PHOTO CREDIT: Above photo by John Rickman Photography, San Jose, California.
Πέντε Χρόνια Δικασμένος
(Pente Hronia Dikasmenos)
(Five Years Convicted)
This page contains a translation into English of the lyrics to the popular Greek song "Pente Hronia Dikasmenos" (Πέντε Χρόνια Δικασμένος), which was sung by Stelios Stelakis Perpiniadis. Also included is a pronunciation guide for the Greek lyrics so you can sing along if you like.
For more information about the laiko and rebetiko styles of music, see Introduction to Laiko / Rebetiko Music elsewhere on this web site.
Song lyrics are provided for educational purposes. If you like the song, please purchase either the album or a download from an authorized source.
About this Song
During the original recording session for this song in the 1930s, the musicians were actually smoking argile (hookah pipes), probably with hashish. It's not just acting.
Our musicians of this era were known to spend their time in the tekedes (hashish dens) which they built after their arrival in Greece as refugees following the genocide. (However, many sources also claim Greece always had hash dens, even before the arrival of the refugees.)
This is an old traditional song of Anatolia (where modern Turkey resides). The 9/8 rhythm is a Kamilierikos (Καμηλιέρικος) and not Karsilamas (καρσιλαμάς) as many have mistaken. The Kamilierikos rhythm belongs to the Zeibekikos (Ζειμπέκικος) family.
There is also a Turkish version of this song. It's titled "Yedi Kule".
About Yedi Kule
The song lyrics speak of "five years convicted inside the Yedi Kule." What was Yedi Kule, and where was it located?
ABOUT THE PHOTOS: The upper photo shows what the entrance to the Yedi Kule fortress in Thessaloniki in Greece looked like in the past. The lower photo shows what it looks like today. Click on either one to see more detail.
In Thessaloniki in northern Greece, there is a historic fortress called Yedi Kule, which is also known as Frourio Tou Eptapirgiou, the "seven towers fortress" (Φρούριο Του Επταπυργίου). The shorter name Epta Pirfi (επτά πύργοι), which also translates to the "fortress of seven towers" is sometimes used. In English it is also written Heptapigion.
Yedi Kule was built by the Byzantines in the 14th century. It served not only as an army base, but also as a safe haven to to keep citizens out of harm during attacks.
From around 1890 through 1989, Yedi Kule was used as a prison. About 500 people were executed there. The people jailed for drunkeness and hashish were begging to be separated from those who had committed much heavier crimes such as murder and theft. It also housed political prisoners from the left.
Today Yedi Kule in Thessaloniki is a museum. There is also a sports arena named after it.
In Turkey, in Constantinople (known today as Istanbul), there was also a Yedikule Fortress which was a prison as well. Today, its location is called Yedikule, part of Fatih, and it features a small musuem which hosts musical performances. |

About Stelios Perpiniadis
Stelios Perpiniadis, nicknamed Stellakis, was a Greek rebetiko musician. He was born on the Greek island of Tinos, grew up in Constantinople (Istanbul) and moved to Piraeus in 1923. There he came in contact with rebetiko musicians who were refugees from Anatolia (what we know today as Turkey) and embraced the musical genre. His career was at its height from 1930 to 1950 as he collaborated with many of the top rebetiko artists of his day. |
About Giorgos Dalaras
Giorgos Dalaras was another artist who recorded this song. His first true big break arose in 1972, when an album he recorded with Haris Alexiou went gold.
In 1975, he decided to release an album titled 50 Years of Rebetiko Songs. It proved to be an immediate success, and created a revival of interest in rebetiko music.
Dalaras is a versatile musician who not only sings, but also can play the the guitar, bouzouki, baglamas, tzouras and oud. |
Song: Pente Hronia Dikasmenos (Five Years Convicted), 1934
Lyrics: Vagelis Papazoglou (Agouris)
Music: Vagelis Papazoglou (Agouris)
Original Artist: Stelios Perpiniadis
Dance Style: Kamilerikos Zeibekikos
Has Also Been Recorded By:
- Yeni Türkü, 1992, in Turkish ("Yedi Kule - Nargilem Duman Duman"). Turkish lyrics by Cengiz Onural.
- Giorgos Dalaras, 1983.
- Anna Vissi, 2008.
- Lefteris Tsiliakos, 2011.
Τραγούδι: Πέντε Χρόνια Δικασμένος, 1934
Στίχοι: Βαγγέλης Παπάζογλου (Αγγούρης)
Μουσική: Βαγγέλης Παπάζογλου (Αγγούρης)
Πρώτη Εκτέλεση: Στέλιος Στελλάκης Περπινιάδης
Χορός: Καμηλιέρικος
Άλλοι Ερμηνευτές:
- Γενι Τιουρκιου, 1992, Στα Τουρκικά ("Γεντι Κουλε – Ναργιλεμ Ντουμαν Ντουμαν"). Turkish lyrics by Τζενγιζ Ονουραλ.

Several versions of this song have been recorded, including versions by Stelios Perpiniadis, Giorgos Dalaras, Anna Vissi, and others. Translations for two of them appear below.
- Stelios Perpiniadis, 1934
- Giorgos Dalaras, 1983
Stelios Perpiniadis, 1934
Numbers in parentheses refer to footnotes that appear at the bottom of the translation.
Greek Lyrics |
Pronunciation |
English Translation |
Γεια σου φίλε μου Στελλάκη |
yia sou file mou Stelaki |
Hello, my friend Stellaki! (1) |
Γεια και χαρά σου Βαγγέλη |
ya ke hara sou Vageli |
Hello, and joy for you, Vageli! (2) |
Τι είναι αυτό που κρατάς; |
ti ine afto pou kratas? |
What is that you are holding? |
Αργιλές |
argiles |
Hookah pipe (3) |
Αργιλές; |
argiles? |
Hookah pipe? (3) |
Αμ τι ήθελες να κρατώ, κανένα υπερωκεάνιο; |
am ti itheles na krato, kanena iperokeanio |
Well, what did you want me to be holding, some ocean liner? |
Μα αιωνίως βρε αδερφέ μου Στελλάκη, όποτε έρχομαι να σε βρω, όλο με τον αργιλέ στα χέρια σε βρίσκω |
ma eonios vre aderfe mou Stelaki, opote erhome na se vro, olo me ton argile sta heria se vrisko |
Well, forever my brother Stellaki, (1) every time I come to find you, I always see you with the hookah pipe (3) in your hands. |
Αχ φίλε μου Βάγγο, έχεις δίκιο. Αλλά αν ήξερες και 'συ τα ντέρτια και τα βάσανα που΄χω δεν θα μ' αδικούσες ποτέ |
ah file mou Vago, ehis dikio. Ala an ixeres 'si ta dertia k eta vasana pou 'ho den tha m' adikouses pote |
Oh my friend Vago, (2) you are right. But if you knew the sadness and hardships that I have [endured], you would not be unfair with me ever. |
Και δε' μου τα λες να τα μάθω και 'γω |
ke de' mou ta les na ta matho ke 'go |
And why don't you tell me so I can learn about them too? |
Άκου τα μωρ' αδερφέ μου Βάγγο να με παρηγορήσεις |
akou ta mor' adelfe mou Vago na me parigorisis |
Listen to them, my brother Vago, (2) so you can comfort me. |
Πέντε χρόνια δικασμένος |
pende hronia dikasmenos |
Five years convicted |
μέσα στο Γεντί Κουλέ |
mesa sto Yedi Koule |
inside the Yedi Kule. (4) |
πέντε χρόνια δικασμένος |
pende hronia dikasmenos |
Five years convicted |
μέσα στο Γεντί Κουλέ |
mesa sto Yedi Koule |
inside the Yedi Kule. (4) |
απο το πολύ σεκλέτι |
apo to poli sekleti |
From all the sadness |
το 'ριξα στον αργιλέ |
to 'rixa ston aryile |
I busted out the hookah pipe. (3) |
από το πολύ σεκλέτι |
apo to poli sekleti |
From all the sadness |
το 'ριξα στον αργιλέ |
to 'rixa ston aryile |
I busted out the hookah pipe. (3) |
Chorus |
Chorus |
Chorus |
Φύσα, ρούφα, τράβα τονε |
fisa, roufa, trava tone |
Blow, suck, and take a drag (5) |
πάτα τονε κaι άναφτονε |
pata tone ke anaftone |
press tightly [while taking a drag] and light it up. |
φύλα τσίλιες για τους βλάχους |
fila tsilies ya tous Vlahous |
Be on the lookout for the Vlahos, (6) |
κείνους τους δεσμοφυλάκους |
kinous tous desmofilakous |
those that are the prison guards. |
Πάρε και εσύ τη' δικιά σου Βαγγέλη |
pare ke esi ti' dikia sou Vangeli |
Vageli, (2) take your [hookah pipe to smoke] too. |
Γεια μας |
Yia mas |
Cheers! |
Και άλλα πέντε ξεχασμένος |
ke ala pende xehasmenos |
And five more years [I've been] forgotten, |
απο σένανε καλέ |
apo senane kale |
[even] by you. |
Και άλλα πέντε ξεχασμένος |
ke ala pende xehasmenos |
And five more years [I've been] forgotten, |
απο σένανε καλέ |
apo senane kale |
[even] by you. |
για παρηγοριά οι μάγκες |
ya parigoria ee manges |
To console me the mangas (7) |
μου πατούσαν αργιλέ |
mou patousan argile |
were pressing my hookah pipe. (3) |
για παρηγοριά οι μάγκες |
ya parigoria ee manges |
To console me the mangas (7) |
μου πατούσαν αργιλέ |
mou patousan argile |
were pressing my hookah pipe. (3) |
Chorus |
Chorus |
Chorus |
Φύσα, ρούφα, τράβα τονε |
fisa, roufa, trava tone |
Blow, suck, and take a drag (5) |
πάτα τονε κaι άναφτονε |
pata tone ke anaftone |
press tightly [while taking a drag] and light it up. |
φύλα τσίλιες για τους βλάχους |
fila tsilies ya tous Vlahous |
Be on the lookout for the Vlahos, (6) |
κείνους τους δεσμοφυλάκους |
kinous tous desmofilakous |
those that are the prison guards. |
Τώρα που 'χω ξεμπουκάρει |
tora pou 'ho xeboukari |
Now that I've been released |
μέσα απ' το Γεντί Kουλέ |
mesa ap' to Yedi Kule |
from inside the Yedi Kule, (4) |
Τώρα που 'χω ξεμπουκάρει |
tora pou 'ho xeboukari |
Now that I've been released |
μέσα απ' το Γεντί Kουλέ |
mesa ap' to Yedi Kule |
from inside the Yedi Kule, (4) |
γέμωσε τον αργιλέ μας |
yemose ton argile mas |
Fill to the top our hookah pipe (3) |
να φουμάρουμε καλέ |
na foumaroume kale |
to smoke it up. |
γέμωσε τον αργιλέ μας |
yemose ton argile mas |
Fill to the top our hookah pipe (3) |
να φουμάρουμε καλέ |
na foumaroume kale |
to smoke it up. |
Φύσα, ρούφα, τράβα τονε |
fisa, roufa, trava tone |
Blow, suck, and take a drag, (5) |
πάτα τονε κaι άναφτονε |
pata tone ke anaftone |
press tightly [while taking a drag] and light it up. |
Φύλα τσίλιες για τ' αλάνη |
fila tsilies ya t' alani |
Be on the lookout for our street kid |
και έρχονται δυο μολυσμάνοι |
ke erhonde dio molismani |
as two policemen are coming. |
Γεια σου ντερβίση μου Στελλάκη |
Yia sou dervisi mou Stelaki |
Hello my friend Stellaki! (1) |
Που μας τα λες όμορφα |
pou mas ta les omorfa |
How you say things so beautifully! |
Γεια σου Γιαννάκη μου |
yia sou Yianaki mou |
Hello my Yianni, |
Με το σεβνταλή βιολί σου |
me to sevdali to Violi sou |
with your lovesick violin. (8) |
- "Stellaki" is a nickname for the artist who recorded this song, Stelios Perpiniadis.
- "Vageli" and "Vago" refer to the composer and lyricist for this song, Vagelis Papazoglou.
- The Greek word "argile" (plural "argiledes") is also used in some Arabic-speaking areas such as Syria to refer to a hookah pipe. In Egypt, the word "shisha" would be used for the same thing. In Greece during the rebetiko era, these hookah pipes were often used to smoke hashish.
- In both Greece and Turkey there were prisons named Yedi Kule which had once been fortresses. See the more detailed comments at the top of this page under the section "About Yedi Kule".
- "Take a drag" is slang for taking a puff on the pipe.
- Vlahos is a Greek ethnic group. The word is also used as an insult for one who is uneducated, villager-like, not very modern.
- The term mangas refers to "real men" or "manly men". See the translation for "Oi Manges den Yparhoun Pia" for a more detailed description of the word mangas and its history in Greek culture.
- "Sevdali" is actually a Turkish word, not Greek. "Sevda" means "longing", and "sevdali" means pining away for someone, or being lovesick.
Giorgos Dalaras, 1983
Numbers in parentheses refer to footnotes that appear at the bottom of the translation.
Greek Lyrics |
Pronunciation |
English Translation |
Πέντε χρόνια δικασμένος |
pende hronia dikasmenos |
Five years convicted |
μέσα στο Γεντί Κουλέ |
mesa sto Yedi Koule |
inside the Yedi Kule. (1) |
πέντε χρόνια δικασμένος |
pende hronia dikasmenos |
Five years convicted |
μέσα στο Γεντί Κουλέ |
mesa sto Yedi Koule |
inside the Yedi Kule. (1) |
απο το πολύ σεκλέτι |
apo to poli sekleti |
From all the sadness |
το 'ριξα στον αργιλέ |
to 'rixa ston aryile |
I busted out the hookah pipe. (2) |
απο το πολύ σεκλέτι |
apo to poli sekleti |
From all the sadness |
το 'ριξα στον αργιλέ |
to 'rixa ston aryile |
I busted out the hookah pipe. (2) |
Chorus |
Chorus |
Chorus |
Φύσα, ρούφα, τράβα τονε |
fisa, roufa, trava tone |
Blow, suck, and take a drag (3) |
πάτα τονε κaι άναφτονε |
pata tone ke anaftone |
press tightly [while taking a drag] and light it up. |
φύλα τσίλιες για τους βλάχους |
fila tsilies ya tous Vlahous |
Be on the lookout for the Vlahos, (4) |
κείνους τους δεσμοφυλάκους |
kinous tous desmofilakous |
those that are the prison guards. |
Και άλλα πέντε ξεχασμένος |
ke ala pende xehasmenos |
And five more years [I've been] forgotten, |
από σένανε καλέ |
apo senane kale |
[even] by you. |
Και άλλα πέντε ξεχασμένος |
ke ala pende xehasmenos |
And five more years [I've been] forgotten, |
από σένανε καλέ |
apo senane kale |
[even] by you. |
για παρηγοριά οι μάγκες |
ya parigoria ee manges |
To console me the mangas (5) |
μου πατούσαν αργιλέ |
mou patousan argile |
were pressing my hookah pipe. (2) |
για παρηγοριά οι μάγκες |
ya parigoria ee manges |
To console me the mangas (5) |
μου πατούσαν αργιλέ |
mou patousan argile |
were pressing my hookah pipe. (2) |
Chorus |
Chorus |
Chorus |
Φύσα, ρούφα, τράβα τονε |
fisa, roufa, trava tone |
Blow, suck, and take a drag (3) |
πάτα τονε κaι άναφτονε |
pata tone ke anaftone |
press tightly [while taking a drag] and light it up. |
φύλα τσίλιες για τους βλάχους |
fila tsilies ya tous Vlahous |
Be on the lookout for the Vlahos, (4) |
κείνους τους δεσμοφυλάκους |
kinous tous desmofilakous |
those that are the prison guards. |
Τώρα που 'χω ξεμπουκάρει |
tora pou 'ho xeboukari |
Now that I've been released |
μέσα απ' το Γεντί Kουλέ |
mesa ap' to Yedi Kule |
from inside the Yedi Kule, (1) |
Τώρα που 'χω ξεμπουκάρει |
tora pou 'ho xeboukari |
Now that I've been released |
μέσα απ' το Γεντί Kουλέ |
mesa ap' to Yedi Kule |
from inside the Yedi Kule, (1) |
γέμωσε τον αργιλέ μας |
yemose ton argile mas |
Fill to the top our hookah pipe (2) |
να φουμάρουμε καλέ |
na fourame kale |
to smoke it up. |
γέμωσε τον αργιλέ μας |
yemose ton argile mas |
Fill to the top our hookah pipe (2) |
να φουμάρουμε καλέ |
na fourame kale |
to smoke it up. |
Φύσα, ρούφα, τράβα τονε |
fisa, roufa, trava tone |
Blow, suck, and take a drag, (3) |
πάτα τονε κaι άναφτονε |
pata tone ke anaftone |
press tightly [while taking a drag] and light it up. |
Φύλα τσίλιες για τ' αλάνη |
fila tsilies ya t' alani |
Be on the lookout for our street kid |
και έρχονται δυο πολιτσμάνοι |
ke erhonde dio politsmani |
as two police guards are coming. |
- In both Greece and Turkey there were prisons named Yedi Kule which had once been fortresses. See the more detailed comments at the top of this page under the section "About this Song".
- The Greek word "argile" (plural "argiledes") is also used in some Arabic-speaking areas such as Syria to refer to a hookah pipe. In Egypt, the word "shisha" would be used for the same thing. In Greece during the rebetiko era, these hookah pipes were often used to smoke hashish.
- "Take a drag" is slang for taking a puff on the pipe.
- Vlahos is a Greek ethnic group. The word is also used as an insult for one who is uneducated, villager-like, not very modern.
- The term mangas refers to "real men" or "manly men". See the translation for "Oi Manges den Yparhoun Pia" for a more detailed description of the word mangas and its history in Greek culture.

Translations of
Giorgos Dalaras' Songs On This Site
Translations on this web site of songs performed by Giorgos Dalaras (Yiorgos Dalaras) include:

Translations of
Stelios Perpiniadis' Songs On This Site

About the Translator
This page was contributed by Panayiota Bakis, who is happy to share her culture and music she grew up with! Here's how Panayiota describes her background:
I always love engaging with intelligent like-minded people, especially artists. I love sharing anything and everything about my Hellenic culture and upbringing, especially music and dance. A conversation with me will bring you back to America's favorite Greek-American movie by Nia Vardalos called My Big Fat Greek Wedding.
I love investigating Greek culture, history, music, and dance. Speaking of investigating, I think I missed my calling, I probably should have been an investigator. Instead, I use those skills to dig and dig and dig tirelessly, often times falling asleep on my laptop... just to find the truth. But, most importantly, accurate truth. For me personally, and other respectable folklorists, my culture and accuracy are very important. Each generation of ethnic born artists has a duty to do the best it can to pass down our traditions as was taught to us. We have been given this artistic gift to be the gatekeepers of our heritage and culture.

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