PHOTO CREDIT: Above photo by John Rickman Photography, San Jose, California.
Belly Dancing Road Warrior's Health Secrets:
Part 5, Foot, Muscle, Skeleton, & Joint Health
By Shira

Table of Contents
This is Part 5 in a series of 5 articles on travel health issues
for road warriors, particularly belly dancers. The other articles in the series cover:
Before you try any of the ideas I've suggested in this
article, please discuss them with your own doctor! If
you are pregnant or breast-feeding a baby, you need to consider
how your actions might affect your baby's health. If you take
prescription drugs for any reason, you'll want to make sure your
jet lag remedies don't conflict with the behavior of those drugs.
If you have allergies or immune system issues, you'll want to
be careful to avoid any actions that could cause you further
difficulty. I am not a health care professional, and I
don't claim to know how my techniques for travel comfort might
apply to your individual health issues.
PHOTO CREDIT: Photo by John Rickman Photography, San Jose, California. |

The process of traveling is very hard on the back. Travel-related activities that can cause backaches include:
- Sitting in an airline seat for many hours
- Sitting on a tour bus for many hours
- Lifting heavy suitcases
- Spending many hours a day walking and standing around sightseeing, particularly if posture is poor
- Spending many hours a day in dance workshops
It's not always possible to get a massage when traveling. These remedies may help ease the pain:
- Soaking in a hot tub at the hotel, or soaking in a bathtub filled with hot water in the hotel room.
- Lying flat on your back on the floor, with your feet on the bed or couch.
- Lying flat on your back on the floor, pulling both knees together toward the chest.
- Doing stretches for the lower back, glutes, hamstrings, and psoas muscles.
PHOTO CREDIT: Photo by Pixie Vision Productions, Glendale, California. |

Sore muscles can detract from the fun of taking dance workshops
or exploring fascinating historical sites.
Avoid Cramps, Pulled Muscles, Strains
Trying to dance with cold muscles can lead to pulled muscles,
cramps, and other injuries. Here are some tips for easing muscles
into exercise:
- Ballet-style legwarmers will help avoid muscle cramps when
you initially begin to exercise and reduce your risk of injury.
- Warm up on your own before the workshop actually begins,
because many instructors don't include warm-ups as part of their
class. Insufficient warm-up can leave you vulnerable to injury.
- The latest advice from exercise physiologists is to warm
up through a minimum of 5 minutes of gentle aerobic exercise
such as walking briskly.
- Do not use stretches to warm up!!!
- If you don't feel free to walk around due to saving your
spot in the classroom, try doing a series of pliés in place.
This is the ballet exercise that involves bending the knees,
then straightening. Take care that your knees go directly over
your toes but not beyond them.
- When using pliés to warm up, don't bend any deeper
than you comfortably can - warmup is not the time to try
extending your range of motion!
PHOTO CREDIT: Photo by Pixie Vision Productions, Glendale, California. |
Avoid Muscle Fatigue
Dehydration and depleted electrolytes can cause muscles to
feel weak. To avoid this, drink plenty of water, and replenish
your electrolytes.
- Keep a water bottle handy, and take sips throughout the workshop.
- Try to drink at least one glass of water per hour.
- During breaks, snack on foods rich in electrolytes such as
bananas, saltine crackers, etc. Electrolytes are nutrients such
as potassium and sodium that help your muscles rehydrate.
- Some bottled water, such as that sold in Egypt, contains
electrolytes such as sodium, potassium, etc. Check the ingredients
- Some people like to use sports drinks such as Gatorade to
replenish electrolytes. These can be purchased in packets of
powdered form for travel and added to your bottled water. Check
the label, make sure the drink contains potassium or sodium.
- Avoid caffeine-containing drinks such as sodas, coffee, and
tea before exercising. These actually have a dehydrating effect
and can deprive your muscles of the water they need.
PHOTO CREDIT: Photo by John Rickman Photography, San Jose, California. |
Dealing with Stiff Muscles
Sightseeing and dance workshops can both cause you to use
your muscles in ways they are not accustomed to being used. Afterward,
you'll have stiff muscles. I prefer to avoid using pain medications
for stiff muscles because drugs can damage the body. Even those
sold over the counter aren't necessarily completely safe. For
example, in one study acetaminophen (widely sold under the brand
name Tylenol) has been linked to liver damage when the extra-strength
dose size is used for a few days in a row. In another study,
ibuprofen (sold under the brand names Advil and Motrin) has been
linked to increased risk of heart attack.
Here are some non-drug options for dealing with stiff muscles:
- Hot showers
- Massage
- Heating pad
- Placing a hot towel over the sore spot
- Soaking in a bathtub of hot water
- Scented bath salts may help encourage you to relax in the
tub longer.
If you normally use an ointment such as Ben Gay, Tiger Balm,
or arnica to soothe stiff muscles at home, you may want to pack
some for the trip.
PHOTO CREDIT: Photo by Pixie Vision Productions, Glendale, California. |

Sprains & Breaks
Exercising when you feel fatigued can cause injury. Something
as simple as stepping off a curb or trying to regain your balance
after being jostled in a crowd can lead to a painful sprain or
even a broken bone in the foot or ankle if you are exhausted.
Here are some steps you can take to prevent sprains or breaks:
- Take care to get plenty of rest throughout your trip.
- When tired pay special attention to where you put your feet
when walking over uneven surfaces, stepping off curbs, or using
staircases when tired.
- If you're not used to doing much exercise all at once, multi-hour
workshops can stress your feet, knees, and ankles. Two weeks
before you go, begin taking glucosamine chondroitin tablets twice
per day to fortify your joints for the expected activity.
- If you need braces or wraps to support a weak joint, use
- Constantly pay attention to your posture.
- Don't exercise when fatigued!
PHOTO CREDIT: Photo by John Rickman Photography, San Jose, California. |
First Aid
In the event you do injure yourself while exercising, don't
hesitate to seek expert medical assistance if you have any reason
to believe a bone may be broken! Sharp, piercing pain is often
a sign of a break.
For sprains, the acronym RICE is a convenient way to remember
the recommended first aid:
- Rest. Avoid putting any weight on the injured limb
for the first 24 hours (or longer) after injuring.
- Ice. Apply ice packs over a towel intermittently to
minimize swelling, but be careful to avoid frostbite on your
skin. Continue the intermittent ice routine until you're absolutely
certain the risk of swelling has passed - this should be at least
24 hours, possibly longer.
- Compression. Wrap an elastic bandage around the injured
area and elevate it to prevent the accumulation of excess fluid
known as edema.
- Elevation. Use pillows or a footstool up elevate the
injured limb.
After the initial period of using the above RICE technique
to treat the sprain, try using a papaya to reduce any swelling
that may have occurred. Peel off the skin, wrap the flesh of
it around the injured joint, and use some sort of bandage to
hold it in place.
PHOTO CREDIT: Photo by Kaylyn Hoskins, Solon, Iowa. |
During the first 48 hours after a sprain, avoid all
of the following because they make fluid accumulation worse:
- Hot showers
- Heat rubs such as Ben Gay
- Hot packs
- Drinking alcohol
- Taking aspirin (aspirin prevents blood from clotting)
Exercise caution when using pain relief pills. Ibuprofen (Advil,
Motrin) and naproxen (Alleve) can both irritate the stomach lining
in some people. There have also been studies linking such anti-inflammatory
drugs to increased risk of heart attacks. Although it may be
fine to use such drugs to help you endure the days immediately
following a fresh injury, you'll want to talk to your doctor
before making a lifestyle of using them for long-term pain.
PHOTO CREDIT: Photo by Lina Jang, New York City, New York. |

We often don't think much about foot health. But injured feet
can ruin a dance-related trip. Things that can go wrong with
your feet when traveling include:
- Tiredness and soreness from a day of standing around vending,
sightseeing, or visiting museums.
- Cuts from the sharp edges of glass beads which fell off other
people's hip scarves. One of my friends once needed to make a
trip to the emergency room after performing barefoot to have
the broken remains of a glass bead surgically removed from her
- Pins on dressing room floors piercing your feet.
- Blisters from shoes.
- Burns caused by going barefoot on hot concrete, marble, or
asphalt. At the Ahlan Wa Sahlan festival in Cairo in 2006, I
made the mistake of deciding to run barefoot from a classroom
to my hotel room along an outdoor path. The outdoor marble staircase
had been baking in the intense, hot sunshine of Egypt, and I
suffered severe burns with blisters on the soles of my feet.
- Broken bones through dance injury or misstepping on an uneven
- Athletes foot.
- Being stepped on by a classmate in a workshop.
Soothing Tired Feet
After a long day of vending, dance workshops, or sightseeing,
these techniques can help ease tired feet:
- Take off shoes and socks, and spend some time barefoot. Better
yet, walk barefoot across some grass.
- Soak in either warm water or cool water, whichever seems
more appealing.
- Massage them with your hands. Wiggle each toe, and rub every
bit of both the sole and the upper foot.
- Rub a soothing lotion onto them, such as peppermint foot
PHOTO CREDIT: Photo by Pixie Vision Productions, Glendale, California. |
Sightseeing Risks
One common travel injury to avoid is blisters. Beware of wearing
brand-new shoes on your trip.
- One risk is that you may ruin your new shoes from the abuse of sightseeing.
I remember a teen with our tour group in Egypt one year who accidentally
stepped in a large heap of camel dung wearing her beautiful new
pale pink tennis shoes - creating a hideous large yellow-brown
- More importantly, new shoes can cause painful blisters, which
can detract from the pleasure of sight-seeing or taking dance
classes. If you take shoes on your trip that you don't wear very
often, it would be wise to also pack some bandages for protecting
the foot in case the shoes cause blisters to appear.
- En route to your destination, wear your comfortable sightseeing
shoes on the airplane. That way, if your luggage fails to arrive
when you do, you'll have your comfortable shoes available to
PHOTO CREDIT: Photo by William M. Smith, Iowa City, Iowa. |
Workshop Precautions
Your feet may be strong and healthy for enduring a one-hour
class at home. But a 4-hour workshop in another city places extra
stress on them that can lead to injury. Exposing your feet to
the same floor as an army of other dancers can expose you to
fungus and bacteria. Plan ahead for protecting the health of
your feet.
- Wear dance shoes (Hermes sandals, dance sneakers, Scottish
ghillies, or ballet slippers) to protect the feet against the
many hazards that lie on a classroom floor. These hazards include:
- Beads falling off other people's hip scarves. Beads are made
of glass and often have sharp edges.
- Athlete's foot fungus or bacteria placed on the floor by
- Stress to soles and arches from more activity than they are
accustomed to. Dance sneakers offer cushioning and arch support.
- Some workshops are held in carpeted hotel ballrooms. Dance
shoes with slick soles allow feet to pivot freely on this surface
and avoid torquing the knees.
- Some workshops are held in rooms with wooden floors that
have protruding nails which can injure the feet. Shoes protect
the feet from this.
- If you do go barefoot, immediately after your class, performance,
or swim wash your feet with soapy water and towel dry them, taking
extra care to dry between the toes.
- If recommended by your doctor, take along orthotics to use
in your shoes.
- If the feet have open wounds caused by broken blisters or
cuts, place bandages over the sores to protect your feet from
contact with fungus and bacteria on the floor. Wear socks over
the bandages for further protection.
First Aid
PHOTO CREDIT: Photo by William M. Smith, Iowa City, Iowa.
- Athlete's Foot. If you find that you have an itching,
burning sensation on your feet, especially between your two littlest
toes, you may have athlete's foot. You may find that the skin
appears to be peeling away.
- Fungus flourishes in damp environments. Wash the foot frequently
with soap, and dry thoroughly in the itchy area.
- Some people use tea tree oil to help kill the fungus and
promote healing.
- Some people choose an anti-fungal product from the drugstore
such as Lotrimin to help kill the fungus and encourage healing.
- Burns. If you have walked or danced barefoot across
a hot surface such as concrete or marble, your feet may be painfully
burned. When hospitals treat burn patients, a significant focus
is protecting the damaged skin from germs which can cause infection.
- Use aloe immediately to ease the sore skin.
- Obtain a bucket full of ice from your hotel, place a towel
moistened with cool water across the top surface of the ice,
and place your burned skin on top of it.
- Place antiseptic ointment such as Neosporin on the burned
area to protect it from germs.
- If antiseptic ointment is not available, use honey to coat
the wound. Apply twice a day.
- Bandage the burned area to protect it from germs and further
injury. Try to choose bandages that won't stick to the healing
skin. Cellophane paper is good for this.
- If it blisters, following the instructions below for caring
for blisters.
- Blisters. These can have two different causes - friction
from shoes that fit badly, or burns from walking barefoot on
concrete or marble. Regardless of cause, these treatments will
- If possible, don't pop blisters. The blister formed for the
purpose of protecting the foot. If you pop it, that protection
will be lost.
- If the blister does pop, place antiseptic ointment such as
Neosporin on the place where the skin is broken to protect against
germs entering the body.
- If antiseptic ointment is not available, use honey to coat
the wound. Apply twice a day.
- Keep the blistered area clean
- Use bandages to protect the blister from contact with germs.
- Avoid continuing to wear the shoes that caused the blister.
- A couple of days after the blister forms, the outer layer
of skin will start to dry out and lose its suppleness. The tightness
will pull at the edges of the blister. This hurts, and creates
a risk of it tearing loose to create an open wound. Keep it soft
with moisturizers.
- Don't remove the outer layer of skin until a couple of weeks
after the blister has formed. It provides continued protection
against the germs that cause infection, and should remain in
place until a new layer of healthy skin has fully formed.
PHOTO CREDIT: Photo by William M. Smith, Iowa City, Iowa. |

Packing Checklist
Of course, you won't take everything appearing on this checklist.
Talk to your doctor about the issues described in this article,
and let that guide you in which items are right for you. You
won't want to take any more than necessary because it takes up
space in your luggage and adds weight.
Muscle |
- Leg warmers
- Ointments such as arnica, Ben Gay, or Tiger Balm
- Heating pad
- Anti-inflammatory drugs
- Handheld massager
Sprains & Breaks |
- Elastic bandage for wrapping sprains
- Bag for icing injury
- Glucosamine chondroitin
- First aid advice from your doctor on what to do in case of
- Knee or ankle braces if needed for weak joint
Feet |
- Soothing foot lotion
- Dance sneakers with padded soles
- Orthotics
- Bandages to protect blisters
- Antiseptic cream to put on skin if blisters break
- Old, comfortable shoes
- Athlete's foot remedy (anti-fungal cream, tea tree oil)
- Skin moisturizer to keep blisters soft and supple

Related Articles
These articles cover other health-related topics related to belly dance.

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