PHOTO CREDIT: Above photo by John Rickman Photography, San Jose, California.
This page contains a translation into English of the lyrics to the popular Greek song "Ellada" (Ελλάδα), which was sung by Thanos Petrelis. Also included is a pronunciation guide for the Greek lyrics so you can sing along if you like.
Song lyrics are provided for educational purposes. If you like the song, please purchase either the album or a download from an authorized source.
About this Song
This protest song confronts the European Union for making Greece suffer and bend at the knees with the ongoing economic crisis!
About Thanos Petrelis
Thanos Petrelis is a beloved modern-day performer in Greece. He appeared on the pop music scene in 2003 as a result of his performances on the television reality show Fame Story. He went on to release his first album in 2004, which went gold. That year, Petrelis won the "Best New Artist" category in Arion Awards. When he released "Eftihos" in 2006, it went platinum. Since then, he has released additional recordings, and toured extensively.
He enjoyed the highest honor, to be one of two Greek singers ever to be personally invited to the White House, of the United States of America. He was personally invited by President Donald Trump in 2018, honoring the annual Greek Independence Day celebration, March 25, commemorating the Greek Hellenic revolution of 1821. In 2019, another major career highlight for Petrelis was being invited to perform at a very upscale wedding in Armenia for a multimillionaire family. It was considered one of the weddings of the year! |
Song: Ellada (Greece), 2015
Lyrics: Irini Petrelis
Music: Thanasis Petrelis
Original Artist: Thanos Petrelis
Dance Style: Listening, Not Dance
Album: Ellada, (single) |
Τραγούδι: Ελλάδα, 2015
Στίχοι: Ειρήνη Πετρέλη
Μουσική: Θανάσης Θάνος Πετρέλης
Πρώτη Εκτέλεση: Θανάσης Θάνος Πετρέλης
Άλμπουμ: Ελλάδα (single) |

Numbers in parentheses refer to footnotes that appear at the bottom of the translation.
Greek Lyrics |
Pronunciation |
English Translation |
Γελάει η μέρα |
yelai ee mera |
The day is laughing, |
κλαίει η νύχτα |
klei ee nihta |
the night is crying, |
με τα χιλιάδες τα παραμύθια |
me ta hiliades ta paramithia |
with thousands of fairy tales. |
τι και αν μας τάξουν |
ti ke an mas taxoun |
And what if they promise? |
τι και αν μας θάψουν |
ti ke an mas thapsoun |
And what if they bury us? (1) |
για μας το ίδιο |
ya mas to idio |
For us the same, |
ότι κaι αν πράξουν |
oti ke an praxoun |
no matter what they attempt. |
Γελάει η μέρα |
yelai ee mera |
The day is laughing, |
και κλαίει η νύχτα |
ke klei ee nihta |
and the night is crying, |
με τα χιλιάδες παραμύθια |
me ta hiliades paramithia |
with thousands of fairy tales. |
που μας φουμάρουν |
pou mas foumaroun |
Of which they blow smoke up our asses. (2) |
για να πάρουν |
ya na paroun |
So they take |
οτι μας έμεινε |
oti mas emine |
whatever we have left, |
και να τη' κάνουν |
ke na ti' kanoun |
and so they disappear. |
Chorus |
Chorus |
Chorus |
Την Ελλάδα όλοι λαχταρούνε |
tin Ellada oli lahtaroune |
Everyone longs for Greece |
με' στη' τσέπη τους να δούνε |
me' sti tsepi tous na doune |
to see in their pockets. |
τους χρωστάμε ευγνωμοσύνη |
tous hrostame evgnomosini |
We owe them gratitude |
που δε' μας στέρησαν και την ειρήνη |
pou de' mas sterisan ke tin irini |
that they didn't deprive us of peace. |
τι άλλο πια θα μας εγείρει |
ti alo pia tha mas eyiri |
What else will arise at this point? |
ξεχυλίζει το ποτήρι |
xehilizi to potiri |
The cup is overflowing, |
σαν το Φοίνικα θ´ αναστηθουμε |
san to Foínika th´ anastithoume |
like the palm tree we will stand again. (3) |
και απ´ την αρχή θα πορευτούμε |
ke ap' tin arhi tha poreftoume |
And from the start we will march (4) |
για πιο ήρεμα |
ya pio irema |
for calmer, |
πιο εύκολα ταξίδια |
pio efkola taxidia |
easier journeys, |
με ρότα πάντα, την ελπίδα |
me rota panda, tin elpida |
always en route, the hope. |
Instrumental |
Instrumental |
Instrumental |
Μας καταριούνται |
mas katariounde |
They are cursing us, |
μας εκδικούνται |
mas ekdikounde |
they are getting revenge on us. |
για την Ελλάδα όλοι χτυπιούνται |
ya tin Ellada oli htipiounde |
Everyone is attacking each other over Greece. (5) |
στ´ αλήθεια, κλαίω |
st' alithia kleo |
I cry for real, |
για τη' πατρίδα |
ya ti' patrida |
for [my] homeland, |
που ´γινε στάχτη κaι αποκαΐδια |
pou 'yine stahti ke apokaidia |
which has become ashes and dust. |
Γελάει η μέρα |
yelai ee mera |
The day is laughing, |
κλαίει η νύχτα |
klei ee nihta |
the night is crying, |
με τα χιλιάδες τα παραμύθια |
me ta hiliades ta paramithia |
with thousands of fairy tales. |
που μας φουμάρουν |
pou mas foumaroun |
Of which they blow smoke up our asses. (2) |
για να πάρουν |
ya na paroun |
So they take |
οτι μας έμεινε |
oti mas emine |
whatever we have left, |
και να τη' κάνουν |
ke na ti' kanoun |
and so they disappear. |
Chorus |
Chorus |
Chorus |
Την Ελλάδα όλοι λαχταρούνε |
tin Ellada oli lahtaroune |
Everyone longs for Greece |
με' στη' τσέπη τους να δούνε |
me' sti' tsepi tous na doune |
to see in their pockets. |
τους χρωστάμε ευγνωμοσύνη |
tous hrostame evgnomosini |
We owe them gratitude |
που δε' μας στέρησαν και την ειρήνη |
pou de' mas sterisan ke tin irini |
that they didn't deprive us of peace. |
τι άλλο πια θα μας εγείρει |
ti alo pia tha mas eyiri |
What else will arise at this point? |
ξεχυλίζει το ποτήρι |
xehilizi to potiri |
The cup is overflowing, |
σαν το Φοίνικα θ´ αναστηθουμε |
san to Foínika th´ anastithoume |
like the palm tree we will stand again. (3) |
και απ´ την αρχή θα πορευτούμε |
ke ap' tin arhi tha poreftoume |
And from the start we will march (4) |
για πιο ήρεμα |
ya pio irema |
for calmer, |
πιο εύκολα ταξίδια |
pio efkola taxidia |
easier journeys, |
με ρότα πάντα, την ελπίδα |
me rota panda, tin elpida |
always en route, the hope. |
- In slang, this can also mean insulting us, talking trash about us.
- Literally, "take a puff of smoke", but these words can also be slang for bullshit.
- A similar expression would be that we will be resurrected like the Phoenix.
- Refers to a protest march.
- This can also be slang for going crazy about anything. "Htipao" is "to hit". We also say "htipieme" to mean "I'm beating myself." It's a way of referring to going crazy, not being able to deal with something. It's a very common expression.

Translations of
Thanos Petrelis' Songs On This Site
Translations of songs performed by Thanos Petrelis on this web site include:
- Eftihos (Fortunately). Recorded in 2006.
- Ellada (Greece). Recorded in 2015. Protest song regarding the European Union.

About the Translator
This page was contributed by Panayiota Bakis, who is happy to share her culture and music she grew up with! Here's how Panayiota describes her background:
I always love engaging with intelligent like-minded people, especially artists. I love sharing anything and everything about my Hellenic culture and upbringing, especially music and dance. A conversation with me will bring you back to America's favorite Greek-American movie by Nia Vardalos called My Big Fat Greek Wedding.
I love investigating Greek culture, history, music, and dance. Speaking of investigating, I think I missed my calling, I probably should have been an investigator. Instead, I use those skills to dig and dig and dig tirelessly, often times falling asleep on my laptop... just to find the truth. But, most importantly, accurate truth. For me personally, and other respectable folklorists, my culture and accuracy are very important. Each generation of ethnic born artists has a duty to do the best it can to pass down our traditions as was taught to us. We have been given this artistic gift to be the gatekeepers of our heritage and culture.

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