PHOTO CREDIT: Above photo by John Rickman Photography, San Jose, California.
Μου Λείπει
(Mou Lipi)
(I Miss)
This page contains a translation into English of the lyrics to the popular Greek song "Mou Lipi" (Μου Λείπει), which was sung by the girl band Kaka Koritsia. Also included is a pronunciation guide for the Greek lyrics so you can sing along if you like.
Song lyrics are provided for educational purposes. If you like the song, please purchase either the album or a download from an authorized source.
About the Song
Those of us from regions that speak Greek, Arabic, and Turkish have exchanged countless songs with each other through licensing the music and creating lyrics in our own languages. These include both current pop music and classics. The song translated on this page is an example of one – it originally appeared in Egypt as "Habibi Ya Nour El Ain", sung by Amr Diab.
This song was a huge hit in Greece in the late 1990's and is still one of my favorites!
The song was first released in 1996 by the renowned Egyptian singer, Amr Diab (Αμρ Ντίαμπ). Although this song is credited to Egypt, it actually holds a different secret home base that not many people know about. The birth of this song is credited to the Maghreb (North Africa west of Egypt). The mystery country is Libya! Both the composer, Nasser Al Mezdawy (Νάσερ Αλ Μέζνταουι), and the arranger Hamid El Shaeiry (Χαμίντ Ελ Σαειρη) are from Libya; however, the song rose to fame in Egypt. The lyricist Ahmed Shatta is Egyptian.
ABOUT THE PHOTO: The photo shows Amr Diab, the original Egyptian artist who popularized Habibi Ya Nour el Ain in 1996.
This world favorite classic was re-released in 2018 by a duet featuring Lebanese singer Maya Diab and French Montana. Her music video was filmed and produced on the Greek Cypriot Island.
The Egyptian song "Nour El Ain" came to Greece in 1998. It was initially released in Greece by the popular girl band "Ta Kaka Koritsia".
I highly recommend this song for belly dancers who are accustomed to Turkish or Arabic music, and want to perform for Greeks. In fact, any song that you are able to find in both Greek/Arabic or Greek/Turkish will always be hit for the crowd and most importantly you. Why for you? It is the easiest way to transition into dancing for Greeks, by using songs that you already know and love. We have countless shared music, so you won't have a problem. |
About Ta Kaka Koritsia
Ta Kaka Koritsia (Τα Κακά Κορίτσια), was a girl band in Greece with three members that formed in 1989. Its members included:
- Maria Stareniou (Μαρία Σταρένιου)
- Angela Mavrota (Άντζελα Μαυρωτά)
- Anthi Yiakoumelou (Ανθή Γιακουμέλου)
The band is no longer active. |
Song: Mou Lipi, 1998
Lyrics: Angela Mavrota (Greek version)
Music: Nasser Al Mezdawy
Arranged by: Hamid El Shaeiry
Original Artist: Kaka Koritsia (The Bad Girls)
Album: 180 Mires (180 Degrees)
Has Also Been Recorded By:
- Amr Diab, 1996, in Arabic. ("Habibi Ya Nour el Ain")
Τραγούδι: Μου Λείπει, 1998
Μουσική: Νάσερ Αλ Μεζνταουι
Στίχοι: Άντζελα Μαυρωτά
Οργανώθηκε: Χαμίντ Ελ Σαειρη
Πρώτη εκτέλεση: Τα Κακά Κορίτσια
Άλμπουμ: 180 Μοίρες |

Numbers in parentheses refer to footnotes that appear at the bottom of the translation.
Greek Lyrics |
Pronunciation |
English Translation |
Μου λείπει |
Mou lipi |
I miss |
η αγκαλιά του |
ee agalia tou |
his hug |
όταν ξημερώνει |
otan ximeroni |
when it's dawn |
και μακριά του |
ke makria tou |
and away from him |
η μέρα όλο μεγαλώνει |
ee mera olo megaloni |
the day continuously gets longer |
Chorus #1 |
Chorus #1 |
Chorus #1 |
Μου λείπει, μου λείπει |
mou leepee, mou leepee |
I miss [him], I miss [him] |
Μου λείπει, και είμαι μόνη |
mou leepee, ke ime moni |
I miss [him], and I'm alone |
Μου λείπει, μου λείπει |
mou leepee, mou leepee |
I miss [him], I miss [him] |
Κaι η λύπη με μαχαιρώνει |
ke ee lipi me maheroni |
and the regret is stabbing me |
μέσα στην καρδιά μου |
mesa stin kardia mou |
inside my heart |
Chorus #1 |
Chorus #1 |
Chorus #1 |
Μου λείπει, μου λείπει |
mou leepee, mou leepee |
I miss [him], I miss [him] |
Μου λείπει, και είμαι μόνη |
mou leepee, ke ime moni |
I miss [him], and I'm alone |
Μου λείπει, μου λείπει |
mou leepee, mou leepee |
I miss [him], I miss [him] |
Κaι η λύπη με μαχαιρώνει |
ke ee lipi me maheroni |
and the regret is stabbing me |
μέσα στην καρδιά μου |
mesa stin kardia mou |
inside my heart |
Μου λείπει |
Mou lipi |
I miss |
η αγκαλιά του |
ee agalia tou |
his hug |
όταν ξημερώνει |
otan ximeroni |
when it's dawn |
Χωρίς τα δυο του χέρια |
horis ta dio tou heria |
without both his hands |
η πόλη ερημώνει |
ee poli erimoni |
the city calms |
Και όταν βραδιάζει |
ke otan vradiazi |
and when it becomes night |
ο πόνος δυναμώνει
o ponos dinamoni |
the pain gets stronger |
Σαν ταξίδι η νύχτα
san taxidi ee nihta |
like a journey into the night |
που δεν τελειώνει |
pou den telioni |
that doesn't end |
Chorus #1 |
Chorus #1 |
Chorus #1 |
Μου λείπει, μου λείπει |
mou leepee, mou leepee |
I miss [him], I miss [him] |
Μου λείπει, και είμαι μόνη |
mou leepee, ke ime moni |
I miss [him], and I'm alone |
Μου λείπει, μου λείπει |
mou leepee, mou leepee |
I miss [him], I miss [him] |
Κaι η λύπη με μαχαιρώνει |
ke ee lipi me maheroni |
and the regret is stabbing me |
Chorus #2 |
Chorus #2 |
Chorus #2 |
Μου λείπει, μου λείπει |
mou leepee, mou leepee |
I miss [him], I miss [him] |
Μου λείπει, και είμαι μόνη |
mou leepee, ke ime moni |
I miss [him], and I'm alone |
Μου λείπει, μου λείπει |
mou leepee, mou leepee |
I miss [him], I miss [him] |
Και η χτύποι της καρδιάς μου |
ke ee htipi tis kardias mou |
and the beats of my heart |
λένε το όνομα του |
lene to onoma tou |
say his name |
Instrumental |
Instrumental |
Instrumental |
Μου λείπει |
Mou lipi |
I miss |
η αγκαλιά του |
ee agalia tou |
his hug |
όταν ξημερώνει |
otan ximeroni |
when it's dawn |
Χωρίς τα δυο του χέρια |
horis ta dio tou heria |
without both his hands |
η πόλη ερημώνει |
ee poli erimoni |
the city calms |
Chorus #1 |
Chorus #1 |
Chorus #1 |
Μου λείπει, μου λείπει |
mou leepee, mou leepee |
I miss [him], I miss [him] |
Μου λείπει, και είμαι μόνη |
mou leepee, ke ime moni |
I miss [him], and I'm alone |
Μου λείπει, μου λείπει |
mou leepee, mou leepee |
I miss [him], I miss [him] |
Κaι η λύπη με μαχαιρώνει |
ke ee lipi me maheroni |
and the regret is stabbing me |
Chorus #2 |
Chorus #2 |
Chorus #2 |
Μου λείπει, μου λείπει |
mou leepee, mou leepee |
I miss [him], I miss [him] |
Μου λείπει, και είμαι μόνη |
mou leepee, ke ime moni |
I miss [him], and I'm alone |
Μου λείπει, μου λείπει |
mou leepee, mou leepee |
I miss [him], I miss [him] |
Και η χτύποι της καρδιάς μου |
ke ee htipi tis kardias mou |
and the beats of my heart |
λένε το όνομα του |
lene to onoma tou |
say his name |
Με τύλιξαν σαν κύμα |
me tilixan san kima |
they wrapped me like a wave: |
τα δάκρυα κ' οι καημοί
ta dakria k' ee kaimee |
the tears and the pains, |
Απ' τα φιλία που πήρα
ap'ta filia pou pira |
from the kisses I took, |
Απ' τα φιλία που πήρα
ap'ta filia pou pira |
from the kisses I took |
Σαν μια ψιλή βροχούλα |
san mia psili vrohoula |
like a little rain |
έμοιαζαν στην αρχή |
emiazan stin arhi |
they seemed at the beginning |
μα έγιναν πλημμύρα |
ma eyinan plimira |
well they became floods |
μα έγιναν πλημμύρα |
ma eyinan plimira |
well they became floods |
Στου κόσμο τη μέση |
stou kosmou ti mesi |
in the world's middle |
Αφού τίποτ' άλλο δε μένει |
afou tipot' alo de meni |
since nothing else is left |
Ζητάω μια θέση |
zitao mia thesi |
I ask for a spot |
Να μείνει η καρδιά μου δεμένη |
na mini ee kardia mou demeni |
so my heart stays tied |
Σαν βάρκα σπασμένη |
san varka spasmeni |
like a broken boat |
Chorus #1 |
Chorus #1 |
Chorus #1 |
Μου λείπει, μου λείπει |
mou leepee, mou leepee |
I miss [him], I miss [him] |
Μου λείπει, και είμαι μόνη |
mou leepee, ke ime moni |
I miss [him], and I'm alone |
Μου λείπει, μου λείπει |
mou leepee, mou leepee |
I miss [him], I miss [him] |
Κι η λύπη με μαχαιρώνει |
ke ee lipi me maheroni |
and the regret is stabbing me |
Chorus #2 |
Chorus #2 |
Chorus #2 |
Μου λείπει, μου λείπει |
mou leepee, mou leepee |
I miss [him], I miss [him] |
Μου λείπει, και είμαι μόνη |
mou leepee, ke ime moni |
I miss [him], and I'm alone |
Μου λείπει, μου λείπει |
mou leepee, mou leepee |
I miss [him], I miss [him] |
Και η χτύποι της καρδιάς μου |
ke ee htipi tis kardias mou |
and the beats of my heart |
λένε το όνομα του |
lene to onoma tou |
say his name. |
Chorus Final |
Chorus Final |
Chorus Final |
Μου λείπει |
Mou lipi |
I miss |
η αγκαλιά του |
ee agalia tou |
his hug |
όταν ξημερώνει |
otan ximeroni |
when it's dawn |
και μακριά του |
ke makria tou |
and away from him |
η μέρα όλο μεγαλώνει |
ee mera olo megaloni |
the day continuously gets longer |
Chorus Final |
Chorus Final |
Chorus Final |
Μου λείπει |
Mou lipi |
I miss |
η αγκαλιά του |
ee agalia tou |
his hug |
όταν ξημερώνει |
otan ximeroni |
when it's dawn |
και μακριά του |
ke makria tou |
and away from him |
η μέρα όλο μεγαλώνει |
ee mera olo megaloni |
the day continuously gets longer |
Chorus Final |
Chorus Final |
Chorus Final |
Μου λείπει |
Mou lipi |
I miss |
η αγκαλιά του |
ee agalia tou |
his hug |
όταν ξημερώνει |
otan ximeroni |
when it's dawn |
και μακριά του |
ke makria tou |
and away from him |
η μέρα όλο μεγαλώνει |
ee mera olo megaloni |
the day continuously gets longer |

About the Translator
This page was contributed by Panayiota Bakis, who is happy to share her culture and music she grew up with! Here's how Panayiota describes her background:
I always love engaging with intelligent like-minded people, especially artists. I love sharing anything and everything about my Hellenic culture and upbringing, especially music and dance. A conversation with me will bring you back to America's favorite Greek-American movie by Nia Vardalos called My Big Fat Greek Wedding.
I love investigating Greek culture, history, music, and dance. Speaking of investigating, I think I missed my calling, I probably should have been an investigator. Instead, I use those skills to dig and dig and dig tirelessly, often times falling asleep on my laptop... just to find the truth. But, most importantly, accurate truth. For me personally, and other respectable folklorists, my culture and accuracy are very important. Each generation of ethnic born artists has a duty to do the best it can to pass down our traditions as was taught to us. We have been given this artistic gift to be the gatekeepers of our heritage and culture.

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