Lists of Recordings for Belly Dancers
Featuring Songs Composed by Mohamed Abdel Wahab

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Mohamed Abdel Wahab was a multi-talented artist. He was known as an actor, a singer, a composer, an oud player, and an innovator. This page lists songs that he composed, even though some of them such as "Fi Youm Wa Leyla" were popularized by other artists.
For cases where a song composed by Abdel Wahab is listed on a different page due to being performed by a different artist such as Oum Kalthoum or Abdel Halim Hafez, this table of contents links to the appropriate page.

Mohamed Abdel Wahab was a prolific Egyptian composer of the 20th century. He was born in 1902 in the Bab El-Shaariyah neighborhood of Cairo, Egypt, where a statue now stands to honor him. He was a mentor to Abdel Halim Hafez, and composed many of Hafez' hit songs.
Abdel Wahab was one of the innovators who created the big-orchestra sound of classical Egyptian music of the 20th century. He was a pioneer of Egyptian cinema, featured in the 1933 motion picture Al Warda Al Baida (The White Rose), which was the second Egyptian movie musical ever produced.
Abdel Wahab was the first to compose for the "Oriental orchestra" that consisted of instruments from both Europe and the Middle East. In 1954 he introduced the European waltz rhythm into his composition "Al Gondol", and in 1957 he introduced a rock & roll rhythm into the song "Ya Albi Ya Khali" that he composed for Abdel Halim Hafez.
Some of his personal belongings are housed in a museum at the Music Institute in Cairo.
My music collection contains over 200 albums specifically intended for use by belly dancers. Among these albums, about 75 include danceable recordings of songs composed by Mohamed Abdel Wahab. These contain more than 150 music tracks, mostly instrumental, featuring 53 of his songs. All of these tracks are listed on this page, organized by song. I've sorted them according to the length of the track, with shortest first, to make it easy for dancers to identify which tracks might fit the needs of a particular show or classroom playlist.
There are translations elsewhere on my web site for a few of these songs. Where available, I've included a link to each song's translation. |

Ahleflak, Ahleflak (احلفلك احلفلك)
- Composer: Mohamed Abdel Wahab
- Original artist: Ahmad El Nay
Album Title | Album Artist | Name of Track | Length |
Mezdeke Volume 09 | Mezdeke | Ahliflak | 3:25 |
Masters of Bellydance, Volume 3 | Setrak Sarkissian | Ahliflak | 5:54 |
Setrak, Vol. 17, Belly Dance with Ranine | Setrak Sarkissian | Ahleflak, Ahleflak | 7:28 |
Very Belly Dance | Setrak Sarkissian | Ahleflak, Ahleflak | 7:30 |
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El Maadi (المنادي)
- Year: 1951
- Composer: Mohamed Abdel Wahab
- Original Artist: Mohamed Abdel Wahab
Alternate ways to spell the song title include El Maddi or Al Maady.
Album Title | Album Artist | Name Track | Length |
Belly Dance, The Music of Mohamed Abdel Wahab | Unidentified | Al Maddi | 3:25 |
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Ana Wa Habibi (أنا و حبيبي)
Mohamed Abdel Wahab was both the composer and the original artist for this song.
Album Title | Album Artist | Name of Track | Length |
Belly Dance, The Music of Mohamed Abdel Wahab | Unidentified | Ana We Habibi | 3:18 |
Rough Guide to Bellydance | Mahmoud Fadl | Ana Wehabibi | 5:06 |
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Angham El Shabab (أنغام الشباب)
Mohamed Abdel Wahab was both the composer and the original artist for this song.
Album Title | Album Artist | Name of Track | Length |
Belly Dance, The Music of Mohamed Abdel Wahab | Unidentified | Angham El Shabab | 3:05 |
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Aziza (عزيزة)
- Year: 1954
- Album: Sahra Moseqeya Maa El Doktor Mohamed Abd El Wahab
- Appeared in Motion Picture: Aziza
- Composer: Mohamed Abdel Wahab
Naima Akef did a dance performance to it in the film Aziza.
Album Title | Album Artist | Name of Track | Length |
Belly Dance from Lebanon | Omar Khorshid | Aziza | 2:31 |
Gems of the Middle East, Volume 1 | Mary Ellen Donald | Azizah | 3:07 |
Belly Dance, The Music of Mohamed Abdel Wahab | Unidentified | Aziza | 3:18 |
Baladi Blues | Guy Schalom | Aziza | 3:29 |
Saroyan Sings An Oriental Bouquet | Harry Saroyan | Aziza | 3:30 |
Beyond the Desert | Sami Nossair Orchestra | Aziza | 3:50 |
Very Belly Dance | Sami Nossair Orchestra | Aziza | 3:53 |
Sandstorm | Roger Abboud | Aziza | 4:01 |
Music Saqra Likes | Mediterranean Raqs Band | Aziza | 4:31 |
Masters of Bellydance Music, Volume 1 | Salatin Tarab Orchestra | Aziza | 4:36 |
10 Songs Every Bellydancer Should Know | Salatin Tarab Orchestra | Aziza | 4:37 |
Best of Mohammed Abdul Wahab | Hossam Ramzy | Aziza | 4:51 |
Middle Earth Ensemble | Middle Earth Ensemble | Azizza | 6:24 |
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Balad El Mahboub (بلاد المحبوب)
Mohamed Abdel Wahab was both the composer and the original artist for this song.
Album Title | Album Artist | Name of Track | Length |
Belly Dance, The Music of Mohamed Abdel Wahab | Unidentified | Balad El Mahboub | 2:59 |
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Bint El Balad (بنت البلد)
Mohamed Abdel Wahab was both the composer and the original artist for this song.
Album Title | Album Artist | Name of Track | Length |
Belly Dance, The Music of Mohamed Abdel Wahab | Unidentified | Bent El Balad | 2:56 |
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Cleopatra (كليوباترا)
- Year: 1944
- Language: Modern Standard Arabic
- Lyricist: Ali Mahmoud Taha
- Composer: Mohamed Abdel Wahab
- Original Artist: Mohamed Abdel Wahab
- Lyrics translation
Album Title | Album Artist | Name of Track | Length |
Zürefa Kol Live at Sunriver | Zürefa Kol | Cleopatra | 1:45 |
Belly Dancing with Amira Mor | Amira Mor | Cleopatra | 2:41 |
Gems of the Middle East, Volume 2 | Mary Ellen Donald | Cleopatra | 3:01 |
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Ech El Bolbol (عش البلبل)
Mohamed Abdel Wahab was both the composer and the original artist for this song.
Album Title | Album Artist | Name of Track | Length |
Belly Dance, The Music of Mohamed Abdel Wahab | Unidentified | Ech El Bolbol | 3:15 |
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Eini Betref (عيني بترف)
- Year: 1949
- Language: Egyptian dialect of Arabic
- Lyricist: Hussein al-Sayed
- Appeared in Motion Picture: Ghazal al-Banat
- Composer: Mohamed Abdel Wahab
- Original Artists: Leila Murad and Naguib el-Rehani, as a duet
- Lyrics Translation
Another way to transliterate the song title is "A3yni Bet Rif" or "Einy Betreff".
Album Title | Album Artist | Name of Track | Length |
Rough Guide to Bellydance | Ahmed Mneimneh | Aini Bet Ref | 4:04 |
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El Fen (انشودة الفن)
- Year: 1945
- Language: Arabic, Egyptian dialect
- Lyricist: Saleh Gawdat
- Composer: Mohamed Abdel Wahab
- Original Artist: Mohamed Abdel Wahab
Album Title | Album Artist | Name of Track | Length |
Wash Ya Wash Volume 3 | Mohamed Ali Ensemble | El Fen | 3:26 |
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El Henna (الحناء)
Mohamed Abdel Wahab was both the composer and the original artist for this song.
Album Title | Album Artist | Name of Track | Length |
Belly Dance, The Music of Mohamed Abdel Wahab | Unidentified | El Henna | 3:27 |
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El Maadi (الماضى)
- Year: 1946
- Composer: Mohamed Abdel Wahab
- Original Artist: Mohamed Abdel Wahab
- Lyrics Translation
Alternate ways to spell the song title include El Maddi or Al Maady.
Album Title |
Album Artist |
Name of Track |
Length |
Belly Dance, The Music of Mohamed Abdel Wahab |
Unidentified |
Al Maddi |
3:25 |
World Wide Wahab |
Tabadoul Orchestra |
Al Maady |
3:43 |
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El Nar El Khaled (النهر الخالد)
- Year: 1954
- Lyricist: Mahmoud Hassan Ismail
- Composer: Mohamed Abdel Wahab
- Original Artist: Mohamed Abdel Wahab
- Language: Classical Arabic
Album Title | Album Artist | Name of Track | Length |
Musica Arabe Instrumental Volume 07 | Mario Kirlis | Nar el Jaled | 5:36 |
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Fi Youm Wa Leyla (في يوم وليلة)
- Year: 1978
- Lyricist: Hussein al-Sayed
- Composer: Mohamed Abdel Wahab
- Original Artist: Warda
- Lyrics translation
Album Title | Album Artist | Name of Track | Length |
Belly Dance with Warda and Abdel Halim Hafez | Setrak Sarkissian | Fi Youm wa Lila | 4:16 |
Belly Dance Nightclub | HMC | Fi Youm wa Leyla | 6:00 |
Jalilah's Raks Sharki 3: Journey of the Gipsy Dancer | Hossam Shaker and his Ensemble | Fi Yom wi Leyla | 6:56 |
Oriental Fantasy Volume 06: Flowers of the Orient | Ali Saad | In a Day and a Night | 6:56 |
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Ghazal El Banat
Mohamed Abdel Wahab was both the composer and the original artist for this song.
Album Title | Album Artist | Name of Track | Length |
Belly Dance, The Music of Mohamed Abdel Wahab | Unidentified | Ghazal El Banat | 3:08 |
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Habibi El Asmar (حبيبي الأسمر)
Mohamed Abdel Wahab was both the composer and the original artist for this song.
Album Title | Album Artist | Name of Track | Length |
Belly Dance, The Music of Mohamed Abdel Wahab | Unidentified | Habibi Al Asmar | 3:13 |
Jalilah's Raks Sharki 5: Stars of the Casino Opera | Ihsan al-Mounzer | Tahia's Dance: Habibi Ya Asmar | 4:35 |
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Hadiyat el Eid (هدية العيد)
Mohamed Abdel Wahab was both the composer and the original artist for this song.
Album Title | Album Artist | Name of Track | Length |
Belly Dance! Spectacular Rhythms from the Middle East | Ziad Rahbani | Hadiyat el Eid | 4:07 |
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Ibn El Balad
Mohamed Abdel Wahab was both the composer and the original artist for this song.
Album Title | Album Artist | Name of Track | Length |
Belly Dance, The Music of Mohamed Abdel Wahab | Unidentified | Ebn El Balad | 3:13 |
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Khai Khai
Mohamed Abdel Wahab was both the composer and the original artist for this song.
Album Title | Album Artist | Name of Track | Length |
Best of Mohammed Abdul Wahab | Hossam Ramzy | Khai Khai | 10:49 |
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Khatwet Habibi (خطوة حبيبى)
- Year: 1953
- Composer: Mohamed Abdel Wahab
- Original Artist: Mohamed Abdel Wahab
Album Title | Album Artist | Name of Track | Length |
Belly Dance, The Music of Mohamed Abdel Wahab | Unidentified | Khatwet Habibi | 3:02 |
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Layali Lubnan (ليالي لبنان)
Mohamed Abdel Wahab was both the composer and the original artist for this song.
Album Title | Album Artist | Name of Track | Length |
Belly Dance, The Music of Mohamed Abdel Wahab | Unidentified | Layalli Loubnan | 3:01 |
Musica Arabe Instrumental Volume 4 | Mario Kirlis | Lai Ali Lebnan | 4:34 |
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Layali Ramadan
Mohamed Abdel Wahab was both the composer and the original artist for this song.
Album Title | Album Artist | Name of Track | Length |
Best of Mohammed Abdul Wahab | Hossam Ramzy | Layali Ramadan | 5:36 |
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Mawkib El Nour (موكب النور)
Mohamed Abdel Wahab was both the composer and the original artist for this song.
Album Title | Album Artist | Name of Track | Length |
Belly Dance, The Music of Mohamed Abdel Wahab | Unidentified | Maouakeb El Nour | 3:08 |
Best of Mohammed Abdul Wahab | Hossam Ramzy | Mawkib Ennoor | 6:25 |
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Men Gheir Leh (من غير ليه)
- Year: 1989
- Lyricist: Morsi Gamil Aziz
- Composer: Mohamed Abdel Wahab
- Original Artist: Mohamed Abdel Wahab
- Language: Arabic, Egyptian dialect
- Lyrics translation
In 1975, Abdel Halim Hafez and Mohamed Abdel Wahab agreed to work together on another song, and engaged Morsi Gamil Aziz to write the lyrics. The plan was for Hafez to perform it in his spring concerts. Aziz finished the lyrics, and send them to Abdel Wahab to compose the music to go with them. However, Hafez and Abdel Wahab wanted changes to some of the lyrics, and the issue dragged on for two years.
Tragically, Hafez died in March 1977, without ever recording the song. In 1989, Abdel Wahab surprised the public by returning from retirement to perform this song, and he achieved overwhelming success.
Album Title | Album Artist | Name of Track | Length |
Setrak, Vol. 17, Belly Dance with Ranine | Setrak Sarkissian | Men Gheyr Leh | 4:53 |
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Min El Sharq
Mohamed Abdel Wahab was both the composer and the original artist for this song.
Album Title | Album Artist | Name of Track | Length |
Belly Dance, The Music of Mohamed Abdel Wahab | Unidentified | Min Al Sharq | 3:32 |
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Ooli Amallak Eih Albi (قوللى عملك ايه قلبى)
- Decade: 1950's
- Lyricist: Hussein al-Sayed
- Composer: Mohamed Abdel Wahab
- Original Artist: Mohamed Abdel Wahab
Other ways to spell this song title include "Olli Aamallak Eih Albi" and "Kolly Amalek".
Album Title | Album Artist | Name of Track | Length |
Arabian Legends | Cairo Orchestra | Ooli Amallak Eh | 4:39 |
Best of Mohammed Abdul Wahab | Hossam Ramzy | Olli Amallak Eih Albi | 6:54 |
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Set el Habayib Ya Habiba (ست الحبايب ياحبيبه)
- Year: 1959
- Lyricist: Hussein al-Sayed
- Composer: Mohamed Abdel Wahab
- Original Artist: Fayza Ahmed
- Language: Arabic, Egyptian dialect
Album Title | Album Artist | Name of Track | Length |
Best of Mohammed Abdul Wahab | Hossam Ramzy | Set Elhabayib Ya Habiba | 7:32 |
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Wa Marret El Ayam (ومرت الأيام)
- Year: 1970
- Composer: Mohamed Abdel Wahab
- Lyricist: Mamoun El Shennawi
- Original Artist: Oum Kalthoum
- Language: Arabic, Egyptian Dialect
The musical introduction for this song consists of 3 parts. The first part prominently features guitar. The second part contains part of the Libyan song "Yazahra Al-Jasmine". The third part leads up to the vocals.
This is the same song as Daret el-Ayam. See the page of song listings for Oum Kalthoum for a list of tracks with this song.
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Ya Msafer Wahdak (يا مسافر وحدك)
- Year: 1942
- Appeared in motion picture Mamnou'a el Hob
- Composer: Mohamed Abdel Wahab
- Lyricist: Hussein El-Sayed
- Original Artist: Mohamed Abdel Wahab
- Lyrics translation
Album Title | Album Artist | Name of Track | Length |
Oriental Fantasy Volume 11: Enchanted Gardens | Unidentified | Travelling Alone / Ya Msafer Wahdak (Vocal) | 4:31 |
Oriental Fantasy Volume 11: Enchanted Gardens | Unidentified | Travelling Alone / Ya Msafer Wahdak (Instrumental) | 4:31 |
Wash Ya Wash Volume 2 | Ahmed Abdel Fatah | Ya Msafer Whadek | 4:31 |
Cairo Nights, Volume 8 | Dr. Samy Farag | Ya Mesafer Wahdak | 4:37 |
Arabian Legends | Cairo Orchestra | Ya Msafir Wahdak | 6:20 |
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This song was composed by Mohamed Abdel Wahab. There are two entirely different famous songs titled "Zeina". The one in this listing is the one composed by Mohamed Abdel Wahab and sung by Houreya Hassan. Samia Gamal danced to it in the movie Zannouba.
The other one was composed by Farid El Atrache and sung by Shadia.
Album Title | Album Artist | Name of Track | Length |
Jalilah's Raks Sharki 5: Stars of the Casino Opera | Ihsan al-Mounzer | Samia's Dance (Medley): Not Labeled | 1:23 |
Bellydance Oasis | Cairo Orchestra | Zaffa Medley: Zeina | 1:53 |
Jalilah's Raks Sharki 5: Stars of the Casino Opera | Ihsan al-Mounzer | Samia's Dance (Medley): Zeina | 3:15 |
Belly Dance, The Music of Mohamed Abdel Wahab | Unidentified | Zeina | 3:48 |
Belly Dance Fantasy | Unidentified | Zeina | 4:33 |
10 Songs Every Bellydancer Should Know | Cairo Orchestra | Zeina | 4:37 |
Aziza Raks | Cairo Orchestra | Zeina | 6:24 |
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