PHOTO CREDIT: Above photo by John Rickman Photography, San Jose, California.
قوينى بيك
Aweeny Beek
(Make Me Stronger)
This page contains a translation into English of the lyrics to the song "Aweeny Beek", which was popularized by Samira Said. Also included is a transliteration of the Arabic lyrics into the Roman alphabet so you can sing along if you like.
- Aweeny Beek (Make Me Stronger), 2004
- Song Title in Arabic: قوينى بيك
- Album: Aweeny Beek
- Lyricist: Amir Teima
- Composer: Amr Mostafa
- Original Artist: Samira Said
Song lyrics are provided for educational purposes. If you like the song, please purchase either the album or a download from an authorized source.
About Samira Said
Samira Said is a Moroccan pop singer. She was born in Morocco in 1958. After being discovered on a Moroccan television program named Mawaheb, she moved to Egypt in 1977 to launch her career. She now holds both Moroccan and Egyptian citizenship. In 1980, she represented Morocco in the Eurovision competition, placing 18th out of 19 contestants. In the years that followed, she achieved success in Egypt, releasing a number of recordings. In 2000, she released "Leila Habibi", which won best video in the Arab world in 2001 at the Cairo Arabic Music Festival. She has gone on to win more than 40 awards. |

Numbers in parentheses refer to footnotes that appear at the bottom of the translation.
Arabic Lyrics |
Transliteration |
English Translation |
عايشة ليك |
aaysha leek |
I live for you! |
عمري ايه لو مش وياك |
omri eih law mosh wayak? |
What kind of life would I have without you? |
ايوة عايشة عشان بهواك |
Aywa aaysha aashan bahwak |
Yes, I live to love you! |
كل حلم لقيته معاك |
Kol helmy la'eto maak |
All my dreams, I've found them with you. |
بيك الحياة يا حبيبي حياة |
Beek el-hayah ya habibi hayah |
With you, my love, life is life. |
واللي قبلك مش فاكراه |
W elly ablak mosh fakrah |
I have forgotten everything that was before you, |
واللي بعدك مش عايزاه |
W elly badak mosh aayzah |
and I don't want anything after you. |
عايزة اعيش عمري بيك |
aayza aeesh, omri beek |
I want to live my life for you, |
وانسى خوفي وانسى ضعفي |
Wa ansa khofy, wa ansa daafy |
and to forget my fear and weakness |
بين ايديك |
Bein eidek |
between your hands |
قويني بيك |
Aweeny beek |
Make me stronger. |
قوي قلبي عشان يعيش |
Awy alby aashan yeaeesh |
Make my heart stronger so I can live. |
عمري بعدك ميساويش |
omri baadak, maysawish |
My life after you is worth nothing. |
من زمان أنا بستناك |
Men zaman ana bastanaak |
I've been waiting for you for so long. |
قويني بيك |
Aweeny beek |
Make me stronger. |
عايزة جوه عنيا اداريك |
aayza gowa enaya adareek |
I want to see you inside my eyes |
عايزة اعيشلك وأموت فيك |
aayza aaeeshlak wa amout feek |
I want to live for you and die loving you |
عمري ايه لو مش وياك |
omri eih law mosh wayak? |
What kind of life would I have without you? |
كل يوم |
Kol yom |
Every day |
عشته قبلك عمر وراح |
aeshtoh ablak omr w rah |
I've lived before you was a wasted life. |
جوه حضنك انا برتاح |
Gowa hodnak ana bartah |
In your arms I find peace, |
واللي عدى خلاص ناسياه |
W elly aadda, khalas nasyah |
and everything in the past, I've already forgotten it. |
ايه أحلى من اللي معاك عايشاه |
Eih ahla melly maak aayshah? |
What's more beautiful than what I'm living with you |
واللي وانا جنبك حساه |
W elly w ana ganbak hassah? |
and that I'm feeling by your side? |
كنت قبلك مش عارفاه |
Kont ablak mosh aarfah |
I never knew this before I met you. |
مش هكون إلا ليك |
Mosh hakoun, ella leek |
I won't be anything but yours. |
كل حاجة حبيبي فيت بتناديك |
Kol haga habibi feya betnadeek |
Everything within me is calling you, my love. |
قويني بيك |
Aweeny beek |
Make me stronger. |
قوي قلبي عشان يعيش |
Awy alby aashan yeaeesh |
Make my heart stronger so I can live. |
عمري بعدك ميساويش |
omri baadak, maysawish |
My life after you is worth nothing. |
من زمان أنا بستناك |
Men zaman ana bastanaak |
I've been waiting for you for so long. |
قويني بيك |
Aweeny beek |
Make me stronger. |
عايزة جوه عنيا اداريك |
aayza gowa enaya adareek |
I want to see you inside my eyes |
عايزة اعيشلك وأموت فيك |
aayza aaeeshlak wa amout feek |
I want to live for you and die loving you |
عمري ايه لو مش وياك |
omri eih law mosh wayak? |
What kind of life would I have without you? |

Translations of
Samira Said's Songs On This Site
Translations on this web site for songs performed by Samira Said include:

About the Translator
This translation was created by "RoCk-StAr" on the forum at allthelyrics.com

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