PHOTO CREDIT: Above photo by John Rickman Photography, San Jose, California.
بتلوموني ليه
Betlomouni Leih?
(Why Do You Blame Me?)
This page contains a translation into English of the lyrics to the Egyptian song "Bitlimoni Leih?", which was popularized by Abdel Halim Hafez. Other spellings of the song title could be "Bitlomooni Leih", "Petlomoni Leh", "Batlomouni Leia", or "Bitlimoni Leih".
- Betlomouni Leih? (Why Do You Blame Me?), 1959
- In the Motion Picture Hekayat Hub (A Love Story)
- Lyrics: Morsi Jamil Aziz
- Music: Kamal al-Tawil
- Original Artist: Abdel Halim Hafez
The song originally appeared in the 1959 motion picture Hekayat Hub (A Love Story), which starred Abdel Halim Hafez. In that same film, he also sang "Bahlam Beek".
Also included is a transliteration of the Arabic lyrics into the Roman alphabet so you can sing along if you like.
Song lyrics are provided for educational purposes. If you like the song, please purchase either the album or a download from an authorized source.
About Abdel Halim Hafez
Abdel Halim Hafez was born in 1929 in a village north of Cairo. He was orphaned at a young age. His mother died a few days after giving birth to him, and his father died five years later. After a few years of living in an orphanage, he went to live with his aunt and uncle in Cairo. At age 14, he joined the Arabic Music Institute in Cairo. His big break came in 1953 when he was recruited to do a live radio performance to substitute for another artist who was unable to do it. This performance was heard by Hafez Abdel Wahab, the supervisor of musical programming for Egyptian national radio, and he opened doors for the young artist.
Abdel Halim Hafez was known as both a singer and a movie star. His music, in particular, appealed to young women because of its romantic character. At the peak of his popularity in the 1960's, he was famous both as a singer and as a movie star. He was known as the "Dark Nightingale." |

Arabic Lyrics |
English Translation |
Part 1 |
Part 1 |
Bitlimoni leih? Bitlimoni leih? |
How can you blame me? How can you blame me? |
Law shoftom eineih... hilween add eih. |
If you saw her eyes, and how beautiful they are, |
Hat qolo inshighali wa sohd el layali |
you would say my captivation and my restlessness |
Mosh kiteer aleih... leih bitlimoni? |
are not excessive for her... how can you blame me? |
Part 2 |
Part 2 |
Aseer el habayeb, ya albi ya dayib. |
I am the captive of my beloved, oh my weak heart. |
Fi mogeit aabeer min shaar el hareer |
I am trapped within the scent of her soft hair |
aal khidood yehafhaf... we yerga yiteer. |
which brushes against her cheeks, and then flows in the wind. |
Wel nas bey limoni we aamil eih ya albi? |
And everyone blames me and what can I do, oh my heart? |
Ayzeen yehremoni mino leih ya albi? |
They want to deprive me of her, but why oh my heart? |
Part 3 |
Part 3 |
Min yom hobo ma lamas albi, |
From the day her love touched my heart, |
fatah el bab lel shoq yelaab be. |
she opened the gates of passion to overcome me. |
We howa habibi. we howa nasibi, |
And she is my darling, and she is my fate, |
we howa el nour le einaya we albi. |
and she is the light for my eyes and my heart. |
We howa shababi, we howa sahabi. |
And she is my youth, and she is my friend. |
We howa qaribi wa kol habaybi. |
And she is my family and everything that I love. |
Wel nas bey limoni we aamil eih ya albi? |
And everyone blames me and what can I do, oh my heart? |
Ayzeen yehremoni mino leih ya albi? |
They want to deprive me of her, but why oh my heart? |

Translations of
Abdel Halim Hafez's Songs On This Site
Translations on this web site for songs performed by Abdel Halim Hafez include:

About the Translation Source
This translation and transliteration of the song's lyrics are courtesy of www.arabic-lyrics.com.

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