
Wahed bilsama, wil taani aghla imnil-a’ain, ib-yifham bilwama. |
One is in the sky and the other one is more precious than the eye understand things right away. |
A’ala baabi, a’ala baabi wa-aif amarain. |
At my door, at my door, two moons are standing. |
Aah! Ya amarna bil layaali, nahna ila’aashi-ein. |
Aah! O moon in the night, we are lovers. |
Ya talaia’ bil a’alaali, khaleina sahraneen. |
Oh you come up so high, you make us stay awake all night. |
Aah! Ya amarna bil layaali, nahna ila’aashi-ein. |
Aah! O moon in the night, we are lovers. |
Ya talaia’ bil a’alaali, khaleina sahraneen. |
Oh you come up so high, you make us stay awake all night. |
Wana nijmah bain amarain, wana basmah bain hila-lain. |
And I am a star between two moons, and I am a smile between two crescents. |
Wana nijmah bain amarain, wana basmah bain hila-lain. |
And I am a star between two moons, and I am a smile between two crescents. |
Wana nijmah bain amarain, wana basmah bain hila-lain. |
And I am a star between two moons, and I am a smile between two crescents. |
W-il-naas a’ind-ha amar, wana a’indi amarain. |
And people have one moon, but me, I have two. |
A’ala baabi wa-aif amarain. |
Two moons are standing at my door. |
Wahed bilsama, wil taani aghla imnil-a’ain, ib-yifham bilwama. |
One is in the sky and the other one is more precious than the eye understand things right away. |
A’ala baabi wa-aif amarain. |
Two moons are standing at my door. |
Wahed bilsama, wil taani aghla imnil-a’ain, ib-yifham bilwama. |
One is in the sky and the other one is more precious than the eye understand things right away. |
A’ala baabi, a’ala baabi wa-aif amarain. |
At my door, at my door, two moons are standing. |
Eeeih. |
Eeeih. |
Aah ya imdawi ouloob a’atshanah. Irwi ila’atshaneen, yalli ia’younak milyana bilhobb wilhaneen. |
Oh, you curer of thirsty hearts, supply the thirsty with water. Your eyes are full with love and compassion. |
Aah ya imdawi ouloob a’atshanah. Irwi ila’atshaneen, yalli ia’younak milyana bilhobb wilhaneen. |
Oh, you curer of thirsty hearts, supply the thirsty with water. Your eyes are full with love and compassion. |
Aah ya imdawi ouloob a’atshanah. Irwi ila’atshaneen, yalli ia’younak milyana bilhobb wilhaneen. |
Oh, you curer of thirsty hearts, supply the thirsty with water. Your eyes are full with love and compassion. |
Aah ya imdawi ouloob a’atshanah. Irwi ila’atshaneen, yalli ia’younak milyana bilhobb wilhaneen. |
Oh, you curer of thirsty hearts, supply the thirsty with water. Your eyes are full with love and compassion. |
Aah ya imdawi ouloob a’atshanah. Irwi ila’atshaneen, yalli ia’younak milyana bilhobb wilhaneen. |
Oh, you curer of thirsty hearts, supply the thirsty with water. Your eyes are full with love and compassion. |
Aah ya imdawi ouloob a’atshanah. Irwi ila’atshaneen, yalli ia’younak milyana bilhobb wilhaneen. |
Oh, you curer of thirsty hearts, supply the thirsty with water. Your eyes are full with love and compassion. |
Aah ya imdawi ouloob a’atshanah. Irwi ila’atshaneen, yalli ia’younak milyana bilhobb wilhaneen. |
Oh, you curer of thirsty hearts, supply the thirsty with water. Your eyes are full with love and compassion. |
Aah ya imdawi ouloob a’atshanah. Irwi ila’atshaneen, yalli ia’younak milyana bilhobb wilhaneen. |
Oh, you curer of thirsty hearts, supply the thirsty with water. Your eyes are full with love and compassion. |
Wana winta ya nour el-a’ain. Rouh iwsaknaak jazabain. |
Me and you, Oh you sparkling eyes. A soul and appealing closeness. |
Aah, aah, ha, ha, aah, aah, ha, ha, aah, aah, ha, ha, wa, wa. |
Aah, aah, ha, ha, aah, aah, ha, ha, aah, aah, ha, ha, wa, wa. |
Aah ya imdawi ouloob a’atshanah. Irwi ila’atshaneen, yalli ia’younak milyana bilhobb wilhaneen. |
Oh, you curer of thirsty hearts, supply the thirsty with water. Your eyes are full with love and compassion. |
Aah ya imdawi ouloob a’atshanah. Irwi ila’atshaneen, yalli ia’younak milyana bilhobb wilhaneen. |
Oh, you curer of thirsty hearts, supply the thirsty with water. Your eyes are full with love and compassion. |
Wana winta ya nour el-a’ain. Rouh iwsaknaak jazabain. |
Me and you, Oh you sparkling eyes. A soul and appealing closeness. |
Wana winta ya nour el-a’ain. Rouh iwsaknaak jazabain. |
Me and you, Oh you sparkling eyes. A soul and appealing closeness. |
Wilnaas a’ind-ha amar, wana a’indi amarain. |
And people have one moon, but me, I have two. |
A’ala baabi wa-aif amarain. |
Two moons are standing at my door. |
Wahed bilsama, wil taani aghla imnil-a’ain, ib-yifham bilwama. |
One is in the sky and the other one is more precious than the eye understand things right away. |
A’ala baabi wa-aif amarain. |
Two moons are standing at my door. |
Wahed bilsama, wil taani aghla imnil-a’ain, ib-yifham bilwama. |
One is in the sky and the other one is more precious than the eye understand things right away. |
A’ala baabi, a’ala baabi wa-aif amarain. |
At my door, at my door, two moons are standing. |
A’ala baabi, wa-aif aaamarain, aaamarain, aaamarain, amarain, amarain. |
Two moons are standing at my door. Ah, two moons, ah, two moons, two moons, two moons. |
A’ala baabi wa-aif amarain. |
Two moons are standing at my door. |
Wahed bilsama, wil taani aghla imnil-a’ain, ib-yifham bilwama. |
One is in the sky and the other one is more precious than the eye understand things right away. |
A’ala baabi wa-aif amarain. |
Two moons are standing at my door. |
Wahed bilsama, wil taani aghla imnil-a’ain, ib-yifham bilwama. |
One is in the sky and the other one is more precious than the eye understand things right away. |
A’ala baabi, a’ala baabi wa-aif amarain. |
At my door, at my door, two moons are standing. |
A’ala baabi, wa-aif aaamarain, aaamarain, aaamarain, amarain, amarain. |
Two moons are standing at my door. Ah, two moons, ah, two moons, two moons, two moons. |

About the Translator
More than 100 song translations that appear on this web site, including this one, were created by Dr. Tahseen Alkoudsi. Together with his wife Kathe, Tahseen owned an import business in Lawrence, Kansas known as Cartouche.
Dr. Alkoudsi's imports business was his second career. His first career was in the service of the United Nations. Born in Damascus, Syria, he came to the U.S. for his M.A. and Ph.D. in economics, and worked in San Francisco. He joined the United Nations in Yemen, and worked in Saudi Arabia. He then joined the UNESCO Regonal Office for Arab States. He visited most of the Arab States in the course of his work, responsible for introducing computer sciences into educational facilities. For a time, he was stationed in Cairo, Egypt. He retired from that work in 1995.
Sadly, Tahseen died on Sunday, October 15, 2006. See this link for his obituary.
To me, Tahseen was so much more than a contributor to my web site. Even though we lived far apart, I saw Tahseen and Kathe several times over the years. I always appreciated their warmth and generosity. I first "met" Tahseen online back in 1997 on the med-dance list on the Internet, where he periodically posted messages. I knew he was in Lawrence, Kansas, so when a business trip arose requiring me to travel to the Kansas City area, I emailed him to say I'd be in the neighborhood. He and Kathe came to Kansas City for an evening get-together at Tasso's restaurant, and they invited several local dancers to join us. I saw them on follow-up visits to Kansas City. They vended at Rakkasah for several years, and it was always a pleasure to greet them there in the anteroom off to the left of the main stage. I also enjoyed encountering them in Egypt at the Ahlan wa Sahlan festival.
Tahseen will be missed by many. |

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