PHOTO CREDIT: Above photo by John Rickman Photography, San Jose, California.
From Lennie Clark's Web Site:
Ya Tayyeb El Galb
(Oh, Good-Hearted One)
This page contains a translation into English of the lyrics to "Ya Tayyeb El Galb", which was sung by Abd el Majid Abdallah. It has also been recorded by Khalil Abboud and Salatin el Tarab Orchestra. Also included is a transliteration of the Arabic words into the Roman alphabet so you can learn to sing along.
Another way to spell the singer's name is "Abdul Majeed Abdullah".
Abdul Majid Abdallah is a Saudi Arabian singer. Born in 1963, he has become highly popular in the Arab world and has recorded albums over the course of three decades. His reputation as a singer first took off around 1984. Over the course of his career, he has collaborated with many different composers, including some in Egypt and some in the various Persian Gulf countries.

Arabic Lyrics |
English Translation |
Ya Tayyib algalb weinak |
Kind and tender heart
Where are you now? |
7aram tihjur Dineenak |
It's forbidden to leave the one who loves you |
Mishtaglak ya 7ayati |
I miss you, my life* |
3asa yriddak 7aneenak |
Can your desire return you to me? |
Ya shog 3eini li 3einak |
My eyes miss yours. |
Atkhayyalak fil maraya |
I imagine you in the mirror and all around me |
Fee majlisi wil hadaya |
As I sit |
Ya sheen theek izziwaya |
What will become of me? |
Men gheer tal3et jibeenak |
Without the gift of your face? |
Ya shog 3eini li 3einak |
My eyes miss yours. |
Akhaf tizbal wuroodi |
I fear my flowers will perish |
W yjiff ghusni wu 3oodi |
The stalk is dwindling |
Mi7tajlak ya wujoodi |
I need you here |
W idi agabel idenak |
I want to kiss your hand |
Ya shog 3eini li 3einak |
My eyes miss yours |
Eh wallah inni a7ibbak |
I swear I love you |
W amoot w aHya b7Hubbak |
I will live and will die in your love |
We hag rabbi w rabbak |
God is the witness of my love [literally, "I swear on my god and your god"] |
Ana w galbi raiheenak |
My heart and I are your hostage |
Ya shog 3eini li 3einak |
My eyes miss yours |
*As in Spanish, "my life" is used as an endearment
Kind and tender heart
Where are you now?
It's forbidden to leave the one who loves you
I miss you, my life*
Can your desire return you to me?
Kind and tender heart, where are you?
I imagine you in the mirror and all around me
And all around me near
What will become of me without the gift of your face?
Kind and tender heart?
Where are you?
I fear my flowers will perish
The stalk is dwindling
I need you here
I want to kiss your hand
God is the witness of my love
I will live
And will die
In love with you
Don't you know my eyes miss your eyes?

Where to Get Recordings of this Song
Artist: Khalil Abboud
CD Title: Golden Days, Enchanting Nights
Artist: Abdul Majeed Abdallah
CD Title: The Very Best of Abdul Majeed Abdullah
Artist: Salatin Tarab Orchestra
CD Title: Casbah Bellydance

Translations of
Khalil Abboud's Songs on This Site

About the Translator
This translation was created by Khaled Hegazzi of New Orleans, Louisiana.
About the Source
This article
originally appeared on Lennie Clark's web site, "Arabic Song Translations." Lennie created this web site in 2002 as a response to discussion on the Internet regarding incidents of dancers who performed inappropriate sensual dances to religious music. Lennie's web site resided on a free web hosting service known as Geocities.
When the planned October 2009 closure of the Geocities web hosting service was announced, Lennie and Shira agreed to move the contents of Lennie's site to Shira.net. To explore all the articles and song translations that once appeared on Lennie's Geocities site, visit Lennie's portal page here on Shira.net. |

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