PHOTO CREDIT: Above photo by John Rickman Photography, San Jose, California.
Belly Dancing
for Health & Fitness

Table of Contents

Taking Care of Yourself

PHOTO CREDIT: Photo by Pixie Vision, Glendale, California. |

Health Benefits of Belly Dance

PHOTO CREDIT: Photo by Kaylyn Hoskins, Solon, Iowa. |

Belly Dancing and Your Weight

PHOTO CREDIT: Photo by Jeff Halpin. |

Healthy Travel for Belly Dancers
Belly dancers love to travel! We go out of town to workshops, dance festivals, and even exciting dance touristdestinations such as Egypt and Turkey. Here's how to stay "in the pink" (healthy) while on the road.
- Part 1, Beginning Preparations.
Check health insurance coverage, prepare for common things that
can go wrong.
- Part 2, Beating Jet Lag.
Feel your best when you arrive at your destination.
- Part 3, Avoiding Colds.
Airports, airplanes, and belly dance events are all incubators
for catching a cold.
- Part 4, Maintaining a
Healthy Gut. Nobody wants diarrhea to interfere with sight-seeing
or dancing!
- Part 5, Foot, Muscle,
& Joint Health. Avoid injury, and learn how to deal with
it if it happens anyway.

PHOTO CREDIT: Photo by William M. Smith, Iowa City, Iowa. |

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