PHOTO CREDIT: Above photo by John Rickman Photography, San Jose, California.
Wana Maali?
(Why Should I Care?)
This page contains a translation into English of the lyrics to the song "Wana Maali", which was recorded by Warda. Also included is a transliteration of the Arabic lyrics into the Roman alphabet so you can sing along if you like.
Song lyrics are provided for educational purposes. If you like the song, please purchase either the album or a download from an authorized source.
About Warda El Gaza'iriya
Warda El Gaza'iriya was an Algerian singer who achieved fame in Egypt. Her name meant "Warda, the Algerian", but she was also often referred to as simply "Warda", which means "Rose". She was born in Paris to an Algerian father and a Lebanese mother, and began her music career there in the 1950's.
Her father ran a cabaret named the TAM-TAM which featured prominent artists such as Farid al-Atrache. After the Algerian war of independence began in 1956, her family needed to leave Paris due to her father being caught aiding the rebellion. They moved to Lebanon, where Warda began singing in the nightclubs of Beirut.
In 1959, Warda met the composer Mohamed Abdel Wahab, who began to train her in the classical style of singing. This led to an introduction to Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser, whosuggested she be cast in a pan-Arab opera.
This opened more doors, and she moved to Egypt to pursue a career there in music and cinema. There she achieved great success, working with the great composers of her time. Her repertoire included 300 songs, and her records sold tens of millions of copies. |

Arabic Lyrics |
English Translation |
Maali, wana maali wana maali. Ahsan ana maali. |
Why should I care? Why? Why? It is better not to. |
Maali, wana maali wana maali. Ahsan ana maali. |
Why should I care? Why? Why? It is better not to. |
3aysha ib ahla layaali iw ya habeebi ilghaali. |
I live in the most beautiful evenings, o’ my precious darling. |
Maali, wana maali wana maali. Ahsan ana maali. |
Why should I care? Why? Why? It is better not to. |
Maali, wana maali wana maali. Ahsan ana maali. |
Why should I care? Why? Why? It is better not to. |
3aysha ib ahla layaali iw ya habeebi ilghaali. |
I live in the most beautiful evenings, o’ my precious darling. |
Bahibak ah ya i3yooni, bahibak mahma lamooni. |
I love you o’ my eyes, I love you regardless of how much they criticize me. |
Bahibak ah ya i3yooni, bahibak mahma lamooni. |
I love you o’ my eyes, I love you regardless of how much they criticize me. |
Ma iyloomo tab wana maali, tab wana maali, wana maali, wana maali, maaaali. |
Let them criticize me, so why should I care, so why should I care, why why why. |
Wilhob wi imdafeena, Eilward wi imghateena, wilshams iw taal 3alaina. |
Love keeps us warm, roses cover us, and the sun shines on us. |
Wilhob wi imdafeena, Eilward wi imghateena, wilshams iw taal 3alaina. |
Love keeps us warm, roses cover us, and the sun shines on us. |
Min farhi ildonya beena, min shahdaha ibtis2eena wi bokra mistaneena |
The world is happy for us and the honeycomb gives us drinks and tomorrow is waiting for us. |
Min farhi ildonya beena, min shahdaha ibtis2eena wi bokra mistaneena |
The world is happy for us and the honeycomb gives us drinks and tomorrow is waiting for us. |
Wilhob wi imdafeena, Eilward wi imghateena, wilshams iw taal 3alaina. |
Love keeps us warm, roses cover us, and the sun shines on us. |
Wilhob wi imdafeena, Eilward wi imghateena, wilshams iw taal 3alaina. |
Love keeps us warm, roses cover us, and the sun shines on us. |
Min farhi ildonya beena, min shahdaha ibtis2eena wi bokra mistaneena |
The world is happy for us and the honeycomb gives us drinks and tomorrow is waiting for us. |
Min farhi ildonya beena, min shahdaha ibtis2eena wi bokra mistaneena |
The world is happy for us and the honeycomb gives us drinks and tomorrow is waiting for us. |
Naasya hina naasya, ayaam kanait aasya. |
I am forgetting here, forgetting. Days were very hard. |
Naasyaha ma3aak ya i3yooni. Faakirni bakhaf tilomooni |
I am forgetting them with you o’ my eyes. Remember me, I am afraid that they are criticizing me. |
Naasya hina naasya, ayaam kanait aasya. |
I am forgetting here, forgetting. Days were very hard. |
Naasyaha ma3aak ya i3yooni. Faakirni bakhaf tilomooni |
I am forgetting them with you o’ my eyes. Remember me, I am afraid that they are criticizing me. |
Ma iyloomo, tab wana maali, tab wana maali, wana maali, wana maali, maaaali. |
Let them criticize, why should I care, why should I care, why, why, why? |
Ghanno iwhibbo, iwhibbo iw oolo. Oolo ma3ay ya naas. |
Sing and love, love and speak, speak with me people. |
Ghanno iwhibbo, iwhibbo iw oolo. Oolo ma3ay ya naas. |
Sing and love, love and speak, speak with me people. |
Ghanno iwhibbo, iwhibbo iw oolo. Oolo ma3ay ya naas. |
Sing and love, love and speak, speak with me people. |
Ghanno iwhibbo, iwhibbo iw oolo. Oolo ma3ay ya naas. |
Sing and love, love and speak, speak with me people. |
Khaleek ya garhi ib3eid, dah hawana lissa igdeed, lisaah bi awil 3eid. |
O’ wound be far away. Our love is still new. It is the first day of the holiday festival. |
Khaleek ya garhi ib3eid, dah hawana lissa igdeed, lisaah bi awil 3eid. |
O’ wound be far away. Our love is still new. It is the first day of the holiday festival. |
Wilsabt ya ahzaan. Wilsabt ya ahzaan malkeesh ma baiyna makaan, lakain olobna, Aal. |
There is no place for sorrow between us. |
Ghanno iwhibbo, iwhibbo iw oolo. Oolo ma3ay ya naas. |
Sing and love, love and speak, speak with me people. |
Ghanno iwhibbo, iwhibbo iw oolo. Oolo ma3ay ya naas. |
Sing and love, love and speak, speak with me people. |
Khaleek ya garhi ib3eid, dah hawana lissa igdeed, lisaah bi awil 3eid. |
O’ wound be far away. Our love is still new. It is the first day of the holiday festival. |
Khaleek ya garhi ib3eid, dah hawana lissa igdeed, lisaah bi awil 3eid. |
O’ wound be far away. Our love is still new. It is the first day of the holiday festival. |
Wilsabt ya ahzaan. Wilsabt ya ahzaan malkeesh ma baiyna makaan, lakain olobna, Aal. |
There is no place for sorrow between us. |
Nasya hina, nasya ayaam kanait aasya. |
I am forgetting here, forgetting the days they were hard. |
Nasyaha ma3ak ya i3yooni. Fakirni, bakhaf yilomooni. |
I am forgetting them with you, o my eyes. |
Nasyaha ma3ak ya i3yooni. Fakirni, bakhaf yilomooni. |
I am forgetting them with you, o my eyes. |
Ma iyloomo, tab wana maali. Tab wana maali. |
Let them criticize, why should I care, why should I care, |
Ana maali, wana maali. Maaaali? |
Why should I care, why should I care, why? |

Translations of
Warda's Songs On This Site
Translations on this web site of lyrics for songs performed by Warda include:

About the Translator
More than 100 song translations that appear on this web site, including this one, were created by Dr. Tahseen Alkoudsi. Together with his wife Kathe, Tahseen owned an import business in Lawrence, Kansas known as Cartouche.
Dr. Alkoudsi's imports business was his second career. His first career was in the service of the United Nations. Born in Damascus, Syria, he came to the U.S. for his M.A. and Ph.D. in economics, and worked in San Francisco. He joined the United Nations in Yemen, and worked in Saudi Arabia. He then joined the UNESCO Regonal Office for Arab States. He visited most of the Arab States in the course of his work, responsible for introducing computer sciences into educational facilities. For a time, he was stationed in Cairo, Egypt. He retired from that work in 1995.
Sadly, Tahseen died on Sunday, October 15, 2006. See this link for his obituary.
To me, Tahseen was so much more than a contributor to my web site. Even though we lived far apart, I saw Tahseen and Kathe several times over the years. I always appreciated their warmth and generosity. I first "met" Tahseen online back in 1997 on the med-dance list on the Internet, where he periodically posted messages. I knew he was in Lawrence, Kansas, so when a business trip arose requiring me to travel to the Kansas City area, I emailed him to say I'd be in the neighborhood. He and Kathe came to Kansas City for an evening get-together at Tasso's restaurant, and they invited several local dancers to join us. I saw them on follow-up visits to Kansas City. They vended at Rakkasah for several years, and it was always a pleasure to greet them there in the anteroom off to the left of the main stage. I also enjoyed encountering them in Egypt at the Ahlan wa Sahlan festival.
Tahseen will be missed by many. |

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