PHOTO CREDIT: Above photo by John Rickman Photography, San Jose, California.
There are three Greek songs that share a melody with "Aïcha" by Cheb Khaled, including:
- "M' Aresi" (Μ' Αρέσει), sung by Konstantinos Kostas Bigalis
- "Krifa" (Κρυφά), sung by Michalis Hatzigiannis
- "Alithia Sou Leo" (Αλήθεια Σου Λέω), sung by Stamatis Gonidis
This page contains the second one, "Krifa" by Michalis Hatzigiannis. See the bottom of the page for links to the other two.
Also included is a pronunciation guide for the Greek lyrics so you can sing along if you like.
ABOUT THE PHOTO: The photo shows Cheb Khaled (who now goes by just "Khaled"), the Algerian raï artist whose song "Aïcha" was the original melody upon which the three Greek songs translated on this page are based. His real name is Khaled Hadj Ibrahim.
Song lyrics are provided for educational purposes. If you like the song, please purchase either the album or a download from an authorized source.
About This Song
This song uses the same melody as a 1996 song "Aïcha" by Algerian raï artist Cheb Khaled, who now goes by just "Khaled".
The original version of "Aïcha" was released entirely in French as a single. This version was never released on an album. Khaled later released a version of "Aïcha" on the album Sahra. For the album version, part of its lyrics are in French and part in Arabic, with Khaled having written the lyrics for the Arabic part. The music was composed by Jean-Jacques Goldman. |
About Michalis Hatzigiannis
Michalis Hatzigiannis is a popular Cypriot recording artist, born in 1978. He is a gradute of the Cyprus Music Academy, with a degree in piano, guitar and music theory. He represented Cyprus in the Eurovision music competition in 1998, performing a song he had written, and placing 11th.
In 2000, Hatzigiannis released his first solo album, Paraxeni Giorti, which went double-platinum. Three of its songs became top hits. In 2003, his album Monos Mou went triple platinum. In 2010, he released his first English-language album. |
Song: Krifa (Secretly), 2004
Lyrics: Eleana Vrahali
Music: Jean-Jacques Goldman
Greek Adaptation: Michalis Hatzigiannis
Original Artist: Michalis Hatzigiannis
Album: Akatalili Skini (Inappropriate Scene)
Has Also Been Recorded By:
- Cheb Khaled, 1996, bilingual in French and Arabic ("Aïcha") on the album Sahra
- Dr. Mehmet Mutaf, 1997, in Turkish ("Ayşa")
- Kostas Bigalis, 1997 in Greek ("M' Aresi")
- Michalis Hatzigiannis, 2004, in Greek ("Krifa")
- Stamatis Gonidis, 2006, in Greek ("Alithia Sou Leo")
Dance Style:
- Mostly just for listening
- Could be used for some belly dance variations such as veil work
Τραγούδι: Κρυφά, 2004
Στίχοι: Ελεάνα Βραχάλη
Μουσική: Τζιν Τζακουες Γκολντμαν
Greek Adaptation Μουσική: Μιχάλης Χατζηγιάννης
Άλλοι Ερμηνευτές: Μιχάλης Χατζηγιάννης
Άλμπουμ: Ακατάλληλη Σκηνή
Άλλοι Ερμηνευτές:
- Τσεμπ Χαλεντ, 1996, bilingual in French and Arabic ("Ασια")
- Μεχμετ Μουταφ, 1997, Στα Τουρκικά, ("'Ασια")
- Κώστας Μπίγαλης, 1997, Στα Ελληνικά ("Μ' Αρέσει")
- Μιχάλης Χατζηγιάννης, 2004, Στα Ελληνικά ("Κρυφά")
- Σταμάτης Γονίδης, 2006, Στα Ελληνικά ("Αλήθεια Σου Λέω")

Greek Lyrics |
Pronunciation |
English Translation |
Κρυφά σ' ένα στενό |
krifa s' ena steno |
Secretly in a side street |
είδα αυτό που ευχόμουν |
ida afto pou efhomoun |
I saw what I was hoping |
να μην το δω |
na min to do |
not to see: |
εσύ με άλλον μαζί |
esi me alon mazi |
You together with someone else. |
μοιάζει εικόνα αστεία και τραγική |
miazi ikona astia ke trayiki |
The scene seems funny and tragic. |
Αυτό που τόσο φοβάμαι |
afto pou toso fovame |
That which I fear most: |
ο τρίτος δε' θέλω να `μαι |
o tritos de' thelo na 'me |
I don't want to be the third, |
και απόψε μόνος κοιμάμαι |
ke apopse monos kimame |
and tonight I sleep alone. |
δε' θέλω τρίτος πια να `μαι |
de' thelo tritos pia na 'me |
I no longer want to be the third |
σ' αυτό το δρόμο που πάμε |
s' afto to dromo pou pame |
on this road we are going on. |
δε' θέλω τρίτος πια να `μαι |
de' thelo tritos pia na 'me |
I no longer want to be the third. |
Ααχχχχχ |
aahhhh |
Aahhhh |
Ααχχχχχ |
aahhhh |
Aahhhh |
Ααχχχχχ |
aahhhh |
Aahhhh |
Ααχχχχχ |
aahhhh |
Aahhhh |
Κρυφά σ' ένα στενό |
krifa s' ena steno |
Secretly in a side street, |
ένα κουβάρι είστε |
ena kouvari iste |
you are like a tangle, |
αγκαλιά κaι οι δυο |
agalia ke ee dio |
in an embrace, the two of you. |
εδώ πώς να σταθώ |
edo pos na statho |
Here, how can I stand [it]? |
τι 'ναι για 'σένα |
ti 'ne ya 'sena |
What does he mean to you, |
και τι είμαι και εγώ |
ke ti ime ke ego |
and what do I? |
Αυτό που τόσο φοβάμαι |
afto pou toso fovame |
That which I fear most: |
ο τρίτος δε' θέλω να `μαι |
o tritos de' thelo na 'me |
I don't want to be the third, |
και απόψε μόνος κοιμάμαι |
ke apopse monos kimame |
and tonight I sleep alone. |
δε' θέλω τρίτος πια να `μαι |
de' thelo tritos pia na 'me |
I no longer want to be the third |
Φοβάμαι |
fovame |
I'm afraid. |
ο τρίτος δε' θέλω να `μαι |
o tritos de' thelo na 'me |
I don't want to be the third, |
και απόψε μόνος κοιμάμαι |
ke apopse monos kimame |
and tonight I sleep alone. |
δε' θέλω τρίτος πια να `μαι |
de' thelo tritos pia na 'me |
I no longer want to be the third |
σ' αυτό το δρόμο που πάμε |
s' afto to dromo pou pame |
on this road we are going on. |
δε' θέλω τρίτος πια να `μαι |
de' thelo tritos pia na 'me |
I no longer want to be the third. |
Φοβάμαι |
fovame |
I'm afraid. |
Φοβάμαι |
fovame |
I'm afraid. |
Δειλά σ' έναν γκρεμό |
dila s' enan gremo |
Cowardly, at a cliff, |
είδα να πέφτω |
ida na pefto |
I saw myself falling |
πριν καλά το σκεφτώ |
prin kala to skefto |
before I could even think about it. |
με θες, μα θες πιο πολλά |
me thes, ma thes pio polla |
You want me, but you want much more. |
ποια είναι τα μέτρα σου |
pia ine ta metra sou |
What are your rules, |
και ποια η σιγουριά |
ke pia ee sigouria |
and what are you sure of? |

Translations of
Michalis Hatzigiannis' Songs On This Site

Translations of
Songs by Cheb Khaled on This Site
These are Greek songs based on music originally used by the Algerian raï artist, Khaled. Three are based on his song "Aïcha".
Greek Songs Based on Khaled's Songs
- Alithia Sou Leo (The Truth I Am Telling You). By Stamatis Gonidis. This song is based on Khaled's "Aïcha".
- Krifa (Secretly). By Michalis Hatzigiannis. This song is based on Khaled's "Aïcha".
- M' Aresi (I Like It). By Kostas Bigalis. This song is based on Khaled's "Aïcha".
- Ti Ti (What What). By Giorgos Alkaios. This song is based on Khaled's "Didi".
Translations of Khaled's Original Lyrics
- Aïcha (Aisha). Translation of the version that is partly French, partly Arabic.

About the Translator
This page was contributed by Panayiota Bakis, who is happy to share her culture and music she grew up with! Here's how Panayiota describes her background:
I always love engaging with intelligent like-minded people, especially artists. I love sharing anything and everything about my Hellenic culture and upbringing, especially music and dance. A conversation with me will bring you back to America's favorite Greek-American movie by Nia Vardalos called My Big Fat Greek Wedding.
I love investigating Greek culture, history, music, and dance. Speaking of investigating, I think I missed my calling, I probably should have been an investigator. Instead, I use those skills to dig and dig and dig tirelessly, often times falling asleep on my laptop... just to find the truth. But, most importantly, accurate truth. For me personally, and other respectable folklorists, my culture and accuracy are very important. Each generation of ethnic born artists has a duty to do the best it can to pass down our traditions as was taught to us. We have been given this artistic gift to be the gatekeepers of our heritage and culture.

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