PHOTO CREDIT: Above photo by John Rickman Photography, San Jose, California.
İşte Hendek, İşte Deve
(Here is the Ditch, Here is the Camel)
This page contains a translation into English of the lyrics to the Turkish song "İşte Hendek İşte Deve", which was popularized by Barış Manço in 1971 on his album Dünden Bugüne, and then revived in 2017 by Çağlar Alkaç. The song title is sometimes Romanized as "Ishte Hendek" or "Iste Hendek".
Song lyrics are provided for educational purposes. If you like the song, please purchase either the album or a download from an authorized source.
About Barış Manço
Tosun Yusuf Mehmet Barış Manço, better known by his stage name Barış Manço, was born in 1943. He was a pioneer of rock music in Turkey, and known for as a pioneer of the Anatolian rock genre of music. He was a singer, songwriter, composer, actor, television producer, and show host. He composed about 200 songs, and is one of Turkey's most awarded musicians. Manço formed his first band while still in high school. After graduating in 1963, he moved to Europe and formed a variety of bands with musicians he met there. Throughout the 1970's, he pursued the dream of international fame with the release of five albums, but it always eluded him. He found an audience with some children's songs during the 1980's.
Starting in 1988, he produced and hosted a television show named 7'den 77'ye. This broadened his popularity with the Turkish public. In 1999, he died of a sudden heart attack.
Lyrics: Barış Manço
Music: Barış Manço
Has Also Been Recorded By:
- Keti Garbi, 1999, in Greek ("Agkires"). On album Doro Theou.
- Çağlar Alkaç, 2017 ("İşte Hendek İşte Deve"). On album Ben Bilirim.

Turkish Lyrics |
English Translation |
Kuyu başına vardım Zeynep'im beklerdiye |
I arrived at the well, my Zeinab was waiting. |
Nasıl haberin almışsa dayı, emmi hep orda |
Somehow her uncles found out, and they were already there. |
Dediler ne ararsın, kızı almak mı istersin? |
They said, "What are you looking for? Do you want to marry the girl? |
Sana bir çift sözümüz var hele buysa niyetin |
We have a few words for you if that is your intention." |
İşte hendek işte deve, ya atlarsın ya düşersin |
"Here is the ditch, here is the camel, either jump [over the camel's back] or fall [into the ditch] |
Baktın olmaz vazgeçersin, zordur almak bizden kızı |
If you think you can't, then give up, it's hard to get our niece from us |
İşte Halep işte arşın, ya aşarsın ya biçersin |
Here's Aleppo [a distant city], here's the yardstick, either you get there or you try to measure up, |
Baktın olmaz vazgeçersin, zordur almak bizden kızı |
If you think you can't, then give up, it's hard to get our niece from us." |
Instrumental |
Instrumental |
Sögüdün dalı uzun, Barış'ın gönlü hüzün |
The branch of the willow is long, the heart of Barış is sad. |
Dudağında aynı türkü, senenler sonra bugün
I have the same song on my lips today, after many years. |
Dayı, emmi yaşlanmış, develer kervan olmuş
The uncles got old, camels became caravans. |
Zeynep'imden haber sordum, başkasına yar olmuş |
I asked for news of my Zeinab, and she was in love with someone else. |
İşte hendek işte deve, ya atlarsın ya düşersin |
"Here is the ditch, here is the camel, either jump [over the camel's back] or fall [into the ditch] |
Baktın olmaz vazgeçersin, zordur almak bizden kızı |
If you think you can't, then give up, it's hard to get our niece from us |
İşte Halep işte arşın, ya aşarsın ya biçersin |
Here's Aleppo [a distant city], here's the yardstick, either you get there or you try to measure up, |
Baktın olmaz vazgeçersin, zordur almak bizden kızı |
If you think you can't, then give up, it's hard to get our niece from us." |
Instrumental |
Instrumental |
Sögüdün dalı uzun, Barış'ın gönlü hüzün |
The branch of the willow is long, the heart of Barış is sad. |
Elim eline değmedi varın anlayın gayri |
I never touched her hand [with mine], I'll let you figure out the rest. |

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