PHOTO CREDIT: Above photo by John Rickman Photography, San Jose, California.
Lists of Recordings for Belly Dancers
Featuring Songs by Oum Kalthoum
Compiled by Shira

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Oum Kalthoum was a beloved singer who became known as "The Voice of Egypt", "The Lady", the "Star of the East", and "The Fourth Pyramid". When she died in 1975, over 4 million Egyptians lined the streets for her funeral cortege. Today, Oum Kalthoum's music continues to be part of the soundtrack of modern Egyptian life, with radio and satellite television stations who play solely her music.
Oum Kalthoum continues to inspire listeners all over the world. In 1978, three years after she passed, Bob Dylan told Playboy Magazine in an interview, "She's dead now but not forgotten. She's great. She really is. Really great." Many taxi drivers in Egypt tune their radios to stations that play her music. She was truly a great talent, and remains an important voice in world music.
Because of Oum Kalthoum's enduring popularity, many belly dancers around the world today use her music for performances. Usually, dancers will use the instrumental overtures and interludes of her songs rather than dancing to the segments with her vocals. However, some dancers do make exceptions to this.
My music collection contains over 200 albums specifically intended for use by belly dancers. Among these albums, more than 70 include danceable recordings of songs by Oum Kalthoum. These contain more than 150 music tracks, mostly instrumental, featuring 22 of her songs. All of these tracks are listed on this page, organized by song. I've sorted them according to the length of the track, with shortest first, to make it easy for dancers to identify which tracks might fit the needs of a particular show or classroom playlist.
There are translations elsewhere on my web site for some, but not all of these songs. Where available, I've included a link to each song's translation.
ABOUT THE IMAGE: This digital watercolor image of Oum Kalthoum was created by Misty Dawn Waggoner.
Other ways you might see her name spelled are "Umm Kulthum", "Om Kalthom", "Oum Kalsoum", and similar variations. |

Al Ward Gamil
- Year: 1947
- Lyricist: Mahmoud Bayram al-Tunsi
- Composer: Zakaria Ahmed
- Musical Style: Ughniyah
- Lyrics translation
Album Title | Album Artist | Name of Track | Length |
Golden Era of Bellydance, Volume 1 | Firqat al-Tooras | Il Wardi Gamil | 4:34 |
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Ala Balad El Mahboub
- 1936
- Lyricist: Ahmed Rami
- Composer: Riad Sombati
- Musical Style: Taqtuqah
El-Sombati composed this for Oum Kalthoum to sing in her 1935 movie Wedad, but she refused to sing it onscreen. She later recorded it herself after it became successful.
Album Title | Album Artist | Name of Track | Length |
50 All Time Greatest Belly Dance Hits: Disk 2 | Salatin Tarab Orchestra | Ala Baladi Il Mahboob | 3:11 |
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Alf Leyla Wa Leyla
- Year: 1969
- Lyricist: Morsi Gamil Aziz
- Composer: Baligh Hamdi
- Musical Style: Ughniyah
- Language: Arabic, Egyptian dialect
- Lyrics translation
Album Title | Album Artist | Name of Track | Length |
Dance with Adam Basma Middle Eastern Dance Co. | Bellal Hakkani | Alf Lelah | 4:17 |
Golden Era of Bellydance, Volume 3 | Mohamed Ali Ensemble | Alf Leyla | 4:57 |
Oriental Fantasy Volume 05: Zauber des Mondes | Ali Saad | Alf Leyla Wa Leyla | 5:15 |
Musica Arabe Instrumental Volume 10 | Mario Kirlis | Alf Lela u Lela 2 | 5:20 |
Musica Arabe Instrumental Volume 01: Junto a Saida | Mario Kirlis | Alf Lela u Lela | 5:40 |
Techno Arabisque | Amr Ismail | Alf Lyla | 5:45 |
Gems of the Middle East, Volume 1 | Mary Ellen Donald | Alf Lailah wa Lailah | 6:00 |
Tribute to Om Kalsoum, A | Cairo Orchestra | Alf Leyla, wa Leyla | 6:08 |
Very Belly Dance | Cairo Orchestra | Alf Leyla, wa Leyla | 6:10 |
Wash Ya Wash Volume 7 | Unidentified | Alf Layla Wa Layla | 6:10 |
10 Songs Every Bellydancer Should Know | Cairo Orchestra | Alf Leyla | 6:11 |
Aziza Raks | Cairo Orchestra | Alf Leyla Wa Leyla | 6:12 |
One Thousand & One Nights | Electric Arab Orchestra | Alf Laila Wa Laila | 6:44 |
Jalilah's Raks Sharki 3: Journey of the Gipsy Dancer | Hossam Shaker and his Ensemble | Alf Leyla wi Leyla | 9:23 |
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Amal Hayati
- Year: 1965
- Lyricist: Ahmed Shafiq Kamel
- Composer: Mohamed Abdel Wahab
- Musical Style: Ughniyah
- Language: Arabic, Egyptian dialect
Album Title | Album Artist | Name of Track | Length |
Golden Era of Bellydance, Volume 3 | Ahmed Gebaly | Amal Hayati | 3:50 |
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Ana fi Inte Zarak
- Year: 1943
- Lyricist: Mahmoud Bayram al-Tunsi
- Composer: Zakaria Ahmed
- Musical Style: Ughniyah
- Language: Arabic, Egyptian dialect
- Lyrics translation
Album Title | Album Artist | Name of Track | Length |
Tribute to Om Kalsoum, A | Cairo Orchestra | Ana Fi Intizarak | 2:30 |
Very Belly Dance | Setrak Sarkissian | Ana Fi Intizarak | 3:24 |
Golden Era of Bellydance, Volume 3 | Setrak Sarkissian | Ana Fi Intizarak | 3:24 |
Setrak, Vol. 16, Zikrayat Ranine | Setrak Sarkissian | Ana Fi Intizarak | 3:24 |
Leylet Ouns | Mohamed Hussein | Ana Fi Intizarak | 3:33 |
Golden Oriental Belly Dance Music | Music World Prods | Anna Fintizarak | 4:04 |
Oriental Fantasy Volume 06: Flowers of the Orient | Ali Saad | Ana Fintiitharak | 4:46 |
Al Andelus | Andelus Ensemble | Ana Fi Intizarak | 5:22 |
Cry to the Moon - Taqasim lil-Qamar | Karim Henkesh | Ana Fi Intizarak | 5:29 |
Belly Dance with Basma | Adam Basma | Ana Bin Tezarak | 5:33 |
Aziza Raks | Cairo Orchestra | Ana Fi Intizarak | 5:58 |
Best Belly Dance Album in the World… Ever, Volume 1 (Amani on Cover) | Farouk Salamah | Ana fi Entizarak | 6:31 |
Arabian Legends | Cairo Orchestra | Ana Fi Intizarak | 6:42 |
Musica Arabe Instrumental Volume 03 | Mario Kirlis | Ana Fi Intisarak | 7:52 |
Best of Om Kolthoum | Hossam Ramzy | Ana Fintizarak | 10:30 |
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Ansak Ya Salam
- Year: 1961
- Lyricist: Mamoun el-Shennawi
- Composer: Baligh Hamdi
- Musical Style: Ughniyah
- Language: Arabic, Egyptian dialect
The song title is sometimes transliterated as "Ansak Da Kalam".
Album Title | Album Artist | Name of Track | Length |
Setrak, Vol. 16, Zikrayat Ranine | Setrak Sarkissian | Ansak | 1:54 |
50 All Time Greatest Belly Dance Hits: Disk 2 | Setrak Sarkissian | Ansak | 3:36 |
Golden Era of Bellydance, Volume 3 | Mohamed Al Arabi Ensemble | Ansak | 4:28 |
Musica Arabe Instrumental Volume 02: Junto a Saida | Mario Kirlis | Ansak | 5:01 |
Jalilah's Raks Sharki 1: Classic Egyptian Dance Music | Mokhtar al-Said | Ansaak Ya Salem | 6:46 |
Sukara | Safaa Farid | Ansak | 6:54 |
Music for Egyptian Dance | Ashraf Zakaria | An Saq | 8:12 |
Best of Om Kolthoum | Hossam Ramzy | Ansak Da Kalam | 11:42 |
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Arouh Li Min
- Year: 1958
- Lyricist: Abdel Moneim al-Subai
- Composer: Riad el Sombati
- Musical Style: Ughniyah
- Language: Arabic, Egyptian dialect
Album Title | Album Artist | Name of Track | Length |
Golden Era of Bellydance, Volume 1 | Firqat al-Tooras | Arouh Limin | 4:09 |
Golden Era of Bellydance, Volume 3 | Mohamed Al Arabi Ensemble | Arouh Limin | 4:12 |
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Daret Al Ayam We Marret Al Ayam (و دارت الأيام ومرت الأيام)
- Year: 1970
- Lyricist: Mamoun El Shennawi
- Composer: Mohamed Abdel Wahab
- Musical Style: Ughniyah
- Language: Arabic, Egyptian Dialect
The musical introduction for this song consists of 3 parts. The first part prominently features guitar. The second part contains part of the Libyan song "Yazahra Al-Jasmine". The third part leads up to the vocals.
This is the same song as "We Marret el-Ayam".
Album Title | Album Artist | Name of Track | Length |
50 All Time Greatest Belly Dance Hits: Disk 1 | Dr. Samy Farag | Wa Marret El Ayam | 2:57 |
Nourhan Sharif Raks Sharqi Volume 3 | Mohamed Ali Ensemble | Wa Daret El Ayam | 3:00 |
Essential Bellydance | Ro-Je | Daret Al Ayam | 3:04 |
Nesma Memories of Cairo | Nesma | Daret Al Ayam II | 3:35 |
On Fire | HMC | Daret Al Ayam | 4:28 |
Nesma Memories of Cairo | Nesma | Daret Al Ayam I | 4:34 |
Nesma Memories of Cairo | Nesma | Daret Al Ayam III | 5:08 |
Ya Bahaia | Samer Issa | W'daret al Ayam | 5:12 |
Bellydance Oasis | Dr. Samy Farag | Wa Marret El Ayam | 5:17 |
Masters of Bellydance Music, Volume 2 | Ahmed Abdelfattah | Daret Al Ayam | 5:43 |
The Art of Bellydance: Suhaila's Supreme Selections | Ahmed Abdelfattah | Daret Al Ayam | 5:43 |
Golden Era of Bellydance, Volume 3 | Mohamed Ali Ensemble | Daret Al Ayam | 5:55 |
Best Belly Dance Album in the World… Ever, The (Mega Muzik) | Mega Muzik | Daret El Ayam | 6:11 |
Helwa | Safaa Farid | Darit il Ayam | 7:19 |
Tribute to Om Kalsoum, A | Cairo Orchestra | Daret Al Ayam | 8:12 |
Arabian Legends | Cairo Orchestra | Daret Al Ayam | 8:13 |
Right Where I Want to Be | Mimi Spencer | Wa Maret al-Ayyam | 9:53 |
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El Alb Yashaq Koulli Gamil
- Year: 1971
- Lyricist: Bayram al-Tunsi
- Composer: Riad el Sombati
- Musical Style: Ughniyah
Album Title | Album Artist | Name of Track | Length |
Golden Era of Bellydance, Volume 3 | Setrak Sarkissian | Al Qalb Youshaq | 3:26 |
Gems of the Middle East, Volume 3 | Mary Ellen Donald | Al-Elbi Ya'shaq Kulli Gameel | 3:34 |
Further Journeys | Brothers of the Baladi | Ya Shaqli Kooly Jamil | 4:48 |
Setrak, Vol. 16, Zikrayat Ranine | Setrak Sarkissian | Alkalb Yooshak | 5:32 |
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El Atlal
- Year: 1966
- Lyricist: Ibrahim Naji
- Composer: Riad el Sombati
- Musical Style: Qasidah
- Language: Modern Standard Arabic (FusHa)
Album Title | Album Artist | Name of Track | Length |
Laura at the Harem | Andus Ensemble | Al Atlal | 1:38 |
Tribute to Om Kalsoum, A | Cairo Orchestra | Al Atlal | 3:24 |
Oriental Fantasy Volume 07: Dances of Pharaonic Passion | Modatthir Aboul Wafa | El Atlal - Instrumental | 4:31 |
Oriental Fantasy Volume 07: Dances of Pharaonic Passion | Modatthir Aboul Wafa | El Atlal | 4:33 |
Golden Era of Bellydance, Volume 1 | Firqat al-Tooras | Al Atlal | 4:56 |
Masters of Bellydance, Volume 3 | Mohamed Al Arabi Ensemble | Al Atlal | 5:02 |
Helm el Raqs | Outi | Al Atlal | 8:17 |
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El Hob Kidda
- Year: 1961
- Lyricist: Bayram al-Tounsi
- Composer: Riad el Sombati
- Musical Style: Ughniyah
- Language: Arabic, Egyptian dialect
Other spellings of the song title could include "Il-Hubb Kidah" or "El-Hobb Kedda".
Album Title | Album Artist | Name of Track | Length |
Golden Era of Bellydance, Volume 1 | Firqat al-Tooras | Al Hobbi Kida | 4:55 |
Cry to the Moon - Taqasim lil-Qamar | Karim Henkesh | Al Hob Keda | 5:29 |
Wash Ya Wash Volume 3 | Mohamed Ali Ensemble | El Hob Kidda | 6:11 |
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El Hob Kulu
- Year: 1970
- Lyricist: Ahmed Shafiq Kamel
- Composer: Baligh Hamdi
- Musical Style: Ughniyah
- Language: Arabic, Egyptian dialect
Album Title | Album Artist | Name of Track | Length |
Tribute to Om Kalsoum, A | Cairo Orchestra | Al Hobbi Koulloo | 6:02 |
Arabian Legends | Cairo Orchestra | El Houbbi Koullou | 6:02 |
Musica Arabe Instrumental Volume 02: Junto a Saida | Mario Kirlis | El Hobbi Kulu | 7:06 |
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Enta El Hob
- Year: 1965
- Lyricist: Ahmed Rami
- Composer: Mohamed Abdel Wahab
- Musical Style: Ughniyah
- Language: Arabic, Egyptian dialect
Another way to transliterate the song title is "Inta al-Hubb" or "Enta al-Hobb".
Album Title | Album Artist | Name of Track | Length |
Masters of Bellydance, Volume 3 | Orchestra El Masaya | Enta Al Hob | 4:33 |
Musica Arabe Instrumental Volume 09 | Mario Kirlis | Enta El Hob | 5:52 |
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Enta Fen Wa Hobbi Fen
- Year: 1960
- Lyricist: Abdel Wahab Mohamed
- Composer: Baligh Hamdi
- Musical Style: Ughniyah
Another way to transliterate the song title is "Anta Fenn wel Hobb Fenn".
Album Title |
Album Artist |
Name of Track |
Length |
Oud Mosaics |
Amer Ammouri |
Inta Fen Ou Hobbi Fen |
3:25 |
Tribute to Om Kalsoum, A |
Cairo Orchestra |
Anta Fen wa Hobbi Fen |
5:42 |
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Enta Omri
- Year: 1964
- Lyricist: Ahmed Shafiq Kamel
- Composer: Mohamed Abdel Wahab
- Musical Style: Ughniyah
- Language: Arabic, Egyptian dialect
- Lyrics translation
Another way to transliterate the song title is "Inta Omri".
Album Title | Album Artist | Name of Track | Length |
Asala I Live | Arabesque Dance Company Orchestra | Inta Omri Part 1 | 0:49 |
Asala I Live | Arabesque Dance Company Orchestra | Inta Omri Part 10 | 1:18 |
Asala I Live | Arabesque Dance Company Orchestra | Inta Omri Part 4 | 1:34 |
Asala I Live | Arabesque Dance Company Orchestra | Inta Omri Part 8 | 1:49 |
Asala I Live | Arabesque Dance Company Orchestra | Inta Omri Part 2 | 2:12 |
Laura at the Harem | Andus Ensemble | Inta Omri | 2:23 |
Asala I Live | Arabesque Dance Company Orchestra | Inta Omri Part 6 | 2:45 |
Asala I Live | Arabesque Dance Company Orchestra | Inta Omri Part 3 | 2:46 |
Asala I Live | Arabesque Dance Company Orchestra | Inta Omri Part 9 | 2:50 |
Asala I Live | Arabesque Dance Company Orchestra | Inta Omri Part 11 | 2:52 |
Asala I Live | Arabesque Dance Company Orchestra | Inta Omri Part 7 | 2:52 |
Tribute to Om Kalsoum, A | Cairo Orchestra | Inta Omri | 3:05 |
Asala I Live | Arabesque Dance Company Orchestra | Inta Omri Part 5 | 3:11 |
Golden Era of Bellydance, Volume 3 | Setrak Sarkissian | Enta Omri | 4:21 |
Masters of Bellydance Music, Volume 1 | Mohamed Ali Ensemble | Enta Omri | 4:53 |
10 Songs Every Bellydancer Should Know | Mohamed Ali Ensemble | Enta Omri | 4:54 |
Best of Om Kolthoum | Hossam Ramzy | Enta Omri (II) | 5:18 |
Jalilah's Raks Sharki 2: Amar 14 | Mokhtar al-Said | Enta Omri | 5:28 |
Oriental Fantasy Volume 08: Love, Moon, and Stars | | Inta Omri (Instrumental) | 5:30 |
Oriental Fantasy Volume 02: Enta Omri | Mokhtar al-Said | Inta Omri | 5:36 |
Best of Om Kolthoum | Hossam Ramzy | Enta Omri (III) | 5:38 |
Setrak, Vol. 16, Zikrayat Ranine | Setrak Sarkissian | Enta Omri | 5:49 |
Best of Om Kolthoum | Hossam Ramzy | Enta Omri (I) | 6:30 |
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Esel Ruhek
- Year: 1970
- Lyricist: Abdel Wahab Mohamed
- Composer: Mohamed al-Mougy
- Musical Style: Ughniyah
- Language: Arabic, Egyptian dialect
Other ways to transliterate the song title include "Is'al Ruhak" or "Esaal Rohak".
Album Title | Album Artist | Name of Track | Length |
Layali Yasmina | Yasmina of Cairo | Esel Ruhek | 9:30 |
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- Year: 1966
- Lyricist: Abdel Wahab Mohamed
- Composer: Mohamed Abdel Wahab
- Musical Style: Ughniyah
- Language: Arabic, Egyptian dialect
Album Title | Album Artist | Name of Track | Length |
Golden Era of Bellydance, Volume 3 | Mohamed Ali Ensemble | Fakkarouni | 4:30 |
Best of Saidi | Fatme Serhan | Fakkarouni | 5:21 |
Tribute to Om Kalsoum, A | Cairo Orchestra | Fakkarouni | 13:50 |
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Ghanilli Shwaya Shwaya
- Year: 1945
- Appeared in the Motion Picture: Salamah
- Lyricist: Bayram al-Tounsi
- Composer: Zakaria Ahmed
- Musical Style: Taqtuqah
- Lyrics translation
Another way this song title can be transliterated is "Ghanneele Shwaya Shwaya".
Album Title | Album Artist | Name of Track | Length |
Belly Dance Fever | Salatin Tarab Orchestra | Ghannili Shwaya Shwayya | 2:04 |
Best of Om Kolthoum | Hossam Ramzy | Ghannili Sheway Sheway | 4:13 |
Best Belly Dance Album in the World… Ever, The (Mega Muzik) | Mega Muzik | Ghannili Sheway Sheway | 4:18 |
Oriental Fantasy Volume 05: Zauber des Mondes | Ali Saad | Ghanili Shwaye Shwaye | 4:51 |
Masters of Bellydance, Volume 3 | Ahmed Al Hafnawi | Ghannili Shiwayyi Shiwayyi | 5:08 |
Best of Saidi | Fatme Serhan | Ghannili Shiwayyi Shiwayyi | 6:13 |
Jalilah's Raks Sharki 3: Journey of the Gipsy Dancer | Hossam Shaker and his Ensemble | Ghanili Shwaye Shwaye | 7:06 |
Belly Dance Nightclub | HMC | Ghannili Shwayi | 8:35 |
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Hayyarti Albi
- Year: 1961
- Lyricist: Ahmed Rami
- Composer: Riad el Sombati
- Musical Style: Ughniyah
- Language: Arabic, Egyptian dialect
Album Title | Album Artist | Name of Track | Length |
Oriental Fantasy Volume 10: Egyptian Love Affair | Ahmed Abdel Fatah | Hayyarti Albi Maak | 5:43 |
Wash Ya Wash Volume 1 | Mokhtar al-Said | Hairat Elbi | 6:15 |
Oriental Fantasy Volume 10: Egyptian Love Affair | Ahmed Abdel Fatah | Hayyarti Albi Maak, Instrumental | 6:44 |
Tribute to Om Kalsoum, A | Cairo Orchestra | Hayyarti Albi | 7:45 |
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Howwa Sahih El Hawa
- Year: 1960
- Lyricist: Mahmoud Bayram al-Tounsi
- Composer: Zakaria Ahmed
- Musical Style: Ughniyah
- Language: Arabic, Egyptian dialect
- Lyrics translation
Album Title | Album Artist | Name of Track | Length |
50 All Time Greatest Belly Dance Hits: Disk 2 | Bassil Moubayyed | Houwa Sahihe | 3:19 |
Golden Era of Bellydance, Volume 3 | Bassil Moubayyed | Howwa Sahihe | 4:37 |
Raks Ayoub | Bassam Ayoub | Houwa Sahih Al Hawa Ghalleb | 6:22 |
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Leylet Hob
- Year: 1972
- Lyricist: Ahmed Shafiq Kamil
- Composer: Mohamed Abdel Wahab
- Musical Style: Ughniyah
- Language: Arabic, Egyptian dialect
Album Title | Album Artist | Name of Track | Length |
Music Saqra Likes | Mediterranean Raqs Band | Lailet Hob Finale | 0:47 |
Egyptian Cabaret Music | Judy Jihan Reda | Leylet Hob | 5:23 |
Golden Era of Bellydance, Volume 3 | Andelus Ensemble | Leylet Hob | 5:36 |
Very Belly Dance | Samir Violinist | Lylet Hob | 5:38 |
Cocktail Belly Dance | Samir Shukry | Lylet Hob | 5:43 |
10 Songs Every Bellydancer Should Know | Andelus Ensemble | Leylet Hob | 5:55 |
Al Andelus | Andelus Ensemble | Lylet Hob | 5:55 |
One Thousand & One Nights | Electric Arab Orchestra | Leilet Hob | 5:59 |
Gems of the Middle East, Volume 1 | Mary Ellen Donald | Lailet Hob | 6:13 |
Music Saqra Likes | Mediterranean Raqs Band | Lailet Hob (Pt. 1) | 6:29 |
Techno Arabisque | Amr Ismail | Lylet Hob | 6:53 |
Belly Dances from the Middle-East | Hassan Abu Seoud | Laylat Hob | 6:55 |
Musica Arabe Instrumental Volume 01: Junto a Saida | Mario Kirlis | Leilat Hob | 7:06 |
Baladi Blues | Guy Schalom | Lelet Hob | 9:06 |
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Lissa Fakir
- Year: 1960
- Lyricist: Abdel-Fattah Mostafa
- Composer: Riad el Sombati
- Musical Style: Ughniyah
- Language: Arabic, Egyptian dialect
- Lyrics translation
Album Title | Album Artist | Name of Track | Length |
50 All Time Greatest Belly Dance Hits: Disk 1 | Setrak Sarkissian | Lissa Faker | 3:48 |
Golden Era of Bellydance, Volume 3 | Setrak Sarkissian | Lesa Faker | 4:09 |
Setrak, Vol. 16, Zikrayat Ranine | Setrak Sarkissian | Lissa Faker | 4:10 |
Jalilah's Raks Sharki 1: Classic Egyptian Dance Music | Jalilah Zamora | Lissa Fakir | 5:01 |
Raks Balady | Bassem Ayyoub | Lissa Fakier | 5:26 |
Best of Saidi | Fatme Serhan | Lisaa Fakir | 5:27 |
Belly Dance with Basma | Adam Basma | Lesah Faker | 6:20 |
Oriental Fantasy Volume 01: Ala Nar "I Am On Fire" | | Lessa Faker | 8:13 |
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Sirt el Hob
- Year: 1964
- Lyricist: Morsi Gamil Aziz
- Composer: Baligh Hamdi
- Musical Style: Ughniyah
- Language: Arabic, Egyptian dialect
- Lyrics translation
Album Title | Album Artist | Name of Track | Length |
Wash Ya Wash Volume 4 | Mohamed Ali Ensemble | Seret Il Hob | 8:02 |
Mazamir Sahara | Upper Egypt Ensemble | Sirt al Hob | 15:44 |
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Ya Msaharni
- Year: 1972
- Lyricist: Ahmed Rami
- Composer: Sayed Meqqawi
- Musical Style: Ughniyah
- Language: Arabic, Egyptian dialect
Album Title | Album Artist | Name of Track | Length |
Setrak, Vol. 16, Zikrayat Ranine | Setrak Sarkissian | Ya Msaharani | 2:30 |
Bellylicious Raks | Fayez Deryan Orchestra | Ya Msaharani | 3:58 |
Golden Era of Bellydance, Volume 3 | Fayez Deryan Orchestra | Ya Msaharni | 3:58 |
Right Where I Want to Be | Mimi Spencer | Ya Msaharni | 6:07 |
Al Amoura | Outi | Ya Msaharani | 6:18 |
Best of Om Kolthoum | Hossam Ramzy | Yamsahharny | 13:07 |
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Zekrayat (ذكريات)
- Year: 1970
- Lyricist: Ahmed Rami
- Composer: Riad el Sombati
- Language: Modern Standard Arabic (FusHa)
Album Title | Album Artist | Name of Track | Length |
Golden Era of Bellydance, Volume 1 | Firqat al-Tooras | Zikrayat | 4:52 |
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