PHOTO CREDIT: Above photo by John Rickman Photography, San Jose, California.
Belly Dancing Road Warrior's Health Secrets:
Part 1, Beginning Preparations
By Shira

Table of Contents
This is Part 1 in a series of 5 articles on travel health issues
for road warriors, particularly belly dancers. The other articles in the series cover:
Many belly dancers love to travel. We take dream vacations
to Egypt or Turkey, vend at festivals in our own countries, or participate in weeklong
dance intensive courses and retreats. However, some of us don't
have much experience with travel, particularly international
travel, and we might not know about the health risks that travel
can pose. In this series of articles, I'll offer you insight
from my own years of experience traveling both for my day job
in the technology industry and also from my perspective as a
dance tourist.
Before you try any of the ideas I've suggested in this
article, please discuss them with your own doctor! If
you are pregnant or breast-feeding a baby, you need to consider
how your actions might affect your baby's health. If you take
prescription drugs for any reason, you'll want to make sure your over-the-counter items don't conflict with the behavior of those drugs.
If you have allergies or immune system issues, you'll want to
be careful to avoid any actions that could cause you further
difficulty. I am not a health care professional, and I
don't claim to know how my techniques for travel comfort might
apply to your individual health issues.
PHOTO CREDIT: Photo by Shira, taken in Egypt. |

What If You Need Health Care While Traveling?
Accidents can happen anywhere. Or, you might have had a condition
at home that you didn't know about, which may make itself known
while you are traveling. I have been on trips with people who sprained an ankle, broke
a bone in the foot, and suffered an aneurysm in the brain, all
in countries foreign to their own. Bàraka's belly dance career came to
an end when she was struck by a bus in a parking lot in France. It's wise to be prepared by
having insurance, knowing how to use it, and knowing where to
seek care.
- Before you leave home, research what kind of coverage your
health insurance offers while at your destination.
- If you have a medical emergency, will your insurance cover care while
there and medical transport home?
- If not, consider purchasing travel insurance with medical
emergency coverage.
- Take along your health insurance card and instructions on
how to invoke emergency coverage while traveling.
- If you are planning to travel as part of an organized tour,
pick a tour operator with sufficient experience in the destination
city to know how to deal with health emergencies.
- If you are planning to travel on your own, without being
part of a formal tour, research in advance which hospitals in
the destination city have the best reputation and take that information
with you.
If you are a U.S. Citizen, it may be useful to read the information provided by the U.S. Department of State on medical information for citizens traveling abroad.

Vaccinations for International Travel
When traveling internationally, vaccinations are recommended
for some destinations and not others. Check the U.S. Center for Disease Control web site
to find out what it recommends for the country you will be visiting,
and also discuss it with your doctor.
As of 2006, for people traveling to Egypt or Turkey the U.S.
Center for Disease Control web site recommends vaccinations for:
- Hepatitis A
- Hepatitis B
- Typhoid
- Rabies if you plan to spend considerable time outdoors
- Any other routine vaccines you would also consider getting when you stay home, such as tetanus
I have chosen to get all of these except rabies.
Whatever your destination, do some initial research on the
country you plan to visit, take the information to your doctor,
and work with your doctor to make a decision that is right for
your individual health situation.
PHOTO CREDIT: Photo by André Elbing, Bärbroich, Germany, at one of Shira's performances in Egypt. |

Your Normal Prescriptions
Before leaving home, check your supply of your normal prescription medications and make sure you have enough to carry you through the end of the trip plus a couple of extra days.
Take along all prescription items that you might normally
use at home, such as:
- Blood pressure medication
- Insulin
- Birth control pills
- Allergy or asthma medication
- Psychiatric medication
- Any other daily medication
Don't forget to include items that you use only occasionally,
such as:
- Treatment for migraine headaches
- Antihistamine ointment for dermatitis outbreaks
- Medication for athlete's foot
- Treatment for acid indigestion
- Other periodic conditions
If you are traveling internationally, your prescription medications
may be controlled substances in your destination country. Therefore,
it's important to take along proof that you have them in your
possession legally. This could include the original bottle provided
by your pharmacist, and/or a printed copy of the prescription
from your doctor.
Place your prescriptions in your carry-on luggage, not in
your checked luggage. Sometimes checked luggage fails to arrive
with you. In 2006, a member of our group going to Turkey waited
5 days for her checked luggage to arrive - for some people, it
could be disastrous to be without your medications that long!

Air Quality
If your lungs are sensitive to air quality issues due to illnesses
such as asthma, emphysema, bronchitis, or other medical conditions, take
appropriate treatments along on the trip. Your destination may
have air quality very different from your home. Consider packing:
- Medication
- Inhaler
- Masks
- Other gear recommended by your doctor
Air Pollution
- Within the U.S., some cities have so much air pollution that
they issue smog advisories and smog alerts. If you're accustomed
to clean air at home, this could be a shock to your lungs. We used to have such advisories when I lived in the area of San Jose, California. If you are traveling to a large U.S. city, be prepared to care for your body's needs.
- In some developing countries, anti-pollution laws are much
less stringent than they are in places where environmental
activism has been strong for several decades.
- Such countries may allow imports of older vehicles which
were manufactured before exhaust systems with emission controls
were mandated in their original countries.
- Even within the United States, one state may have different
pollution-control laws than another. For example, in California
cars are required to pass smog checks every 2 years as a condition
for renewing their registrations, whereas other states do not
have a similar requirement.
- The photo at the right shows a typical day in Cairo, Egypt, looking down at the city from the Citadel.
PHOTO CREDIT: Photo by Shira.
Tobacco Smoke
Different places have different public opinions and laws regarding
tobacco. In California, it is illegal to smoke inside restaurants,
office buildings, and other public places, but in other parts
of the U.S. smoking may be very common. In Cairo, if you attend
belly dance performances, expect a large amount of tobacco smoke in
the air.
Blowing Sand
Some places such as Cairo experience a large amount of grit in
the air due to the fact that the desert is very near, and winds
carry the sand throughout the neighboring city.
PHOTO CREDIT: Photo by Shira. |

Pain Remedies
Think about pain remedies that you may need for your particular
health issues such as:
- Migraines
- Menstrual cramps
- Stiff muscles
Take these items with you. It can be difficult to find a drugstore
near your hotel or retreat center when traveling, and if you
are going to a different country it can be difficult to obtain
the brand names you are accustomed to using at home.
Don't limit your thinking to drugs. For example, an eye shade
or a cool, moist washcloth laid over your forehead and eyes can
help cope with migraine, and a handheld massage device may help
with some kinds of muscle pain.
PHOTO CREDIT: Photo by Lina Jang, New York City, New York.
You might be tempted to try one of those magnet-containing
wraps that are sold for neck, back, elbow, knee, eyes, etc. I
really don't know whether they work or not (but I'm skeptical).
I advise against taking them on your trip if you plan
to travel with a video camera, digital camera, credit cards, or computer.
If they are strong enough, magnets can erase the contents of
all these types of media. Even if you think you'll be able to
keep the magnets separated from your media, things can be accidentally
jumbled around in your luggage, and you wouldn't want to risk your merchandise,
vacation memories, or valuable computer data files. |

Overheating & Dehydration
Some popular dance destinations, such as Egypt, can become very
hot in the summer.
- Cairo frequently exceeds 100 degrees Fahrenheit (38 degrees
Celsius) in the summer.
- It is common for Abu Simbel, the site of magnificent temples
from ancient Egypt, to exceed 110 degrees Fahrenheit (43 degrees
Celsius), and it has no shade to protect you from the blazing
- Even in a milder climate, a person can become overheated
during a belly dance lesson when a studio provides insufficient air conditioning.
- Dehydration can be a problem if you don't drink enough water
over the course of a long belly dance workshop.
- Before leaving home, it is advisable to learn about the symptoms
of overheating and dehydration, and learn what to do if they
PHOTO CREDIT: Photo by Shira, taken of the Sahara desert in Egypt near the pyramids.
Dehydration is easy to avoid. Usually you can prevent it by drinking water frequently and
ensuring your diet includes enough electrolytes such as salt
and potassium. Symptoms can include:
- Thirst
- Weak muscles
- Dry skin
- Dizziness
- Light headedness
- Increased heart rate
- Dry mouth
- Lack of mental clarity
Drinking water at least once per hour during
sightseeing or a long belly dance workshop will help avoid these problems.
Medical opinions vary about the effectiveness of sports drinks
for restoring electrolyte balance — ask your doctor to advise
you on current thinking. Snacking on bananas, dried banana chips,
and saltine crackers may be helpful.
Heat stroke symptoms can include:
- Headache
- Dizziness
- Fatigue
- Confusion
- Loss of consciousness
- Seizures
- Rapid heartbeat
- Hallucinations
If it strikes, get to the nearest cool place as quickly as
possible, put ice packs (or cold water bottles) in the armpits
and groin, smear cool water on the skin, and fan yourself. U.S.
drugstores in the spring and summer sell small handheld fans,
and these sometimes include small water bottles that can be used
for misting.

Skin Health
The skin is the largest organ on your body, and it is also
your body's first defense against many illnesses. We often forget
about skin care issues when traveling.
Dry Skin
- The dry air of hotel rooms, other air conditioned or heated
interiors, airplanes, and airports can dehydrate the skin.
- In mild cases, dry skin is merely uncomfortable. In more
severe cases, it can causes cracking and chapping, which creates
opportunities for germs to enter the body.
- Soaking in a bathtub surrounds the skin with the moisture
it craves. Bath salts can make this experience even more pleasurable,
and encourage you to stay in the tub longer.
- If you typically use skin moisturizer at home, you may with
to consider taking some of your favorite brand with you when
you travel.
- It is possible to purchase aerosol cans of water to spray
on your skin, which can be soothing on an airplane or tour bus.
- Lip balm helps prevent dry, chapped lips. I find it essential
to carry some on the airplane and tour buses with me.
PHOTO CREDIT: Photo by Pixie Vision Productions, Glendale, California.
Cuts & Punctures
Minor cuts rarely become big problems, but it can still be
helpful to use basic first aid to protect against infection.
- Maintain a current tetanus vaccination (a booster every 10
years) to guard against one possible consequence of open wounds.
- Antiseptic first aid cream kills germs before they enter
the body.
- If you prefer a more organic approach to preventing germs
from entering the body, try honey. Warm it for 20 seconds in
the microwave, then place it on the gauzy part of a bandage,
and use that to cover the wound.
- Bandages shield cuts from further injury, and also protect
the broken skin from touching germ-covered surfaces.
- Healing skin often dries out around the edges of a cut and
begins to itch and hurt. Skin moisturizer can help keep the edges
of the cut soft and pliable, reducing such the discomfort.
If you travel to a dance camp or a dance retreat, some classes
or exercises may be held outdoors. If you stay at a hotel when attending
a dance workshop or festival, you may want to spend some time
outdoors at the swimming pool. If you are traveling to Egypt
or Turkey as a dance tourist, you may visit outdoor archeological
sites such as ancient cities, temples, or pyramids. You might
decide to go for a camel ride. For any of these activities, sunburn
can be a risk.
- Pack sunscreen, and use it before going outdoors.
- Some sunscreen is sold in the form of towelettes, which are
more convenient than bottles or tubes to pack in luggage.
- It may also be helpful to pack your favorite sunburn first
aid remedy just in case you get a sunburn despite your best precautions.
- Some people like to use a gel containing aloe vera to soothe
sunburned skin. Others prefer to take an actual aloe vera plant
itself, cut open a leaf, and place the fluid directly on the
If you are taking any prescription drugs, check the side effects
to determine whether they are photosensitive; that is, whether they make you more vulnerable to sunburn.
For example, Doxycycline is an antibiotic that is often prescribed
for traveler's diarrhea, and it makes the skin more sensitive
to sunburn.
PHOTO CREDIT: Photo by Kaylyn Hoskins, Solon, Iowa.
Itchy, burning skin can be very annoying when traveling. There
are different things that can cause this.
- One possible cause is sensitive skin that has an allergic
- One common skin allergy involves reaction to metals such
as nickel. This could flare up if trying on jewelry.
- Another common skin allergy is latex, which could be triggered
by sweating while wearing a cloth watchband held together by
rubber cement, by the elastic in underwear rubbing against the
skin, or any other contact with rubber.
- Skin allergiies can raise an itchy red rash which can be
treated with a steroid cream such as Cortaid (over the counter)
or Fluocinonide (prescription).
These same creams can also ease the itching of mosquito bites.
Another possible cause of itching is athlete's foot, which
often causes severe itching between the two littlest toes. An
over-the-counter anti-fungal cream such as Lotrimin can help.
To prevent it, wash the feet after being barefoot on surfaces
that other people have walked barefoot on:
- Locker rooms
- Stages
- Dressing rooms
- Classrooms
- Exercise rooms
- Swimming pool & hot tub decks
Vaginal itching can be caused by a yeast infection. If you
have a history of this condition, you may want to take with you
appropriate medication to treat it. If you take antibiotics for travelers' diarrhea, a possible side effect of the antibiotic could be a yeast infection even if you normally don't have any problems with those.
Traveling disrupts the body's normal behavior in many ways.
If you sometimes experience pimples, be prepared for the possibility
that change of diet, lack of rest, exposure to air pollutants,
and other factors may cause one to appear. Pack your favorite
remedy, whatever that may be. |

Insect-Borne Diseases
Some dancers enjoy attending outdoor dance retreats, dance
camps, Renaissance Faires, or Society for Creative Anachronism
events. Others may travel as dance tourists to places such as
Egypt or Turkey and go sight-seeing outdoors. Either way, there
can be risk of exposure to insect-borne diseases.
- In the United States, ticks can spread either Lyme disease
or Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, while mosquitos can spread West
Nile virus.
- In Egypt and Turkey, there can be a small risk of malaria
from mosquito bites.
- Even if you don't plan to be in an area with mosquitos, sometimes
opportunities can arise that you didn't anticipate before leaving
home. For example, I was once invited to go on a falukka (sailboat)
ride on the Nile river in Cairo. Another time, when in Aswan,
I took advantage of an opportunity to tour a Nubian village,
and we used a boat to travel to it from Aswan.
- Because of the risks of insect-transmitted diseases, health
care professionals urge people who will be camping or sightseeing
close to nature to use insect repellant containing Deet to minimize
the risk of being bitten by mosquitos.
- Some people believe that taking Vitamin B complex (especially
Niacin) makes your skin less appetizing for mosquitos and reduces
your chances of being bitten.
- If you want to try Vitamin B, start eating foods rich in
it two weeks before your trip, or start taking Vitamin B supplements.
- While traveling, continue to eat appropriate foods.
- Foods rich in niacin include chicken breasts, tuna, salmon,
halibut, lamb, and turkey breast.
- Some manufacturers now make dual-purpose products that both
repel insects and provide sun protection. Choosing one of these
can simplify the packing process.
- If you should be bitten by a mosquito, you can relieve the
itching by swallowing an antihistamine pill such as Zyrtec or
Claritin, or by rubbing an antihistamine ointment on the bite
- If you prefer to avoid pills, try applying the inside of
a banana skin to the insect bite to relieve the pain and/or itching. It
contains a substance called polysaccharide that can ease the

Eye Care
The air in hotel rooms, airplanes, convention halls, and airports
is often very dry. In addition, the air in popular dance destinations
such as Egypt or California have very little humidity. Being
outdoors on a windy day can be very drying to the eyes.
- It can be soothing to take a bottle of salt water to use
for moisturing the eyes as needed.
- Saline spray can also cleanse the eyes if the wind has blown
grit into them after a day outdoors.
- If you wear contact lenses, you'll naturally want to pack
the solutions you normally use to care for them.
- Check the level of fluid in the bottles to ensure there is
enough to last for the full length of your stay.
- Don't forget to pack a case.
- I always like to take along a spare pair of contact lenses,
just in case one of my primary pair is lost or damaged.
- Even if you normally wear contact lenses, it's advisable
to take along a pair or glasses, particularly to use on the long
airplane flight. See more about the reasons for this in the second
article in this travel health series, Beating Jet Lag.
PHOTO CREDIT: Photo by Pixie Vision Productions, Glendale, California.
Sunglasses are valuable if you plan to spend any time outdoors.
Of course, the obvious use for them is that they provide protection
for your eyes against ultraviolet rays, and also make it easier
to see in glare. But even if you don't mind bright sunshine,
sunglasses can still be valuable. They protect your eyes from
grit in the air on windy days, particularly when wearing a style
that wraps around close to the face. This can be particularly
important when traveling to Egypt, where Cairo perches on the
edge of the desert and winds blow sand from the desert into the
air of the city. |

Oral Health
When packing, take your normal oral hygiene supplies:
- Toothbrush
- Toothpaste
- Dental floss
- Toothpicks or redwood sticks.
You might check for travel-sized packaging that requires less
room in your luggage, such as toothbrushes that fold or small
tubes of toothpaste.
Other oral health considerations to think about when planning
- If you will be traveling to a place where you're not confident
of the water quality, use bottled water for brushing your teeth
rather than tap water.
- If you have periodic problems with mouth sores, you may want
to take along ointment to numb the pain.
- If you are taking ibuprofen for another health condition,
such as sore muscles, be aware that some people may develop mouth
sores as a side effect of taking it. This is particularly true
if you use an extra-strength or prescription-strength dosage
level. If you take this medication, pay attention to your mouth
and switch to a different type of pain reliever if you start
to detect any sensitivity in your mouth.
- Don't forget to pack moisturizing lip balm. Put it in a part
of the carry-on luggage that will be easy to access while on
the airplane. Hotels, airports, and airplanes themselves have
very dry air which can cause the lips to chap.
- Lips can sunburn too. If you will be spending time outdoors
for sightseeing, going for a falukka (sailboat) ride on the Nile,
basking alongside a swimming pool, enjoying the top deck of a
cruise ship, or camping, remember to pack sunscreen for the lips.
PHOTO CREDIT: Photo by Pixie Vision Productions, Glendale, California. |

Anticipating & Preventing Injury
Certain travel-related activities can lead to injury. For example, if the trip will involve a large amount of sight-seeing, then it probably will involve a large amount of walking and sitting on a tour bus. If the trip will involve participating in belly dance workshops, then those can pose certain risks of injury as well. When preparing for the trip, it is wise to anticipate these potential risks and plan how to avoid them.
If the trip will involve a large amount of sight-seeing, then you will be on your feet a great deal. Either wear old shoes that are fully broken in, or buy your new shoes well in advance of the trip and wear them frequently to break them in. If you do take new shoes, take bandages to wear in preventing blisters or protecting the blistered area after the fact.
If you will be spending a large amount of time on a tour bus, think about whether you need to take with you remedies for motion sickness. Even if you don't normally have an issue with motion sickness, it could strike if you're very tired from travel. Also consider the risk of deep vein thrombosis from sitting still too long, and look for ways to exercise your legs to minimize that risk.
PHOTO CREDIT: This photo of the Citadel in Cairo was taken by Shira.
Belly Dance Workshops
Before leaving home, check the list of belly dance workshops you will be attending and consider whether there are particular items you should pack to protect your body against risks.
Here are some examples of what to think about when looking at the list of workshops you are considering....
If you plan to attend a floor work or sword balancing class, you may want to wear knee pads to support your knees, and some kind of padding on the top of the foot to protect it when you are kneeling. It may also be wise to prepare by doing exercises to strengthen your core muscles and your quadriceps (thigh muscles).
If you plan to attend an all-day raqs al assaya (cane/stick dance) class, it may be wise to either wear a glove on your twirling hand or place a bandage over it to protect your hand from the friction of twirling the cane. Even though I have no problem working with a cane in a one-hour class, after a 4-hour cane workshop, I found myself with a very impressive blister on my twirling hand.
Some belly dance workshops involve extensive hopping or footwork with pivoting. Examples of such workshops include raqs al assaya, Tunisian, Mahmoud Reda's & Farida Fahmy's style, debke, and Nubian. If you are not accustomed to this, you may want to take some precautions.
- Wear kneepads to support your knees
- Consider wearing legwarmers to help prevent shin splints.
- Either insert padded insoles in your dance shoes, or buy dance shoes that contain some cushioning on the sole. Aruba's Oasis can custom-make sandals that contain some padding on the sole for this purpose.
- Wear dance shoes that have smooth soles which pivot freely. If you try to dance barefoot or in dance sneakers with "grippy" soles, you could torque your knees.
PHOTO CREDIT: Photo by John Rickman Photography, San Jose, California. |

Packing Checklist
Of course, you won't take everything appearing on this checklist.
Talk to your doctor about the issues described in this article,
and let that guide you in which items are right for you. You
won't want to take any more than necessary because it takes up
space in your luggage and adds weight.
Prepare for the
Worst |
- Health insurance card
- Travel/trip interruption insurance
- Instructions on how to invoke insurance coverage when hospitalized
or traveling abroad
- List of the best hospitals in the destination city and where
they are located
- Information on how to contact the nearest U.S. embassy if you're a U.S. citizen traveling abroad.
Prescription Medications |
- Daily medications
- Occasionally-used medications
- Original container from the pharmacist with the prescription
- Written prescription from the doctor
Air Quality |
- Any medications recommended by your doctor for asthma, bronchitis,
or other respiratory health issues
- Mask to protect your air passages from grit in the air
Pain Remedies |
- Migraine relief (pills, eye shade, washcloth to moisten)
- Menstrual cramp relief (pills, essential oils)
- Stiff/sore muscle relief (ointment, anti-inflammatory drugs,
handheld massager)
- Soothing foot lotion
Dehydration and Overheating |
- Small handheld fan
- Aerosol can of water
- Washcloth to moisten
Skin Health |
- Cuts
- Antiseptic first aid cream
- Bandages
- Acne remedy
- Dehydration
- Moisturizer
- Lip balm
- Bath oil or bath salts
- Sunscreen
- Sunburn first aid cream or other remedy
- Antihistamine cream for allergic reactions
- Anti-fungal cream for athlete's foot
- Anti-yeast cream for yeast infection
Insect Bites &
Insect-Borne Diseases |
- Repellant containing Deet
- Vitamin B supplements
- List of foods rich in Vitamin B
- Antihistamine pills and/or ointment
Eye Care |
- Saline solution for dry eyes
- Sunglasses & case
- Either spare pair of glasses & case or copy of prescription
- Contact lens supplies
- Solutions (check liquid level)
- Case
- Spare pair
- Regular glasses
Oral Health |
- Toothbrush
- Toothpaste
- Dental floss
- Redwood sticks or toothpicks
- Mouth sore remedies
- Lip balm
- Sunscreen for lips

Related Articles
These articles cover other health-related topics related to belly dance.

This article originally was published on the Gilded
Serpent, an online web-zine serving the belly dance community.
It appeared there in late spring 2005. |

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