PHOTO CREDIT: Above photo by John Rickman Photography, San Jose, California.
انزل يا جميل
Inzal Ya Gameel
(Come Down, Beautiful)
This page contains a translation into English of the lyrics to the popular Arabic song "Inzal Ya Gameel", which was sung by Lebanese singer Walid Toufic. It is sometimes spelled as "Enzal Ya Gamil" or "Anzil Ya Jameel".
- Inzal Ya Gameel (Come Down, Beautiful), 1982
- Song Title in Arabic: انزل يا جميل
- Album: Rah Habibi
- In the Motion Picture Man Yatfi Al-Nar (Who's Putting the Fire Out?)
- Lyricist: Abdel Rahim Mansour
- Composer: Walid Toufic
- Arranged By: Boudi Nassoum
- Original Artist: Walid Toufic
About Walid Toufic
When Walid Toufic was young, growing up in Tripoli, Lebanon, he used to sing and play the oud for gatherings of his family and friends. His singing career began when he appeared on television, on a program called "'Studio Al-Fan". He was an instant hit in the media, and became known as "The amateur that in no time sparkled like a star."
Unfortunately, the rise of the civil war in Lebanon led him to continue his career elsewhere. He lived in Damascus, Syria for 10 years, pursuing a career in both singing and acting. After a time, he moved on to Egypt to continue his show business career. He appeared as an actor-singer in the 1982 movie Man Yatfi Al-Nar (Who's Putting the Fire Out?) which featured this song, "Inzal Ya Gameel".
Other ways to transliterate his name include "Walid Tawfik" or "Waleed Tawfiq". |

Listen to MP3 Clips of This Song
Sung by Walid Toufic |

Original Lyrics |
English Translation |
Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! |
Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! |
Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! |
Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! |
Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! |
Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! |
Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! |
Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! |
انزل يا جميل فى الساحة |
Come here my darling and dance |
و اتمختر كدا بالراحة |
You can dance as you like |
أنا قد عينيك مع إنى |
I love your eyes |
نظرة عينيك دباحة |
A look from your eyes slays me |
مالك طالع بالعالى |
Why are you rising so far up [like a star]? |
يا مالى قلبى ليالى |
You are in my heart |
أمرك يا جميل |
Whatever you wish, beautiful! |
Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! |
Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! |
يا وعدى على الايام دى |
We are happy |
من غير ما نحس تعدى |
And the days pass quickly |
تاخد أكتر ما بتدى |
Take what you can |
و أنا ويا الأيام وحدى |
And me alone all day |
يا قمر الليل |
You are like the moon |
يا قمر الليل الوردى |
You are like the full moon |
شاور للنجمة تهدى أمرك يا جميل |
If you issue a command to the stars, they will fall out the sky, Beautiful. |
Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! |
Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! |
يا ربيع الحلم الأخضر |
You are like the Spring |
إن كان ع الصبر راح اصبر |
I will be so patient with you |
هات إيدك وافتح قلبك |
Give me your hand and open your heart |
الدنيا هتصغر جنبك |
Then everything will be all right |
الدنيا هتصغر جنبك |
The world will get smaller near you |
يا بحر مالوش |
oh, [you are like the] sea that hasn't...(1) |
يا بحر مالوش نهاية |
[You are like] the endless sea. |
قلبي ملاح و حكاية |
My heart is a sailor and a story (2) |
سنة حلوة يا جميل ! |
Happy birthday, Beautiful! (3) |
- The next line after this one in the original Arabic says, "sea that hasn't got an end". So this line starts that sentence and trails off, saying, "sea that hasn't..." and the next line repeats that plus finishes the sentence. He's calling her the sea, a metaphor.
- Above, he called her the sea. Now he's referring to his heart as a sailor who loves that sea.
- Literally, "sweet year, oh Beautiful!" which is a birthday greeting in Arabic.

Translations of
Walid Toufic'sSongs on This Site
Translations on this web site for songs performed by Walid Toufic include:

About the Translator
This translation was included in the liner notes for one of the CD's that includes this song.

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