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PHOTO CREDIT: Above photo by John Rickman Photography, San Jose, California.

مداح القمر
Maddah el-Amar

(Praise the Moon)



This page contains a translation into English of the lyrics to the Egyptian song "Maddah el-Amar", which was popularized by Abdel Halim Hafez.

  • Maddah el-Amar (Praise the Moon), 1968
  • Song Title in Arabic: مداح القمر
  • Lyricist: Mohamed Hamza
  • Composer: Baligh Hamdi
  • Original Artist: Abdel Halim Hafez

Song lyrics are provided for educational purposes. If you like the song, please purchase either the album or a download from an authorized source.

About this Song

Abdel Halim Hafez released this song in 1968. Also in 1968, the Lebanese artist Taroub performed it in the Turkish movie Bes Atesli Kadin.

About Abdel Halim Hafez

Abdel Halim Hafez was born in 1929 in a village north of Cairo. He was orphaned at a young age. His mother died a few days after giving birth to him, and his father died five years later. After a few years of living in an orphanage, he went to live with his aunt and uncle in Cairo. At age 14, he joined the Arabic Music Institute in Cairo. His big break came in 1953 when he was recruited to do a live radio performance to substitute for another artist who was unable to do it. This performance was heard by Hafez Abdel Wahab, the supervisor of musical programming for Egyptian national radio, and he opened doors for the young artist. That same year, he sang "Ahwak" in the motion picture Bayieat al-Khubz, but he did not have an acting role.

Abdel Halim Hafez was known as both a singer and a movie star. His music, in particular, appealed to young women because of its romantic character. At the peak of his popularity in the 1960's, he was famous both as a singer and as a movie star. He was known as the "Dark Nightingale."




Numbers in parentheses refer to footnotes that appear at the bottom of the translation.

Arabic Lyrics

English Translation


Part 1

Part 1

عاشق ليالى الصبر مداح القمر I love the patient nights, I praise the moon,
أنا عاشق I'm in love!
عشق العيون السمر غوانى السهر My love for black eyes makes me love to stay up at night
لولا النهار فى جبينك If not for the daylight on your brow,
لولا الورورد فى خدودك if not for the roses in your cheeks,
لولا الامان فى وجودك if not for the feeling of safety in your presence,
ما كنت هويت ولا حبيت ولا حسيت بطعم الحب يا عمرى I wouldn't have fallen for you or felt the taste of love, my life. (1)
قدك المياس أيقظ الاحساس فى صدرى Your swaying body awakened the feeling in me.
انت احلى الناس فى نظرى جل من سواك يا عمرى In my opinion, you are the most beautiful person in the world.
جل من سـواك يا عمـري Great is he who created you, my life. (1)

Part 2

Part 2

يا شعر ليل ياليل ياليل وفارد ضفايرك ع القمر Your hair is black like the night, oh night, oh night! And you spread it out on the moon,
يا قمر يا قمر Oh moon, oh moon!
يابو ضحكة حلوة منورة فى ليل السهر Your beautiful smile lightens the night of vigil!
يا ليل ياليل Oh night, oh night!
آه يا قمر Oh moon!
ياللى حسنك خللى دقات القلوب بتقول آهات Your beauty makes beats of my heart say "ah"!
آااااااه Aaaaaaaaah!
ياما قالوا فيك أشعار كتيرة وحكايات They told many poems and stories about you.
وليلاتى بيحكوا فى هواهم وكلام ع الرمش اللى رماهم And every night they talk about their love, and about the eyelash that affected them.
والليل بيطول وياهم ويقربلى فرحة عمرى And the night gets longer with them, and makes the happiness of my life draw nearer.
قدك المياس أيقظ الاحساس فى صدرى Your swaying body awakened the feeling in me.
انت احلى الناس فى نظرى جل من سواك يا عمرى In my opinion, you are the most beautiful person in the world.
جل من سـواك يا عمـري Great is he who created you, my life. (1)
عينى يا عينى يا عينى عينى عليك Oh my eyes, oh my eyes, my eyes are on you!
كل القلوب بتدوب بتدوب حواليكى يا عينى All the hearts have melted around you, my eyes!

Part 3

Part 3

أما أنا وحدى أنا , As for me, only me
بشوفك بس بعيون غير عيون الناس I see you with my own eyes rather than with the eyes of other people.
وأحبك بكل ما فى القلب من احساس And I love you with my whole heart!
بشوف الحزن مدارى ورا الضحكة اللى فى عينيكى I see the sadness hiding behind the smile in your eyes,
وبسمع فى رنين صوتك شجن مالى لياليكى And I hear sorrow ringing in your voice, sorrow that fills your nights
وياريت اللى كتير وصفوكى And I wish those who talked about you
كانوا يخدوا عينيا يشوفكى could see you through my eyes.
كانوا بقلوبهم حبوكى زى ما حبيتك انا وقلبى They would love you with their hearts, just as my heart and I loved you
قدك المياس أيقظ الاحساس فى صدرى Your swaying body awakened the feeling in me.
انت احلى الناس فى نظرى جل من سواك يا عمرى In my opinion, you are the most beautiful person in the world.
جل من سـواك يا عمـري Great is he who created you, my life. (1)

Part 4

Part 4

موال موال عاشق بقيت موال Song, song, my lover became a melodic song.
وقصتى بتنقال And my story is being told
للناس وللعاشقين to the public, and to the lovers.
موال أنا موال A song, I'm a melodic song,
وقصتى بتنقال and my story is being told.
آااااااااه موال Aaaaaaah, song!
قالوا فى الموال قالوا In this song, they talked
ع اللى صبر ونال قالوا about someone who remains tolerant, and
من بعد صبر سنين after years of patience,
وأنا اللى قلبى خلاص ارتاح then his heart felt peace.
أنا أنا I, I
وبقيت فى دنيا من الأفراح I have come into a world of happiness!
أنا أنا I, I
ومشيت ياليل مشوار طويل I've walked a long journey,
ولا قلت مرة مستحيل and I never said I couldn't, not even once.
ومشيت على الشوك مارجعنى And I walked on the thorns, so they took me back
لحد الحب ماطاوعنى until love surrendered to me.
وبقيت أنا والحلوة حكاية And I and the beautiful person became a story
عمرها ما هيبقالها نهاية that will never end.
طول مانتى ياحبيبتى معايا هتنورلى أيام عمرى As long as you, my sweetheart, are with me, my days will be filled with light.
قدك المياس أيقظ الاحساس فى صدرى Your swaying body awakened the feeling in me.
انت احلى الناس فى نظرى جل من سواك يا عمرى In my opinion, you are the most beautiful person in the world.
جل من سـواك يا عمـري Great is he who created you, my life. (1)
  1. "My life" is used here as an endearment, similar to calling someone "love of my life" or "my soulmate" or "my love".



Translations of
Abdel Halim Hafez's Songs On This Site

Translations on this web site for songs performed by Abdel Halim Hafez include:



About the Translator

This translation and transliteration were created by "Dr_Maro" on the forum at



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