PHOTO CREDIT: Above photo by John Rickman Photography, San Jose, California.
Taht el-Shibbak
(Under The Window)
This page contains a translation into English of the lyrics to the classic Arabic song "Taht el-Shibbak". The title is sometimes spelled as "Taht il-Shibak" or "Tahtil Shibbak". Also included is a transliteration of the Arabic lyrics into the Roman alphabet so you can sing along if you like.
In the 1946 Egyptian movie Laabet el Sitt (The Lady's Puppet), Tahia Carioca dances as the composer, Aziz Osman, plays the oud and sings for her. Dina has used this song in her shows, with Fatme Serhan as her singer. Many others have also recorded it.
This is a traditional Egyptian song in the baladi style of music. There are a number of different recordings of the song, with varying placement and number of repetitions of verse and chorus, so there is a possibility that the specific order of the lyrics shown below may differ from a particular recording.
Song lyrics are provided for educational purposes. If you like the song, please purchase either the album or a download from an authorized source.
Lyrics: Bade3 Khairy
Music: Aziz Osman

Listen to MP3 Clips of this Song
Sung by Fatme Serhan on Best of Saidi |
Version on Oriental Fantasy Volume 2: Inta Omri |
Version on Laura in Balady |
Version by Gizira Band on Bellydance Plus |

Arabic Lyrics |
English Translation |
Ya layli, ya a'aini, yaa, yaaa, ya layl. |
Oh my night, oh my eye, oh, oh, oh my night. |
Ya layli, ya layli, yaa, yaa, yaa laylli. Yaaay,
yaaay, yaaa layli. |
Oh my night, my night, oh, oh, oh my night, oh,
oh, oh, oh my night. |
Tahtill shibbaak wi-lamahtak ya gadaa'. Baa'daha
wayyaak ma itoulli ya gadaa'. |
Under the window, I caught sight of you, oh macho
one. What else is with you? Why don't you tell me, oh macho one? |
Tahtill shibbaak wi-lamahtak ya gadaa'. Baa'daha
wayyaak ma itoulli ya gadaa'. |
Under the window, I caught sight of you, oh macho
one. What else is with you? Why don't you tell me, oh macho one? |
Aaaah. Tahtill shibbaak wi-lamahtak ya gadaa'.
Baa'daha wayyaak ma itoulli ya gadaa'. |
Aaaah. Under the window, I caught sight of you,
oh macho one. What else is with you? Why don't you tell me, oh
macho one? |
Tahtill shibbaak wi-lamahtak ya gadaa'. Baa'daha
wayyaak ma itoulli ya gadaa'. |
Under the window, I caught sight of you, oh macho
one. What else is with you? Why don't you tell me, oh macho one? |
Intaa a'adate ou-saad il-bait. |
You passed by in front of the house. |
Intaa a'adate ou-saad il-bait. |
You passed by in front of the house. |
Abous riglaik, la itbossi ilfoua, wi-teebti ilshoua.
Amanah a'alaik. |
I kiss your feet, please do not look up. I beg
you with ardent love. It is a faithfulness on your part. |
Bossi wi-itdalaa' -- a'ala a'aini ya gadaa'. |
Look and indulge -- on my eyes, oh macho one. |
Ah ya salam sallem -- a'ala a'aini ya gadaa' |
Oh greetings say hello -- on my eyes, oh macho
one. |
Ah, boussi witkalaim -- a'ala a'aini ya gadaa' |
Ah, look and talk -- on my eyes, oh macho one. |
Ah ya salam saallem -- a'ala a'aini ya gadaa'. |
Oh greetings say hello -- on my eyes, oh macho
one. |
Tahtill shibbaak wi-lamahtak ya gadaa'. Baa'daha
wayyaak ma itoulli ya gadaa'. |
Under the window, I caught sight of you, oh macho
one. What else is with you? Why don't you tell me, oh macho one? |
Tahtill shibbaak wi-lamahtak ya gadaa'. Baa'daha
wayyaak ma itoulli ya gadaa'. |
Under the window, I caught sight of you, oh macho
one. What else is with you? Why don't you tell me, oh macho one? |
Ba-oul haga. A'agabi a'ala bint habbait gadaa',
wi-aalitlou aaseed. |
I say something. I wonder about a girl who loved
a macho guy and told him a poem. |
Ana a'agabi a'ala bint habbait gadaa', wi-aalitlou
aaseed. |
I wonder about a girl who loved a macho guy and
told him poem. |
Ana a'alayya ilfiraaa, wilbaei ghateeni. |
I have to separate and the rest is to cover me. |
Wi talaa'ito aasri a'ali. Tifarrago a'al ghaytah
wil-fagr. |
And she took him to a high palace to let him
see the fields and the dawn. |
Wi talaa'ito aasri a'ali. Tifarrago a'al ghaytah
wil-fagr. |
And she took him to a high palace to let him
see the fields and the dawn. |
Tilaa' ilwalad khanaas. |
It appeared the guy was bisexual. |
Tilaa' elgadaa' halmaan. |
It appeared, the guy was dreaming. |
Mahoush a'aaref. |
He does not know. |
Mahoush a'aaref. |
He does not know. |
Mish a'aref ghata wala darb. |
He does not know a cover or a road. |
Aalitlou inzel min a'al bank, mish a'alaik tighateeni. |
She told him come down; you do not have to cover
me. |
Tahtill shibbaak wi-lamahtak ya gadaa'. Baa'daha
wayyaak ma itoulli ya gadaa'. |
Under the window, I caught sight of you, oh macho
one. What else is with you? Why don't you tell me, oh macho one? |
Tahtill shibbaak wi-lamahtak ya gadaa'. Baa'daha
wayyaak ma itoulli ya gadaa'. |
Under the window, I caught sight of you, oh macho
one. What else is with you? Why don't you tell me, oh macho one? |
Khaddak tifaah, dawaani ya gadaa'. Tifaah dabbaah
housh a'ani ya gadaa'. |
Your cheeks are apples; let me taste them, oh
macho one. Slaughtering apples. Go away, oh macho one. |
Khaddak tifaah, dawaani ya gadaa'. Tifaah dabbaah
housh a'ani ya gadaa'. |
Your cheeks are apples; let me taste them, oh
macho one. Slaughtering apples. Go away, oh macho one. |
Intaa a'adate ou-saad il-bait. |
You passed by in front of the house. |
Intaa a'adate ou-saad il-bait. |
You passed by in front of the house. |
Abous riglaik, la itbossi ilfoua, wi-teebti ilshoua.
Amanah a'alaik. |
I kiss your feet, please do not look up. I beg
you with ardent love. It is a faithfulness on your part. |
Bossi wi-itkalaim. -- a'ala a'aini ya gadaa' |
Look and talk -- on my eyes, oh macho one. |
Ah ya salaam sallem -- a'ala a'aini ya gadaa' |
Oh, greetings say hello -- on my eyes, oh macho
one. |
Ah, bossi wi-itkalaim -- a'ala a'aini ya gadaa'. |
Ah, look and talk -- on my eyes, oh macho one. |
Ah ya salaam saallem -- a'ala a'aini ya gadaa'. |
Oh, greetings say hello -- on my eyes, oh macho
one. |
Tahtill shibbaak wi-lamahtak ya gadaa'. Baa'daha
wayyaak ma itoulli ya gadaa'. |
Under the window, I caught sight of you, oh macho
one. What else is with you? Why don't you tell me, oh macho one? |
Tahtill shibbaak wi-lamahtak ya gadaa'. Baa'daha
wayyaak ma itoulli ya gadaa'. |
Under the window, I caught sight of you, oh macho
one. What else is with you? Why don't you tell me, oh macho one? |
Ba-oul ya hilwi, ya laabes elthoub. Ana biddi
atoub a'ala eiydak. |
I say, oh sweet one, wearing the dress, I want
to repent on your hands. |
Hilwi, ya laabes elthoub. Ana biddi atoub a'ala
eiydak. |
Oh sweet one, wearing the dress, I want to repent
on your hands. |
Youm iw nafsi garraah. |
A day and I am a surgeon. |
Youm iw nafsi garraah. |
A day and I am a surgeon. |
Aalbi miftaah, yiftah a'ala eiydak. |
My heart is a key that will open by your hand. |
A'ala shaan bahibbak a'awizni abous a'ala eiydak. |
Because I love you, he wants me to kiss your
hands. |
Tab istana a'albaab. Ilhawa ya gadaa', wilghana
ahwaal ildawa ya gadaa'. |
Okay, wait by the door. Love, oh macho one, and
enjoyment are kinds of medicine, oh macho one. |
Tab istana a'albaab. Ilhawa ya gadaa', wilghana
ahwaal ildawa ya gadaa'. |
Okay, wait by the door. Love, oh macho one, and
enjoyment are kinds of medicine, oh macho one. |
Intaa a'adait ou-saad ilbait. |
You passed by in front of the house. |
Intaa a'adait ou-saad ilbait. |
You passed by in front of the house. |
Abous riglaik, la itbossi ilfoua, wi-teebti ilshoua.
Amanah a'alaik. |
I kiss your feet, please do not look up. I beg
you with ardent love. It is a faithfulness on your part. |
Bossi wi-itkalaim -- a'ala a'aini ya gadaa'. |
Look and talk -- to my eyes, oh macho one. |
Ah ya salaam saallem -- a'ala a'aini ya gadaa'. |
Oh, greetings say hello -- to my eyes, oh macho
one. |
Ah, bossi wi-itkalaim -- a'ala a'aini ya gadaa'. |
Ah, look and talk --- to my eyes, oh macho one. |
Ah ya salaam saallem. |
Oh, greetings say hello. |
Tahtill shibbaak wi-lamahtak ya gadaa'. Baa'daha
wayyaak ma itoulli ya gadaa'. Aah. |
Under the window, I caught sight of you, oh macho
one. What else is with you? Why don't you tell me, oh macho one?
Aah. |
Tahtill shibbaak wi-lamahtak ya gadaa'. Baa'daha
wayyaak ma itoulli ya gadaa'. |
Under the window, I caught sight of you, oh macho
one. What else is with you? Why don't you tell me, oh macho one? |
Aa-oul, ghazalah min ilreef, bi-dammi khafeef
mana'einha. |
I say, a deer from the rural area, with light
blood (lighthearted), is forbidden. |
Ghazalah min ilreef, bi-dammi khafeef mana'einha. |
A deer from rural area, with light blood (lighthearted),
is forbidden. |
A'ayza zroof min hadeed, lakain ilahl mana'einha. |
Needs iron circumstances, but her family forbade
her. |
Ilbint dilwaaati, bitnaeei ilgharadh bi-a'ainha. |
The girl nowadays, chooses things by her own
eyes. |
Illi ti-hibb. Illi ti-hibb. |
The one she loves. The one she loves. |
Beeybaan ilhob. Beeybaan ilhobb. |
Love will appear. Love will appear. |
Ilhob min a'ainha. Seeybak min illi timshi wi-imdabdibah.
-- ya a'aini. |
The love from her eyes. Forget about the one
that walks like a bear (obese), oh my eyes. |
Ya layli, ya lail .... Aah ya a'aini ya layl |
Oh my night, oh night.... Ah my eye, my night. |
Ya layli, ya layl. Ya a'aini, ya layl. |
Oh my night, oh night. Oh my eye, my night. |
Layli, ya layl. Ya a'aini ya layl. |
My night, oh night. Oh my eye, oh night. |
Ya layli, ya layl, yaa a'aini ya layl. |
Oh my night, oh night, oh my eye, oh night. |
Layli, layli, layli. Ya layl, ya laayl. |
My night, my night, my night. Oh night, oh night. |
Layli, layli, layli, ya layl, ya laayl. |
My night, my night, my night. Oh night, oh night. |
Ah ya gadaa', ah ya gadaa', ah ya gadaa'. |
Oh you macho one, oh you macho one, ah, oh macho
one. |
Ah ya gadaa', ah ya gadaa', ah ya gadaa'. |
Oh, you macho one; oh, you macho one; ah, oh
macho one. |
Ya .... Ya .... Ya gadaaaaa'. |
Oh .... Oh .... Oh macho one. |

Where to Get Recordings of this Song

Listen to Clip |
Artist: Fatme Serhan
CD Title: Best of Saidi |

Listen to Clip |
Producer: Hollywood Music Center
CD Title: Laura in Balady |

Listen to Clip |
Artist: Gizira Band
CD Title: Bellydance Plus |

Listen to Clip |
Artist: Beata and Horacio Cifuentes
CD Title: Oriental Fantasy Volume 2: Inta Omri
The track title is "Under the Window". |

About the Translator
More than 100 song translations that appear on this web site, including this one, were created by Dr. Tahseen Alkoudsi. Together with his wife Kathe, Tahseen owned an import business in Lawrence, Kansas known as Cartouche.
Dr. Alkoudsi's imports business was his second career. His first career was in the service of the United Nations. Born in Damascus, Syria, he came to the U.S. for his M.A. and Ph.D. in economics, and worked in San Francisco. He joined the United Nations in Yemen, and worked in Saudi Arabia. He then joined the UNESCO Regonal Office for Arab States. He visited most of the Arab States in the course of his work, responsible for introducing computer sciences into educational facilities. For a time, he was stationed in Cairo, Egypt. He retired from that work in 1995.
Sadly, Tahseen died on Sunday, October 15, 2006. See this link for his obituary.
To me, Tahseen was so much more than a contributor to my web site. Even though we lived far apart, I saw Tahseen and Kathe several times over the years. I always appreciated their warmth and generosity. I first "met" Tahseen online back in 1997 on the med-dance list on the Internet, where he periodically posted messages. I knew he was in Lawrence, Kansas, so when a business trip arose requiring me to travel to the Kansas City area, I emailed him to say I'd be in the neighborhood. He and Kathe came to Kansas City for an evening get-together at Tasso's restaurant, and they invited several local dancers to join us. I saw them on follow-up visits to Kansas City. They vended at Rakkasah for several years, and it was always a pleasure to greet them there in the anteroom off to the left of the main stage. I also enjoyed encountering them in Egypt at the Ahlan wa Sahlan festival.
Tahseen will be missed by many. |

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