PHOTO CREDIT: Above photo by John Rickman Photography, San Jose, California.
Σήμερα και Αύριο - Έλα Έλα
(Simer K Avrio - Ela, Ela)
(Today and Tomorrow - Come, Come)
This page contains a translation into English of the lyrics to the popular Greek song "Simer K Avrio - Ela, Ela" (Σήμερα και Αύριο - Έλα Έλα), which was sung by Lena Zevgara.
For some reason this song was created as two in one. The first song title is "Simera k Avrio". The second song title is "Ela Ela", which is also often referred to as "Amartise" (I Sin). This dual song is considered one of the biggest hits of 2019-2020.
For more information about the laiko and rebetiko styles of music, see Introduction to Laiko / Rebetiko Music elsewhere on this web site.
Also included is a pronunciation guide for the Greek lyrics so you can sing along if you like.
Song lyrics are provided for educational purposes. If you like the song, please purchase either the album or a download from an authorized source.
About Lena Zevgara
Lena Zevgara was born in 1992 in the prefecture of Karditsa, Greece. She graduated from the Department of Economics at the University of Macedonia. Although her first commercial release was in 2015, the song that launched her into stardom was "Ela, Ela" (Come, Come), released in 2019.
Zevgara is considered one of the rising stars of Greek laiko music. She has been featured in the Greek gossip tabloids and Greek television talk shows, not only for her amazing classic laiko-style voice, but also for her personal choice of wardrobe!
Typically in the Greek music scence, the laiko singers who work in bouzoukia (a particular type of live music clubs that feature laiko music) opt for a very sexy wardrobe, with mini-skirts, exposed cleavage, etc. The same is true of club-goers — when I go to bouzoukia, I dress like I'm going to the bouzoukia!
However, such is not the case with Zevgara. She chooses to be more modest and allow her voice to take center stage. Typically, the more modest wardrobe is seen among the women who perform the old rebetiko style music from the early 20th century. I'm proud to see a young modern Greek woman stick to her views and values instead of conforming to what the record companies want. Brava Zevgara!
About Mihalis Touratzidis
Mihalis Touratzidis comes from Pontian Anatolian Greek heritage.
About Jenny Tsiko
Jenny Tsiko is the stage name for Jenny Tsikopoulou (Τζένη Τσικοπούλου). |
Song: Simer K Avrio - Ela, Ela (Today and Tomorrow - Come, Come), 2019
Lyrics: Jenny Tsikopoulou
Music: Mihalis Touratzidis
Original Artist: Lena Zevgara
Dance Style: Belly Dance
Album: Simer K Avrio - Ela, Ela (single) |
Τραγούδι: Σήμερα και Αύριο - Έλα Έλα, 2019
Στίχοι: Τζένη Τσικοπούλου
Μουσική: Μιχάλης Τουρατζίδης
Πρώτη Εκτέλεση: Λένα Ζευγαρά
Χορός: Οριεντάλ, Χορό Της Κοιλιάς, Ανατολίτικος Χορός, Τσιφτετέλι, Χανούμικο, Κελικός Χορός |

Numbers in parentheses refer to footnotes that appear at the bottom of the translation.
Greek Lyrics |
Pronunciation |
English Translation |
Song #1: Σήμερα και Αύριο |
Song #1: Simer Ke Avrio |
Song #1: Today and Tomorrow |
Δεν έχεις δει |
den ehis di |
You haven't seen |
για 'σενα πως χαμογελώ |
ya 'sena pos hamoyelo και |
how I smile for you, |
πως μιλάω για σένα |
ke pos milao ya sena |
and how I speak of you |
αν δεν είσαι εδώ |
an den ise edo |
when you are not here. |
και περισσοτερο απο χθες θα σ' αγαπώ |
ke perisotero apo hthes tha s' agapo |
And I will love you more than yesterday. |
και σήμερα |
ke simera |
And today, |
και αύριο |
ke avrio |
and tomorrow, |
και κάθε αύριο |
ke kathe avrio |
and every tomorrow. |
Πάντα θα σε αγαπώ πολύ |
panda tha se agapo poli |
Always, I will love you very much. |
και σήμερα |
ke simera |
And today, |
και αύριο |
ke avrio |
and tomorrow, |
και κάθε αύριο |
ke kathe avrio |
and every tomorrow. |
Πάντα θα σε αγαπώ πολύ |
panda tha se agapo poli |
Always, I will love you very much. |
Song #2: Έλα Έλα |
Song #2: Ela, Ela |
Song #2: Come, Come |
Chorus |
Chorus |
Chorus |
Αμάρτησε μαζί μου κ έλα |
amartise mazi mou k ela |
Sin with me and come. |
έλα ελα ελα ελα |
ela ela ela ela |
Come, come, come, come. |
έλα να με τρελάνεις |
ela na me trelanis |
Come make me crazy. |
κάποιες αμαρτίες |
kapies amarties |
[For] some sins, |
αμαρτία είναι |
amartia ine |
it's a sin |
είναι να μη' τις κάνεις |
ine na mi' tis kanis |
to not commit them. |
Αδιαφορώ στο τι θα πεί |
adiaforo sto ti tha pi |
I don't care what they will say — |
ο κόσμος και οι φίλοι |
o kosmos ke ee fili |
people [in general] and friends. |
αυτό που θέλω σαν τρελή |
afto pou thelo san treli |
What I want like crazy |
είναι τα δυό σου χείλι |
ine ta dio sou hili |
is your two lips. |
Chorus |
Chorus |
Chorus |
Αμάρτησε μαζί μου κ έλα |
amartise mazi mou k ela |
Sin with me and come. |
έλα ελα ελα ελα |
ela ela ela ela |
Come, come, come, come. |
έλα να με τρελάνεις |
ela na me trelanis |
Come make me crazy. |
κάποιες αμαρτίες |
kapies amarties |
[For] some sins, |
αμαρτία είναι |
amartia ine |
it's a sin |
είναι να μη' τις κάνεις |
ine na mi' tis kanis |
to not commit them. |
Όχι ποτέ δε θα σου πώ |
ohi pote de tha sou po |
I will never tell you "no". |
τα χείλι μου δε' λένε |
ta hili mou de' lene |
My two lips won't say [it]. |
ξέρουν μόνο το σ' αγαπώ |
xeroun mono to s' agapo |
They only know that I love you, |
και όλο ναι να λένε |
ke olo ne na lene |
and always "yes" they say. |
Chorus |
Chorus |
Chorus |
Αμάρτησε μαζί μου κ έλα |
amartise mazi mou k ela |
Sin with me and come. |
έλα ελα ελα ελα |
ela ela ela ela |
Come, come, come, come. |
έλα να με τρελάνεις |
ela na me trelanis |
Come make me crazy. |
κάποιες αμαρτίες |
kapies amarties |
[For] some sins, |
αμαρτία είναι |
amartia ine |
it's a sin |
είναι να μη' τις κάνεις |
ine na mi' tis kanis |
to not commit them. |
Chorus |
Chorus |
Chorus |
Αμάρτησε μαζί μου κ έλα |
amartise mazi mou k ela |
Sin with me and come. |
έλα ελα ελα ελα |
ela ela ela ela |
Come, come, come, come. |
έλα να με τρελάνεις |
ela na me trelanis |
Come make me crazy. |
κάποιες αμαρτίες |
kapies amarties |
[For] some sins, |
αμαρτία είναι |
amartia ine |
it's a sin |
είναι να μη' τις κάνεις |
ine na mi' tis kanis |
to not commit them. |

Translations of
Lena Zevgara's Songs On This Site
Translations on this web site of songs performed by Lena Zevgara include:

About the Translator
This page was contributed by Panayiota Bakis, who is happy to share her culture and music she grew up with! Here's how Panayiota describes her background:
I always love engaging with intelligent like-minded people, especially artists. I love sharing anything and everything about my Hellenic culture and upbringing, especially music and dance. A conversation with me will bring you back to America's favorite Greek-American movie by Nia Vardalos called My Big Fat Greek Wedding.
I love investigating Greek culture, history, music, and dance. Speaking of investigating, I think I missed my calling, I probably should have been an investigator. Instead, I use those skills to dig and dig and dig tirelessly, often times falling asleep on my laptop... just to find the truth. But, most importantly, accurate truth. For me personally, and other respectable folklorists, my culture and accuracy are very important. Each generation of ethnic born artists has a duty to do the best it can to pass down our traditions as was taught to us. We have been given this artistic gift to be the gatekeepers of our heritage and culture.

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