PHOTO CREDIT: Above photo by John Rickman Photography, San Jose, California.
Kalbine Sor
(Ask Your Heart)
This page contains a translation into English of the lyrics to the popular Turkish song "Kalbine Sor", which was sung by Burak Kut.
Song lyrics are provided for educational purposes. If you like the song, please purchase either the album or a download from an authorized source.
Lyrics: Burak Kut
Music: Thanos Giorgoulas

Turkish |
English Translation |
Hiç haber yok neredesin |
New news, where are you? |
hala rüyalarımda benimsin |
You're still mine in my dreams. |
Ya kalbini çalarsa |
What if it steals your heart |
seni benden alırsa birisi |
if someone takes you from me? |
İnan ki bu dünyada |
In this world, believe that |
gözümde senden başkası yok |
I see no one but you. |
Unutmadım aklımda |
On my mind, I did not forget. |
hani derdin ya sevenim yok |
You know what you said. I do not have a lover. |
Kalbini dinle, iyi dinle |
Listen to your heart, |
mutlu olursun benimle |
you will be happy with me. |
uçmadı aklım yerinde |
My mind did not stray. |
hiç üzmem seni yeminle |
I would never hurt you, I swear. |
Kalbini dinle, iyi dinle |
Listen to your heart, |
mutlu olursun benimle |
you will be happy with me. |
uçmadı aklım yerinde |
My mind did not stray. |
hiç üzmem seni yeminle |
I would never hurt you, I swear. |

Related Translations
- Τi Kardia Sou Rota / Kalbine Sor (Ask Your Heart). A version of Kalbine Sor exists with part of the lyrics in Greek, part in Turkish. It is sung as a duet by Keti Garbi and Burak Kut. This link leads to the translation for that version.

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