PHOTO CREDIT: Above photo by John Rickman Photography, San Jose, California.
Harramt Ahebbak
(I Have Given Up on Loving You)
This page contains the song lyrics to "Harramt Ahebak", sung by Warda El Gaza'iriya. The title is sometimes spelled "Harramt Ahibbak", "Haramt Ahebbak", or "Haramt Ahibek". The transliteration from Arabic into the Roman alphabet is included to assist in singing along.
About Warda El Gaza'iriya
Warda El Gaza'iriya was an Algerian singer who achieved fame in Egypt. Her name meant "Warda, the Algerian", but she was also often referred to as simply "Warda", which means "Rose". She was born in Paris to an Algerian father and a Lebanese mother, and began her music career there in the 1950's.
Her father ran a cabaret named the TAM-TAM which featured prominent artists such as Farid al-Atrache. After the Algerian war of independence began in 1956, her family needed to leave Paris due to her father being caught aiding the rebellion. They moved to Lebanon, where Warda began singing in the nightclubs of Beirut.
In 1959, Warda met the composer Mohamed Abdel Wahab, who began to train her in the classical style of singing. This led to an introduction to Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser, who suggested she be cast in a pan-Arab opera.
This opened more doors, and she moved to Egypt to pursue a career there in music and cinema. There she achieved great success, working with the great composers of her time. Her repertoire included 300 songs, and her records sold tens of millions of copies.
Music by: Salah el-Shornob
Lyrics by: Omar Batiesha |

Listen to MP3 Clips of this Song
Sung by Warda el Gaza'iriya |

Arabic Lyrics |
English Translation |
Chorus: |
Chorus: |
Harramt ahebak, ahebak |
I give up loving you, loving you |
Mateheb neesh, mateheb neesh |
Don't you love me, don't you love me |
Abaed bealbak, bealbak |
And stay away with your heart, your heart |
We sebny aieesh, we sebny aieesh. |
And let me live, let me live |
Wa la te shaghilny, wa la te haelny (twice) |
And don't bother me, and don't beg me |
Baad elyoltoh, we elyamaltoh (twice) |
After what you said, and what you did |
Harramt ahebak, ahebak, |
I give up loving you, loving you, |
Mateheb neesh |
Don't love me |
Repeat Chorus |
Repeat Chorus |
Zalamt alby, we tee ool bareeh |
You hurt my heart, and you said you are innocent |
We saybny wahdy westt el tareeh |
And you left me alone in the middle of the way |
Zalamt alby, we tee ool bareeh |
You hurt my heart, and you said you are innocent |
We saybny wahdy westt el tareeh |
And you left me alone in the middle of the way |
Ayez hayatak, we zekrayatak (twice) |
You want your life, and memories |
Ashan ma tekhesaresh ay sheeh |
So you don't lose anything |
Wa la te shaghilny, wa la te haelny (twice) |
And don't bother me, and don't beg me |
Baad elyoltoh, we elyamaltoh (twice) |
After what you said, and what you did |
Harramt ahebak, ahebak, |
I give up loving you, loving you, |
Mateheb neesh |
Don't love me |
Repeat Chorus |
Repeat Chorus |
Ma arafsh inta habetny leeh |
I don't know why you loved me |
Wa la inta habetny, wa la aih |
Or if you really loved me, or what? |
Ma arafsh inta habetny leeh |
I don't know why you loved me |
Wa la inta habetny, wa la aih |
Or if you really loved me, or what? |
Wa la inta faker in inta ader (twice) |
Or do you think that you can, but you can't, |
We alby melkak, tahkoom aleh |
And my heart is yours, and you control it? |
Wa la te shaghilny, wa la te haelny (twice) |
And don't bother me, and don't beg me, |
Baad elyoltoh, we ely amaltoh (twice) |
After what you said, and what you did. |
Harramt ahebak, ahebak, |
I give up loving you, loving you, |
Mateheb neesh. |
Don't love me. |
Repeat Chorus |
Repeat Chorus |
A - I - E - E - S - H! |
Live! |

Where to Get Recordings of this Song

Related Translations
- Aspro I Mavro (White or Black). Translation of the Greek song by Keti Garbi that is based on the same melody as "Harramt Ahebak".

Translations of
Warda's Songs On This Site
Translations on this web site of lyrics for songs performed by Warda include:

About the Translator
This translation was posted to the med-dance listserver on the internet by Chandara Gamal, who said that it had been given to her by a dear friend.

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