PHOTO CREDIT: Above photo by John Rickman Photography, San Jose, California.
يا طير
Ya Tayr
(O Bird)
This page contains a translation into English of the lyrics to the Lebanese song "Ya Tayr" (يا طير), which was popularized by Fairouz. Also included is a transliteration of the Arabic lyrics into the Roman alphabet so you can sing along if you like.
- Ya Tayr (O Bird), 1967
- Song Title in Arabic: يا طير
- Lyrics: Rahbani Brothers
- Composer: Rahbani Brothers
- Original Artist: Fairouz
Song lyrics are provided for educational purposes. If you like the song, please purchase either the album or a download from an authorized source.
About Fairouz
Fairouz is a legendary Lebanese singer and actress, one of the most deeply respected living singers in the Arabic-speaking world. She was born in 1934. Her singing career began in the 1950's, and she achieved stardom in the 1960's. Her husband, Assi Rahbani, and his brother Mansour Rahbani achieved legendary status as a composer and lyricist duo. The three worked closely together from the 1950's through 1979, with Fairouz's beautiful voice turning many of their compositions into hits.
Fairouz' name is also sometimes spelled as "Feiruz", "Feirouz", "Feyrouz", "Fayrouz", "Fairoz", or "Fairuz". |

Arabic Lyrics |
Transliteration |
English Translation |
يا طير |
ya tayr |
O bird, |
ياطاير على طراف الدني |
ya tayer ala traf eddeni |
O bird, flying over the world, |
تحكي للحبايب شو بني يا طير |
law fik tehki lel habayib shoo beni |
could you tell my beloved what is wrong with me? |
لو فيك لو فيك |
ya tayr ya tayr |
O bird. O bird. |
روح اسألن عللي وليفو مش معو |
rooh es'alon alli walifoo mesh ma'oo |
Go ask about me, [ask] the one who is without his partner, |
مجروح بجروح الهوىشو بينفعو |
majrooh bejrroh el hawa shou byenfa'oo |
and is scarred with the injuries of love. |
موجودع ما بيقول عللي بيوجعو |
mawjoo a ma bi'ool alli byooja'oo |
He's hurting, not telling me what hurts |
وتعن عبالو ليالي الولدني |
wet'en abeloo layali el waldane |
while remembering childhood. |
يا طير |
ya tayr |
O bird! |
ياطاير على طراف الدني |
ya tayer ala traf eddeni |
O bird, flying over the world, |
تحكي للحبايب شو بني يا طير |
law fik tehki lel habayib shoo beni |
could you tell my beloved what is wrong with me? |
لو فيك لو فيك |
ya tayr ya tayr |
O bird. O bird. |
يا طير واخد معك لون الشجر ما عاد فيه إلا النطرة والضجر |
ya tayer wekhid ma'ak eshajar ma ad fih ella ennatra we dajar |
O bird who takes [with you] the color of the trees, there's nothing left but waiting and boredom. |
بنطر بعين الشمس عابرد الحجر |
bentor bayn eshams abard el hajar |
I wait in the sun's eye, on the coldness of stone. |
وملبكة وايد الفراق تهدني |
we mlabake weyed el fera tahadni |
Being apart is destroying me. |
يا طير |
ya tayr |
O bird! |
ياطاير على طراف الدني |
ya tayer ala traf eddeni |
O bird, flying over the world, |
تحكي للحبايب شو بني يا طير |
law fik tehki lel habayib shoo beni |
could you tell my beloved what is wrong with me? |
لو فيك لو فيك |
ya tayr ya tayr |
O bird. O bird. |
وحياة ريشاتك وإيامي سوى |
wahyat rishatak we ayyami sawa |
I beg your feathers which equal my days |
وحياة زهر الشوك وحبوب الهوا |
wahyat zahr eshook we hboob el hawa |
And the thorny rose and the breeze of the air |
انكنك لعندن رايح وجن الوى |
enkannak la andon rayeh we jan el hawa |
If you're going to them and the paradise of love |
خدني ولنو شي دقيقة وردني |
khedni we lanoo shi d'i a we redni |
Take me if just for a minute and bring me back |
يا طير |
ya tayr |
O bird! |
ياطاير على طراف الدني |
ya tayer ala traf eddeni |
O bird, flying over the world, |
تحكي للحبايب شو بني يا طير |
law fik tehki lel habayib shoo beni |
could you tell my beloved what is wrong with me? |
لو فيك لو فيك |
ya tayr ya tayr |
O bird. O bird. |

Translations of
Fairuz's Songs on This Site
Translations on this web site of songs that were performed by Fairouz include:

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