PHOTO CREDIT: Above photo by John Rickman Photography, San Jose, California.
لون عيونك
Lawn Oyounak
(The Color of Your Eyes)
This page contains a translation into English of the lyrics to the song "Lawn Oyounak", which was popularized by Nancy Ajram. Also included is a transliteration of the Arabic lyrics into the Roman alphabet so you can sing along if you like.
- Lawn Oyounak (The Color of Your Eyes), 2004
- Song Title in Arabic: لون عيونك
- Album: Ah wa Noss
- Lyricist: Samir Nakhle
- Composer: Tarek Abou Jaoude
- Original Artist: Nancy Ajram
Song lyrics are provided for educational purposes. If you like the song, please purchase either the album or a download from an authorized source.
About this Song
"Lawn Oyounak" was Nancy Ajram's fifth song to reach number one on the charts, and was the second single to be released from her album Ah Wa Noss. The music video depicts her as a bride in a traditional Lebanese wedding, making this song an appealing choice to play for a wedding.
About Nancy Ajram
Born May 16,1983 in the Beirut area, Nancy Ajram is an immensely popular Lebanese singer, ranking as the third most popular female singer in Lebanese history. At age 8, Nancy began singing favorite oldies with her grandmother. She entered children's talent contests sponsored by two local television stations, TL and LBC. She achieved stardom when she appeared on a talent competition called Noujoum Al Moustakbal (Stars of the Future) sponsored by Future Television.
In 2003, Nancy released the song "Akhasmak, Aah", and prompted the Egyptian parliament to release an official decree banning the airing of its music video. The parliament said it was due to decency issues, both due to the nature of the video's content and also to the manner in which it was shot.
Ajram's major hit "Ah Wa Noss" was released in 2004. In 2005, she became Coca Cola's official celebrity spokesperson. Her first Coca Cola commercial used her hit "Oul Tany Kida".
Ajram won the 2008 World Music Award in the category for best-selling Middle Eastern artist. |

Numbers in parentheses refer to footnotes that appear at the bottom of the translation.
Arabic Lyrics |
Transliteration |
English Translation |
آآآه |
Ahhh |
Ahhh |
مافيّ اعيش الا معك |
Ma fiyi aeesh illa maak |
I can't live without you. |
مافيّ اكون الا الك |
Ma fiyi koon illa ilak |
I can't be with anyone but you. |
مافيّ اعيش الا معك |
Ma fiyi aeesh illa maak |
I can't live without you. |
مافيّ اكون الا الك |
Ma fiyi koon illa ilak |
I can't be with anyone but you. |
لون عيونك غرامي |
Lawn oyounak gharami, |
The color of your eyes is my passion, |
دخلك صدق كلامي |
Dakhlak sadiq kalami |
believe what I'm telling you. |
قلبي و روحي معك |
Albi w rouhi maak |
My heart and my soul are with you. |
لو عنك بعدوني |
Law aannak baadouny |
If you should be far away from me, |
تبقي وحدك بعيوني |
btebqa wahdak bi oyouni |
only you would remain in my eyes. |
احكينى و بسمعك |
Tehkini w esmaak |
Talk to me and I will listen to you. |
مافيّ اعيش الا معك |
Ma fiyi aeesh illa maak |
I can't live without you. |
مافيّ اكون الا الك |
Ma fiyi koon illa ilak |
I can't be with anyone but you. |
Instrumental |
Instrumental |
Instrumental |
لو مهما صار ماببقي لحالي |
Law mahma sar ma bebqa la hali |
No matter what happens, don't ever leave me alone. |
نقيد النار اهون لي كرمالي |
Rmini benar ahwanli kermali |
[Instead], throw me in the fire, it will be easier for me. |
لو مهما صار ماببقي لحالي |
Law mahma sar ma bebqa la hali |
No matter what happens, don't ever leave me alone. |
نقيد النار اهون لي كرمالي |
Rmini benar ahwanli kermali |
[Instead], throw me in the fire, it will be easier for me. |
لون عيونك غرامي |
Lawn oyounak gharami, |
The color of your eyes is my passion, |
دخلك صدق كلامي |
Dakhlak sadiq kalami |
believe what I'm telling you. |
قلبي و روحي معك |
Albi w rouhi maak |
My heart and my soul are with you. |
لو عنك بعدوني |
Law aannak baadouny |
If you should be far away from me, |
تبقي وحدك بعيوني |
btebqa wahdak bi oyouni |
only you would remain in my eyes. |
احكينى و بسمعك |
Tehkini w esmaak |
Talk to me and I will listen to you. |
مافيّ اعيش الا معك |
Ma fiyi aeesh illa maak |
I can't live without you. |
مافيّ اكون الا الك |
Ma fiyi koon illa ilak |
I can't be with anyone but you. |
Instrumental |
Instrumental |
Instrumental |
تعودت عليك واعطيتك حناني |
Tawadt aleyk w ataytak hanani |
I got used to you, and I gave you my kindness. |
روحي بأيديك و حياتي و كياني |
Roohi bi qideyk w hayati w kayani |
My soul, my life, and my existence are in your hands. |
تعودت عليك واعطيتك حناني |
Tawadt aleyk w ataytak hanani |
I got used to you, and I gave you my kindness. |
روحي بأيديك و حياتي و كياني |
Roohi bi qideyk w hayati w kayani |
My soul, my life, and my existence are in your hands. |
لون عيونك غرامي |
Lawn oyounak gharami, |
The color of your eyes is my passion, |
دخلك صدق كلامي |
Dakhlak sadiq kalami |
believe what I'm telling you. |
قلبي و روحي معك |
Albi w rouhi maak |
My heart and my soul are with you. |
لو عنك بعدوني |
Law aannak baadouny |
If you should be far away from me, |
تبقي وحدك بعيوني |
btebqa wahdak bi oyouni |
only you would remain in my eyes. |
احكينى و بسمعك |
Tehkini w esmaak |
Talk to me and I will listen to you. |
مافيّ اعيش الا معك |
Ma fiyi aeesh illa maak |
I can't live without you. |
مافيّ اكون الا الك |
Ma fiyi koon illa ilak |
I can't be with anyone but you. |
مافيّ اعيش الا معك |
Ma fiyi aeesh illa maak |
I can't live without you. |
مافيّ اكون الا الك |
Ma fiyi koon illa ilak |
I can't be with anyone but you. |
لون عيونك غرامي |
Lawn oyounak gharami, |
The color of your eyes is my passion, |
دخلك صدق كلامي |
Dakhlak sadiq kalami |
believe what I'm telling you. |
قلبي و روحي معك |
Albi w rouhi maak |
My heart and my soul are with you. |
لو عنك بعدوني |
Law aannak baadouny |
If you should be far away from me, |
تبقي وحدك بعيوني |
btebqa wahdak bi oyouni |
only you would remain in my eyes. |
احكينى و بسمعك |
Tehkini w esmaak |
Talk to me and I will listen to you. |
مافيّ اعيش الا معك |
Ma fiyi aeesh illa maak |
I can't live without you. |

Translations of
Nancy Ajram's Songs on This Site
Translations on this web site of songs performed by Nancy Ajram include:

About the Translator
This translation was posted by RoCk-StAr on the forum at allthelyrics.com.

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