PHOTO CREDIT: Above photo by John Rickman Photography, San Jose, California.
Ήλιος Η Βροχή
(Ilios I Vrohi)
(Sun or Rain)
This page contains a translation into English of the lyrics to the popular Greek song "Ilios I Vrohi" ( Ήλιος Η Βροχή), which was sung by Keti Garbi. The song title can also be spelled as "Hlios H Vrohi". Also included is a pronunciation guide for the Greek lyrics so you can sing along if you like.
Song lyrics are provided for educational purposes. If you like the song, please purchase either the album or a download from an authorized source.
About Keti Garbi
Keti Garbi is the stage name for Ekaterini Garbi, the artist who recorded the version of this song with Greek lyrics. She has been considered a queen of Laiko & Greek pop styles of music. She robbed the cradle by marrying her younger colleague Dionisis Shinas (Διονύσης Σχοινάς).
Keti Garbi rose to fame in the 1993 Eurovision Song Contest, taking ninth place. She became one of the most successful Greek artists of the 1990's. She achieved great commercial success with the album To Kati, which was released in 2000. She has won 11 Pop Corn Music Awards (including 3 for Album of the Year) and one Arion Music Award.
To this day all her work is phenomenal. |
Song: Ilios I Vrohi, can also be spelled as Hlios H Vrohi (Sun Or Rain), 2003
Greek Lyrics: Yiannis Doxas
Music: Amr Mostafa
Original Artist: Keti Garbi
Has Also Been Recorded By:
- Samira Said, 2002, in Arabic ("Youm Wara Youm"), with Arabic lyrics by Khaled Tag El Din
Dance Style: Belly Dance
Album: Emones Ides |
Τραγούδι: Ήλιος Η Βροχή, 2003
Στίχοι: Γιάννης Δόξας
Μουσική: Αμρ Μουσταφα
Πρώτη Εκτέλεση: Καίτη Γαρμπή
Άλλοι Ερμηνευτές:
- Σαμιρα Σαιντ, 2002, Στα Αραβικά ("Γιουμ Ουάρα Γιουμ"), with Arabic lyrics by Χαλεντ Ταζ
Χορός: Οριεντάλ, Χορό Της Κοιλιάς, Ανατολίτικος Χορός, Τσιφτετέλι, Χανούμικο, Κελικός Χορός, Συρτός, Συρτοτσιφτετέλι
Άλμπουμ: Έμμονες Ιδέες |

Numbers in parentheses refer to footnotes that appear at the bottom of the translation.
Greek Lyrics |
Pronunciation |
English Translation |
Η νύχτα πάει |
ee nihta pai |
The night goes |
το φως να ξυπνήσει |
to fos na xipnisi |
to wake up the light, |
ταξίδια στ' όνειρο σου κάνεις |
taxidia st' oniro sou kanis |
traveling in your dreams. |
φεγγάρι που τραβάει |
fegari pou travai |
A moon pulls you |
για τη' Δύση |
ya ti' Disi |
to the West. |
ασήμια όπου πας, θ' αφήσει |
asimia opou pas, tha afisi |
Wherever you go, will leave silver. |
Φεύγουμε μαζί |
fevgoume mazi |
Together we leave, |
η μέρα μόλις αρχίσει |
ee mera molis arhisi |
before the day starts. |
πίσω μην κοιτάς |
piso min kitas |
Don't look back. |
για μας αυτή 'ναι η λύση |
ya mas afti 'ine ee lisi |
For us, this is the solution. |
πόσο σ' αγαπώ |
poso s'agapo |
How much I love, |
κανείς τους δε' θα το ξέρει |
kanis tous de' tha to xeri |
none of them will know. |
κάνω μια ευχή |
kano mia efhi |
I make a wish |
η μοίρα τύχη να φέρει |
ee mira tihi na feri |
for fate to bring luck. |
Φίλα με ξανά στα χείλια |
fila me xana sta hili |
Kiss me again on the lips. |
και του χωρισμού, μαντήλια κράτα ν' ανεμίζουν |
ke tou horismou, mandilia krata n' anemizoun |
And the breakup, hold the handkerchiefs to wave [good-bye] (1) |
στην παλιά μας τη' ζωή |
stin palia mas ti' zoi |
to our old life. |
φίλα με ξανά στα χείλια |
fila me xana sta hili |
Kiss me again on the lips. |
και στην άμμο, με κοχύλια τώρα θα σου γράψω |
ke stin amo, me kohilia tora tha sou grafo |
And on the sand, I will now use seashells to write (2) |
τι για 'μένα είσαι εσύ |
ti ya 'mena ise esi |
what you [are] to me. |
Instrumental |
Instrumental |
Instrumental |
Η μέρα αυτή |
ee mera afti |
This day |
χαρά θα μας φέρει |
hara tha mas feri |
will bring us joy. |
ταξίδι αγκαλιά θα πάμε |
taxidi agalia tha pame |
We will journey in each others' arms |
σε άλλο ουρανό |
se alo ourano |
to another heaven, |
σ' άλλα μέρη |
s' alla meri |
to other places. |
τ' αστέρι δες ψηλά που πέφτει |
t' asteri des psila pou pefti |
Look at the falling star high above. |
Πόσο σ' αγαπώ κανείς τους δε' θα το ξέρει |
poso s' agapo kanis tous de' tha to xeri |
No one will know how much I love you. |
κάνω μια ευχή |
kano mia efhi |
I make a wish |
η μοίρα τύχη να φέρει |
ee mira tihi na feri |
that fate will bring luck. |
πόσο σ' αγαπώ |
poso s' agapo |
How much I love you. |
καρδιά μου εσύ καλοκαίρι |
kardia mou esi kalokeri |
My heart, you are the summer. |
θέλω σαν παιδί |
thelo san pedi |
Like a child, [I] want [you] |
να με κρατάς απ' το χέρι |
na me kratas ap' to heri |
to hold me by the hand. |
Φίλα με ξανά στα χείλια |
fila me xana sta hili |
Kiss me again on the lips. |
και του χωρισμού, μαντήλια κράτα ν' ανεμίζουν |
ke tou horismou, mandilia krata n' anemizoun |
And the breakup, hold the handkerchiefs to wave [good-bye] (1) |
στην παλιά μας τη' ζωή |
stin palia mas ti' zoi |
to our old life. |
φίλα με ξανά στα χείλια |
fila me xana sta hili |
Kiss me again on the lips. |
και στην άμμο, με κοχύλια τώρα θα σου γράψω |
ke stin amo, me kohilia tora tha sou grafo |
And on the sand, I will now use seashells to write (2) |
τι για 'μένα είσαι εσύ |
ti ya 'mena ise esi |
what you [are] to me. |
Ήλιος η βροχή |
ilios ee vrhoi |
Sun or rain, |
πάντα θα 'μαστε μαζί |
panda tha 'maste mazi |
we will always be together. |
καταιγίδες κι αστραπές |
kateyides k astrapes |
Thunderstorms and lightning, |
με λιακάδες αγκαλιές |
me liakades agalies |
[with] embraces in the sunshine. |
ήλιος η βροχή |
ilios ee vrhoi |
Sun or rain, |
τα φιλιά σου μια ζωή θα μ' ανάβουνε φωτιές |
ta filia sou mia zoi tha m' anavoune foties |
Your kisses will set me on fire for an entire lifetime, |
και σε πίκρες και χαρές |
ke se pikres ke hares |
and in bitterness and joy. |
Ήλιος η βροχή |
ilios ee vrhoi |
Sun or rain, |
πάντα θα 'μαστε μαζί |
panda tha 'maste mazi |
we will always be together. |
καταιγίδες κι αστραπές |
kateyides k astrapes |
Thunderstorms and lightning, |
με λιακάδες αγκαλιές |
me liakades agalies |
[with] embraces in the sunshine. |
ήλιος η βροχή |
ilios ee vrhoi |
Sun or rain, |
τα φιλιά σου μια ζωή θα μ' ανάβουνε φωτιές |
ta filia sou mia zoi tha m' anavoune foties |
Your kisses will set me on fire for an entire lifetime, |
και σε πίκρες και χαρές |
ke se pikres ke hares |
and in bitterness and joy. |
Φίλα με ξανά στα χείλια |
fila me xana sta hili |
Kiss me again on the lips. |
και του χωρισμού, μαντήλια κράτα ν' ανεμίζουν |
ke tou horismou, mandilia krata n' anemizoun |
And the breakup, hold the handkerchiefs to wave [good-bye] (1) |
στην παλιά μας τη' ζωή |
stin palia mas ti' zoi |
to our old life. |
φίλα με ξανά στα χείλια |
fila me xana sta hili |
Kiss me again on the lips. |
και στην άμμο, με κοχύλια τώρα θα σου γράψω |
ke stin amo, me kohilia tora tha sou grafo |
And on the sand, I will now use seashells to write (2) |
τι για 'μένα είσαι εσύ |
ti ya 'mena ise esi |
what you [are] to me. |
Πόσο σ' αγαπώ κανείς τους δε' θα το ξέρει |
poso s' agapo kanis tous de' tha to xeri |
No one will know how much I love you. |
κάνω μια ευχή |
kano mia efhi |
I make a wish |
η μοίρα τύχη να φέρει |
ee mira tihi na feri |
that fate will bring luck. |
πόσο σ' αγαπώ |
poso s' agapo |
How much I love you. |
καρδιά μου εσύ καλοκαίρι |
kardia mou esi kalokeri |
My heart, you are the summer. |
θέλω σαν παιδί |
thelo san pedi |
Like a child, [I] want [you] |
να με κρατάς απ' το χέρι |
na me kratas ap' to heri |
to hold me by the hand. |
Πόσο σ' αγαπώ, σ' αγαπώ, σ' αγαπώ, σ' αγαπώ, σ' αγαπώ |
poso s' agapo, s' agapo, s' agapo, s' agapo, s' agapo, |
How much I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you! |
Ήλιος η βροχή |
ilios ee vrhoi |
Sun or rain, |
πάντα θα 'μαστε μαζί |
panda tha 'maste mazi |
we will always be together. |
καταιγίδες κι αστραπές |
kateyides k astrapes |
Thunderstorms and lightning, |
με λιακάδες αγκαλιές |
me liakades agalies |
[with] embraces in the sunshine. |
ήλιος η βροχή |
ilios ee vrhoi |
Sun or rain, |
τα φιλιά σου μια ζωή θα μ' ανάβουνε φωτιές |
ta filia sou mia zoi tha m' anavoune foties |
Your kisses will set me on fire for an entire lifetime, |
και σε πίκρες και χαρές |
ke se pikres ke hares |
and in bitterness and joy. |
Ήλιος η βροχή |
ilios ee vrhoi |
Sun or rain, |
πάντα θα 'μαστε μαζί |
panda tha 'maste mazi |
we will always be together. |
καταιγίδες κι αστραπές |
kateyides k astrapes |
Thunderstorms and lightning, |
με λιακάδες αγκαλιές |
me liakades agalies |
[with] embraces in the sunshine. |
ήλιος η βροχή |
ilios ee vrhoi |
Sun or rain, |
τα φιλιά σου μια ζωή θα μ' ανάβουνε φωτιές |
ta filia sou mia zoi tha m' anavoune foties |
Your kisses will set me on fire for an entire lifetime, |
και σε πίκρες και χαρές |
ke se pikres ke hares |
and in bitterness and joy. |
Ήλιος ή βροχή, ήλιος ή βροχή, ήλιος ή βροχή |
ilios ee vrhoi, ilios ee vrhoi, ilios ee vrhoi |
Sun or rain, sun or rain, sun or rain. |
- Literally, "hold the handkerchief to air out."
- Literally, "and on the sand, with seashells, now I will write to you."

Translations of
Keti Garbi's Songs On This Site
Translations on this web site of lyrics for songs performed by Keti Garbi include:
- Τin Kardia Sou Rota (Ask Your Heart). A duet with Burak Kut that is partly in Greek, partly in Turkish. The Turkish title is "Kalbine Sor".
- To Narkotiko Mou (My Drug). The same melody was later used for the Turkish song "Zordur Oğlum".
- Ton Hristouyenon Kabanes (The Christmas Bells). A version of the song "Silver Bells" with Greek lyrics
- Touli Gia To Hristouli (Veil for the Christ Child). A version of the song "Adeste Fideles" with Greek lyrics
- Zilia (Jealousy). A version of Amr Diab's "Kalast Feek Kol al Kalam" with Greek lyrics.

About the Translator
This page was contributed by Panayiota Bakis, who is happy to share her culture and music she grew up with! Here's how Panayiota describes her background:
I always love engaging with intelligent like-minded people, especially artists. I love sharing anything and everything about my Hellenic culture and upbringing, especially music and dance. A conversation with me will bring you back to America's favorite Greek-American movie by Nia Vardalos called My Big Fat Greek Wedding.
I love investigating Greek culture, history, music, and dance. Speaking of investigating, I think I missed my calling, I probably should have been an investigator. Instead, I use those skills to dig and dig and dig tirelessly, often times falling asleep on my laptop... just to find the truth. But, most importantly, accurate truth. For me personally, and other respectable folklorists, my culture and accuracy are very important. Each generation of ethnic born artists has a duty to do the best it can to pass down our traditions as was taught to us. We have been given this artistic gift to be the gatekeepers of our heritage and culture.

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