PHOTO CREDIT: Above photo by John Rickman Photography, San Jose, California.
Ο Σύρτης
(O Sirtis)
(The Latch)
This page contains a translation into English of the lyrics to the popular Greek song "O Sirtis" (Ο Σύρτης), which was sung by Giorgos Alkaios. Also included is a pronunciation guide for the Greek lyrics so you can sing along if you like.
Song lyrics are provided for educational purposes. If you like the song, please purchase either the album or a download from an authorized source.
About Giorgos Alkaios
Giorgos Alkaios (sometimes spelled Yiorgos Alkeos) is the stage name for Yiorgos Vasiliou (Γιώργος Βασιλείου). He was born in Athens in 1971 to Greek and Portugese parents. When he was 3 years old, his parents (who were living in the U.S. at the time) divorced and his father abducted him, taking him to Greece to live.
His first television appearance occurred at age 17, when he entered a talent competition reality show titled Ela Sto Fos. Out of 1,500 entrants, he was selected to be one of the top twenty. In the summer of 1991, he went on a concert tour of Greece with a fellow singer, Christos Dantis.
In 1992, Alkaios released his debut album Me Ligo Trak, which included his Greek version of Cheb Khaled's hit song Didi. It became a massive hit in Greece, and was one of the first Greek songs to mix Oriental sounds with Western pop. His songwriting and recording career continued in the years that followed, leading to many gold and platinum albums. |
Song: O Sirtis (The Latch), 2000
Lyrics: Niki Spiropoulou
Music: Giorgos Alkaios
Original Artist: Giorgos Alkaios
Dance Style: Belly Dance
Album: Pro Ton Pilon |
Τραγούδι: Ο Σύρτης, 2000
Στίχοι: Νίκη Σπυροπούλου
Μουσική: Γιώργος Αλκαίος
Πρώτη Εκτέλεση: Γιώργος Αλκαίος Βασιλείου
Χορός: Οριεντάλ, Χορό Της Κοιλιάς, Ανατολίτικο Χορό, Τσιφτετέλι, Τσιφτετέλια, Χανούμικο, Κελικός Χορός
Άλμπουμ: Προ Των Πυλών |

Numbers in parentheses refer to footnotes that appear at the bottom of the translation.
Greek Lyrics |
Pronunciation |
English Translation |
Αααααχχχχχχ |
aaaaaaahhhhhh |
Aaaaaaahhhhhh |
Αααααχχχχχχ |
aaaaaaahhhhhh |
Aaaaaaahhhhhh |
Αααααχχχχχχ |
aaaaaaahhhhhh |
Aaaaaaahhhhhh |
Αχ αχ αχ αχ αχ αχχχχχχχ |
ah ah ah ah ah ahhhhhhh |
Ah ah ah ah ah ahhhhhhh |
Αμαν, αμαν, αμαν, αμαν |
aman, aman, aman, aman |
Aman, aman, aman, aman (1) |
Αμαν, αμαν, αμαν, αμαν |
aman, aman, aman, aman |
Aman, aman, aman, aman (1) |
Αμαν, αμαν, αμαν, αμαν |
aman, aman, aman, aman |
Aman, aman, aman, aman (1) |
Αχ αχ αχ αχ αχ αχ αχ αχ αχχχχχχχ |
ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ahhhhhhh |
Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ahhhhhhh |
Έχω κλειδωθεί στο σπίτι |
eho klidothi sto spiti |
I've locked myself in the house |
και διπλό έβαλα σύρτη |
ke diplo evala sirti |
and I put a double latch [on the door]. |
μη' τυχόν και σου ανοίξω |
mi' tihon ke sou anixo |
Just in case I wanted to open [the door] for you, |
πως πονάω μη' σου δείξω |
pos ponao mi' sou dixo |
I don't want to show you how [much] I'm in pain. |
Δάκρυα (Δάκρυα), με έχουν πάρει |
dakria (dakria), me ehoun pari |
Tears (tears) have taken me, |
δάκρυσε (δάκρυσε) και το φεγγάρι |
dakrise (dakrise) ke to fegari |
and the moon wept (wept) |
που απόψε (που απόψε), ξενυχτάω |
pou apopse (pou apopse), xenihtao |
[about] how tonight (how tonight), I'm out late, |
που απόψε (που απόψε), σε ξεχνάω |
pou apopse (pou apopse), se xehnao |
how tonight (how tonight), I'm forgetting you. |
Δάκρυα, με έχουν πάρει |
dakria, me ehoun pari |
Tears have taken me, |
και με πνίγει, το σκοτάδι |
ke me pniyi, to skotadi |
and the darkness is choking me. |
σε θυμάμαι, και πεθαίνω |
se thimame, ke petheno |
I remember you, and I'm dying |
να σε σβήσω, επιμένω |
na se sviso, epimeno |
to erase you, I insist. |
Δάκρυα, με έχουν πάρει |
dakria, me ehoun pari |
Tears have taken me. |
Έχω κλειδωθεί στο σπίτι |
eho klidothi sto spiti |
I've locked myself in the house, |
και διπλό έβαλα σύρτη |
ke diplo evala sirti |
and I put a double latch [on the door] |
μη' τυχόν και σου ανοίξω |
mi' tihon ke sou anixo |
just in case I wanted to open [the door] for you. |
πως πονάω μη' σου δείξω |
pos ponao mi' sou dixo |
I don't want to show you how much pain I'm in. |
Έχω κλειδωθεί στο σπίτι |
eho klidothi sto spiti |
I've locked myself in the house, |
και διπλό έβαλα σύρτη |
ke diplo evala sirti |
and I put a double latch [on the door]. |
απ' την πόρτα θα περάσω |
ap' tin porta tha peraso |
I will pass through the door |
μόνο όταν σε ξεχάσω |
mono otan se xehaso |
only when I've forgotten you. |
Δάκρυα (Δάκρυα), έχω στα μάτια |
dakria (dakria), eho sta matia |
Tears (tears), I have in my eyes, |
κaι όνειρα (κι όνειρα), χίλια κομμάτια |
ke onira (ke onira), hilia komatia |
and dreams (and dreams), thousands of pieces. |
που απόψε (που απόψε), καταστρέφω |
pou apopse (pou apopse), katastrefo |
How tonight (how tonight), I destroy. |
στη' ζωή μου, επιστρέφω |
sti' zoi mou, epistrefo |
In my life, I return. |
Δάκρυα, για σένα μόνο |
dakria, ya sena mono |
Tears, only for you, |
σαν βροχή, έξω στο δρόμο |
san vrohi, exo sto dromo |
like rain, out on the street. |
μπόρα είναι, θα περάσει |
bora ine, tha perasi |
It's a storm, it will pass, |
κaι η καρδιά μου, θα ξεχάσει |
ke ee kardia mou, tha xehasi |
and my heart will forget. |
Δάκρυα με έχουν πάρει |
dakria me ehoun pari |
Tears have taken me. |
Έχω κλειδωθεί στο σπίτι |
eho klidothi sto spiti |
I've locked myself in the house, |
και διπλό έβαλα σύρτη |
ke diplo evala sirti |
and I put a double latch [on the door] |
μη' τυχόν και σου ανοίξω |
mi' tihon ke sou anixo |
just in case I wanted to open [the door] for you. |
πως πονάω μη' σου δείξω |
pos ponao mi' sou dixo |
I don't want to show you how much pain I'm in. |
Έχω κλειδωθεί στο σπίτι |
eho klidothi sto spiti |
I've locked myself in the house, |
και διπλό έβαλα σύρτη |
ke diplo evala sirti |
and I put a double latch [on the door]. |
απ' την πόρτα θα περάσω |
ap' tin porta tha peraso |
I will pass through the door |
μόνο όταν σε ξεχάσω |
mono otan se xehaso |
only when I've forgotten you. |
Instrumental |
Instrumental |
Instrumental |
Έχω κλειδωθεί στο σπίτι |
eho klidothi sto spiti |
I've locked myself in the house, |
και διπλό έβαλα σύρτη |
ke diplo evala sirti |
and I put a double latch [on the door] |
μη' τυχόν και σου ανοίξω |
mi' tihon ke sou anixo |
just in case I wanted to open [the door] for you. |
πως πονάω μη' σου δείξω |
pos ponao mi' sou dixo |
I don't want to show you how much pain I'm in. |
Έχω κλειδωθεί στο σπίτι |
eho klidothi sto spiti |
I've locked myself in the house, |
και διπλό έβαλα σύρτη |
ke diplo evala sirti |
and I put a double latch [on the door]. |
απ' την πόρτα θα περάσω |
ap' tin porta tha peraso |
I will pass through the door |
μόνο όταν σε ξεχάσω |
mono otan se xehaso |
only when I've forgotten you. |
Αχ αχ αχ αχ αχ αχ αχ αχ αχχχχχχχ |
ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ahhhhhhh |
Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ahhhhhhh |
Αμανεεεεεεεε |
Amaneeeeee |
Amaneeeeee (1) |
- "Aman" is a Greek exclamation that can mean "Oh!" or "Oh my!" or "Oh boy!" Although it is spelled in the original Greek with an accent over the second "ά" (ie, αμάν), some people accent the first syllable — both in songs, and also in everyday conversation. Listen carefully to the song to determine which it is for a given singer.

Translations of
Giorgos Alkaios' Songs On This Site
Translations on this web site of songs performed by Giorgos Alkaios include:

About the Translator
This page was contributed by Panayiota Bakis, who is happy to share her culture and music she grew up with! Here's how Panayiota describes her background:
I always love engaging with intelligent like-minded people, especially artists. I love sharing anything and everything about my Hellenic culture and upbringing, especially music and dance. A conversation with me will bring you back to America's favorite Greek-American movie by Nia Vardalos called My Big Fat Greek Wedding.
I love investigating Greek culture, history, music, and dance. Speaking of investigating, I think I missed my calling, I probably should have been an investigator. Instead, I use those skills to dig and dig and dig tirelessly, often times falling asleep on my laptop... just to find the truth. But, most importantly, accurate truth. For me personally, and other respectable folklorists, my culture and accuracy are very important. Each generation of ethnic born artists has a duty to do the best it can to pass down our traditions as was taught to us. We have been given this artistic gift to be the gatekeepers of our heritage and culture.

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